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Super Ashwagandha
Super Ashwagandha is formulated from ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is considered a Rasayana – a tonic for restoring and maintaining health and longevity.
Ashwaganda is a plant native to the dry regions of India such as Rajasthan and Gujarat, but also grows in Nepal, China and Yemen. Sometimes known as Indian ginseng, the ashwagandha plant has been used in traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years as an Ayurvedic tonic and revitaliser. Its reputation comes from its many medicinal properties: it is thought to have anxiolytic, hypotensive, pain-relief and antioxidant effects.
Other widely-used adaptogen plants include Panax ginseng, Rhodiola rosea and Astragalus membranaceus. As with ashwagandha, these plants have long been used as tonics in many traditional systems of medicine and are available to buy at Supersmart in supplement form.
It is ashwagandha’s steroidal lactone content, particularly withanolides, which are responsible for this medicinal plant’s stimulant and beneficial effects.
For optimal quality and safety, neither chemicals nor alcohol have been used in this formulation. It respects the delicate balance between the various constituents naturally present in whole ashwagandha root. Each capsule of Super ashwagandha contains 300mg of patented extract. The recommended dose for our dietary supplement is two capsules a day, though this can be adapted in line with your therapist’s advice. Offering strength, vitality and well-being, this traditional medicine-derived formulation is now available to buy from our online catalogue.
Daily dose : 2 capsules
Number of doses per box : 60 |
Amount per dose |
KSM-66® ashwagandha Ashwagandha root extract (Withania somnifera) from organic farming, standardized to 5% withanolides | 600 mg |
This product is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
73% 15% 5% 3% 4%
75 Reviews
Abellana Angelica
december 18 2024 Very good it works
Bellinda Notari
Sudan Jacques
august 2 2021 Effets surprenants sur le long terme, sans addiction et efficace.
february 16 2025 **********
february 7 2025 Se adecúa a los objetivos perseguidos.
Anna Amoruso
january 1 2025
Latour Francoise
december 15 2024 Excellent ! J'en fais, ainsi que mon mari, des cures régulières sur les conseils de mon médecin, comme un anti fatigue. Excellent! My husband and I take regular courses of it on the advice of my doctor, as an anti-fatigue.
Cogniaux Rudy
december 14 2024 Produit de haute qualité (KSM-66). Je constate un impact intéressant sur la qualité du sommeil. High-quality product (KSM-66). I notice an interesting impact on sleep quality.
Jose Aurelio Pascual Ferrero
november 10 2024
september 17 2024 Identique au descriptif Identical to the description
Anne-yvonne Le Buf
september 14 2024 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
september 5 2024 Ich nehme es schon länger und bin absolut zufrieden. I have been taking it for a long time and am absolutely satisfied.
Marie Pierre
august 19 2024 Excellent adaptogene qui apporte de la sérénité. Excellent adaptogen that brings serenity.
Valarcher Andre
august 4 2024 trop tôt pour apporter un jugement too early to make a judgment
Dezoteux Virginie
august 3 2024 Produit que je ne peux pas utiliser car fortement déconseillé en cas de maladie auto-immune. Information non donnée sur le site donc produit acheté pour rien. Product that I cannot use because it is strongly discouraged in cases of autoimmune disease. Information not provided on the site, so the product was purchased for nothing.
SuperSmart's response
august 9 2024
Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion. We are sorry to hear that you cannot use our Super Ashwagandha 300 mg product due to your health condition. We understand your frustration regarding the information on the site. To clarify, in the Usage Tips section, we always recommend consulting a healthcare professional before starting any supplement, especially if you have a health problem or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. We apologize if this recommendation was not clear enough and we take note of your comments to improve our communication. Customer satisfaction is a top priority. If you change your mind, you can return any of your orders partially or completely within 14 days from the date of receipt. Only sealed products are accepted for return. If you have any additional questions or if we can assist you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Gaëlle - The Supersmart Team
Laetitia Nlg
july 5 2024 Très satisfaite de ces produits Very satisfied with these products
Latour Francoise
july 3 2024 Excellent produit que je prends régulièrement pour avoir une bonne énergie au long de la journée Excellent product that I take regularly to have good energy throughout the day
june 13 2024 Buon prodotto, nel senso che non ha effetti collaterali apparenti. Aspetto però di vedere nel tempo gli effetti fisiologici sul lungo periodo Good product, in the sense that it has no apparent side effects. However, I am waiting to see the physiological effects over the long term.
Dupuy Juliette
june 12 2024 Etant très nerveuse et irritable, je prends ce complément pour mon équilibre total et cela depuis longtemps. étant exposée au stress quasi permanent que j'ai du mal à gérer. Being very nervous and irritable, I take this supplement for my overall balance and have been doing so for a long time. Being exposed to almost constant stress that I have difficulty managing.
april 30 2024 Gebruik het sinds kort maar heb wel het gevoel dat het werkt I've been using it for a short time but I do feel that it works
march 15 2024 Non ho notato un effetto positivo o determinante. Sebbene abbia avuto qualche miglioramento, l'ho assunto solo durante un breve periodo di difficoltà e ho smesso appena risolto. Tuttavia, potrebbe essere utile come supporto temporaneo, senza effetti collaterali percepiti I did not notice a positive or decisive effect. Although I had some improvement, I only took it during a brief period of difficulty and stopped as soon as it was resolved. However, it could be useful as temporary support, with no perceived side effects.
february 24 2024
Manoli Estevez Hernandez
february 20 2024 Muy buena composición Very good composition
Alain Degrelle
february 20 2024 meilleurs du marché, mais chers... best on the market, but expensive...
M Renard Roger
february 9 2024 j'en prends chaque jour et suis satisfait de son action I take it every day and am satisfied with its effect
Villalgordo Soto Margarita Ilu
january 30 2024
Sudan Jacques
january 27 2024
Manjarin Quijano Jorge Luis
january 8 2024 Llevo utilizándolo una temporada y me va bastante bien I've been using it for a while and it's working quite well for me
Laurent Weiss
december 17 2023
Villette Marie Leonard
december 7 2023 Réduit le stress de façon très perceptible Significantly reduces stress
Manoli Estevez Hernandez
december 3 2023 Es un buen producto, se nota en su composición. It is a good product, you can tell by its composition.
Fradetal Laffond Eliane
november 15 2023 Bon complément du millepertuis pour des nuits plus calmes lors de "passages nuageux" Good complement to St. John's Wort for calmer nights during "cloudy periods"
november 13 2023 Je suis en train de tester ce produit nouvellement acheté pour m'aider avec l'anxiété et pour le moment, cela marche I am currently testing this newly purchased product to help with anxiety and so far, it works.
Jean D
november 10 2023 Pas miraculeux mais efficace pour aider à réduire l'anxiété et par ricochet à améliorer la qualité du sommeil. Pas d'effet de sevrage constaté ni d'effet secondaire. Je recommande. Not miraculous but effective in helping to reduce anxiety and consequently improve sleep quality. No withdrawal effects observed nor any side effects. I recommend it.
october 9 2023 Semble faire effet Seems to be working
Anna Mathieu
september 22 2023
august 12 2023
july 20 2023 Da diverso tempo uso questo prodotto (in passato l'ho acquistato da altri negozi) ma con sincerità devo ammettere che il vostro è di qualità superiore Per questo ed altri motivi sono diventato vostro cliente. I have been using this product for some time (in the past I bought it from other stores) but I must honestly admit that yours is of superior quality. For this and other reasons, I have become your customer.
july 2 2023 werkt versterkend men word stressbestendiger works strengtheningly, one becomes more stress-resistant
june 7 2023 Il est parfait je le recommande dommage grand format It is perfect, I recommend it. Too bad it's not available in a larger size.
Maridet Jean-claude
may 18 2023 Très bon produit. Very good product.
may 11 2023 Ein sehr hilfreiches Produkt. A very helpful product.
Maurice Marie Lo
may 6 2023 excellent produit !! excellent product!!
Jimmy Djem
march 26 2023 Anti-stress difficile à évaluer. Difficult to evaluate anti-stress.
Guy Borrens
july 29 2022 Bene, bene, bene e molto bene Good, good, good, and very good
Anne-yvonne Le Buf
april 21 2022
Sotelo Presas Jose
november 6 2021
Soria Ana Belen
october 9 2021
Georges Nemtchenko
may 7 2021 Très difficile à evaluer Very difficult to evaluate
Romain Kugener
march 29 2021 Parfait. Prendre le soir. Perfect. Take in the evening.
february 16 2021 Limite les mauvais stress et relaxant, effet sur les neurotransmetteurs combiné avec le Gaba Limits bad stress and is relaxing, effects on neurotransmitters combined with Gaba
M. Rochat
july 27 2020 Produit que j'aime bien pour son efficacité. Product that I like for its effectiveness.
Bellinda Notari
june 7 2020 Ik vermoed dat het goed is maar ik word wel slaperig van AL mijn Super Smart Supplementen; spijtig ; het is ook niet de bedoeling van zenuwachtig te worden, mochten jullie de supplementen aanpassen I suspect that it is good, but I do get sleepy from ALL my Super Smart Supplements; unfortunate; it is also not the intention to become nervous, should you adjust the supplements
Sudan Jacques
june 6 2020 excellent résultat chez les patients déprimés et angoissés. excellent results in depressed and anxious patients.
march 25 2020 Irremplaçable, surtout en cette période de confinement... Irreplaceable, especially during this period of lockdown...
Sudan Jacques
january 24 2020 Excellent régulateur d'humeur sans effets secondaires. Inconnu de la plupart des médecins généralistes ... dommage. Jacky Excellent mood regulator without side effects. Unknown to most general practitioners... a shame. Jacky
François Schnyder
december 31 2019 Excellent produit, fait diminuer les effets du stress Excellent product, reduces the effects of stress
december 6 2019 Excellente plante adaptogène, bien tolérée, vous permet de rester zen en toutes circonstances, je recommande Excellent adaptogenic plant, well tolerated, allows you to stay calm in all circumstances, I recommend
november 8 2019
Maridet Jean-claude
october 16 2019 A prendre sur le long terme To be taken in the long term
september 22 2019 Le produit est bien mais j'ai déjà reçu une commande avec une boite ouverte au niveau de l'opercule de protection et je n'ai jamais reçu de réponse du service client après avoir fait un mail The product is good but I once received an order with a box that had an open protective seal and I never received a response from customer service after sending an email.
Sudan Jacques
august 30 2019 résultat impressionnant et durable. impressive and lasting result.
Bertino Marco
august 9 2019
Thorsten Ehrich
july 22 2019 Service und Preis-Leistung-Verhältnis sind sehr gut. Service and value for money are very good.
july 15 2019 Aide réellement à trouver un équilibre nerveux , en plus aidé au sommeil Really helps to find a nervous balance, also helps with sleep
Bellinda Notari
may 8 2019 Omdat de inname niets aan je gestel wijzigt en dat je niets merkt of niets voelt ; is het onmogelijk om te oordelen! Dit voor alle supersmart producten ! Because the intake does not change anything about your condition and you do not notice or feel anything; it is impossible to judge! This applies to all supersmart products!
Maridet Jean-claude
april 24 2019 Ma mémoire ne fait pas encore de progrès, mais je persévère My memory is not improving yet, but I am persevering
SuperSmart's response
april 25 2019
Bonjour Mr MARIDET, Notre produit Super Ashwagandha est un extrait de Withania somnifera qui apporte force, vitalité et bien-être. Il contribue, entre autre, à obtenir une activité cognitive optimale en aidant à maintenir les neurones actifs plus longtemps, mais ne va pas améliorer votre mémoire (Il va plutôt éviter qu'elle se dégrade plus) Je peux vous conseiller de l'associer à Smart Pills, dont la formulation est destinée à optimiser le fonctionnement du cerveau et à favoriser l’efficacité intellectuelle. Il a été conçu à partir de six ingrédients différents, dont deux nootropiques naturels : Bacopa monnieri et Ginkgo biloba. Vous pourrez le retrouver en offre promotionnelle sur notre site. Bien à vous, Gaëlle - Supersmart
SuperSmart's response
april 25 2019
Hello Mr. MARIDET, Our product Super Ashwagandha is an extract of Withania somnifera that provides strength, vitality, and well-being. It helps, among other things, to achieve optimal cognitive activity by helping to keep neurons active longer, but it will not improve your memory (it will rather prevent it from deteriorating further). I can advise you to combine it with Smart Pills, whose formulation is designed to optimize brain function and promote intellectual efficiency. It was created from six different ingredients, including two natural nootropics: Bacopa monnieri and Ginkgo biloba. You can find it in a promotional offer on our website. Best regards, Gaëlle - Supersmart
Maridet Jean-claude
april 25 2019
Bonjour, OK ,c'est enregistré. Merci du conseil dans ma prochaine commande je vais essayer Smart Pills pour doper mes neurones qui deviennent de plus en plus paresseux...! Avant je prenais Bacopa monieri que j'ai remplacé par Super Ashwagandha, ai-je bien fait....? Cordialement votre J.C Maridet
Maridet Jean-claude
april 25 2019
Hello, OK, it's recorded. Thanks for the advice, in my next order I will try Smart Pills to boost my neurons which are becoming increasingly lazy...! Before, I used to take Bacopa monnieri which I replaced with Super Ashwagandha, did I do the right thing....? Yours sincerely, J.C Maridet
september 19 2018 Aide à supporter le stress du quotidien. Helps to cope with everyday stress.
september 14 2018 Je suis satisfaite de ce produit I am satisfied with this product
july 26 2018 Une alternative sérieuse aux anxyolitiques dans les cas non pathologiques. A serious alternative to anxiolytics in non-pathological cases.
SuperSmart's response
july 27 2018
Bonjour, Merci de cet avis et de votre confiance Bonne journée, Valérie - Supersmart
SuperSmart's response
july 27 2018
Hello, Thank you for this review and your trust. Have a nice day, Valérie - Supersmart
Carabias Ignacio
july 19 2018 Llevo pocos días usandolo. I've been using it for a few days.
Sudan Jacques
july 15 2018 excellent produit sans effets secondaires., efficace et peu onéreux. Excellent product without side effects, effective and inexpensive.
Dominique Villiers
july 12 2018 je commence avec ce produit I am starting with this product
SuperSmart's response
july 26 2018
Bonjour, Merci de nous accorder votre confiance ! Bonne journée, Valérie - Supersmart
SuperSmart's response
july 26 2018
Hello, Thank you for trusting us! Have a nice day, Valérie - Supersmart
Martine Legrand
july 3 2018 Très bon produit que J'utilise par cure Very good product that I use in cycles
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Essential Readings
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() KSM-66®
KSM-66® is a patented extract of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) standardised to 5% withanolides. This adaptogenic and rejuvenating Ayurvedic plant supports mental health, sleep and relaxation. It also helps maintain good cardiovascular and skin health.
Ashwagandha root extract
Ashwagandha, an adaptogen plant from Ayurvedic medicine, supports optimal mental and cognitive activity. It promotes relaxation and sleep quality. Involved in rejuvenation, it supports cardiovascular, skin and reproductive health.
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de partager votre avis. Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous ne pouvez pas utiliser notre produit Super Ashwagandha 300 mg en raison de votre condition de santé.
Nous comprenons votre frustration concernant les informations sur le site. Pour préciser, dans la section Conseils d'utilisation, nous recommandons toujours de consulter un professionnel de santé avant de commencer tout supplément, surtout si vous avez un problème de santé ou si vous êtes enceinte ou allaitez.
Nous nous excusons si cette recommandation n'était pas suffisamment claire et nous prenons note de vos remarques pour améliorer notre communication.
La satisfaction de nos clients est une priorité absolue. Si toutefois vous changez d'avis, vous pouvez nous retourner toutes vos commandes partiellement ou totalement dans un délai de 14 jours à compter de la date de réception. Seuls les produits encore scellés sont repris.
Si vous avez des questions supplémentaires ou si nous pouvons vous assister d'une autre manière, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Gaëlle - L'équipe Supersmart