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Lactobacillus Gasseri
Lactobacillus gasseri is a probiotic strain in gastro-resistant capsules that restores the balance of intestinal microflora and helps with slimming and weight control.
Lactobacillus gasseri, a strain naturally present in human breast milk, is thus part of the group of micro-organisms that are essential for overall equilibrium. A recent discovery, however, has identified its potential in a completely different area - that of weight control. It represents a major new addition in a field where there is considerable cross-over between genetic and metabolic causes, low metabolic energy, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Probiotics are living micro-organisms which, when consumed in sufficient quantities, produce systemic and digestive benefits. Among the many probiotic strains, the lactobacillus genus of bacteria is particularly well represented. Colonising the intestines and vagina, lactobacillus has various effects and in particular, can:
The fact that Lactobacillus gasseri is easy to take, totally safe, with benefits both for the digestive system and for weight control, makes it a ‘must-buy’ daily supplement. Alongside with the strain of Lactobacillus gasseri, other probiotic bacteria with protective effects are available to buy at Supersmart. They include the patented strain Bacillus subtilis, recognised for its immune-stimulant properties, and Lactobacillus reuteri, indicated for intestinal problems such as diarrhoea. As probiotics are particularly vulnerable to stomach acids, Lactobacillus gasseri comes in gastro-resistant capsules to ensure optimal delivery of six billion micro-organisms a day.
A number of studies report that consumption of Lactobacillus gasseri promotes a reduction in abdominal adipose fat. A 12-week, double-blind Japanese study of 210 adults with abdominal adiposity clearly showed that Lactobacillus gasseri reduced BMI (Body Mass Index), waist and hip circumference, and abdominal fat mass by 8.5% in comparison with a control group where no such parameter changes were noted. However, the researchers also found that regular ingestion is necessary for such effects to endure.
Another study conducted on mice also demonstrated that consumption of L. gasseri not only reduced weight and body fat but also
A modification of microbial populations. Research published in the journal Nature in 2006 indicated that microbial populations in the gut are different between lean and obese people and that when obese people lose weight, the composition of their microflora reverts back to that of individuals with a normal BMI, thus suggesting obesity may have a microbial component.
A decrease in leptin levels. Subcutaneous adipocytes are the major source of leptin and adiponectin. Leptin is an adipocyte hormone which controls weight by regulating food intake and energy output. Leptin concentration is closely linked with body fat percentage and higher serum levels are always found in obese individuals. According to this study, administration of L. gasseri suppressed increases in plasma leptin, suggesting that a reduction in weight and fat mass is associated with a decrease in serum leptin. Similar effects had already been observed in earlier studies.
An increase in the activity of the GLUT4 gene. Finally, GLUT4 is one of the main transporters of glucose in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Increased expression of the GLUT4 gene in adipose tissue is known to improve the insulin resistance associated with type 2 diabetes. In this study, L. gasseri significantly increased expression of the GLUT4 gene in adipose tissue. In addition, insulin levels fell significantly. Given that in pre-diabetic states, increases in blood glucose stimulate the secretion of insulin, and that hyperinsulinaemia is frequently accompanied by obesity, consumption of L. gasseri would appear to help reduce insulin resistance and thus improve pre-diabetic states.
These results therefore suggest that:
Daily dose : 2 capsules Number of doses per pack : 30 |
Amount per dose |
Lactobacillus gasseri BIO6369 (CNCM I-5076) (12 billion micro-organisms) |
200 mg |
Other ingredients : acacia gum. |
Adults. Take 2 capsules a day.
Each capsule contains 100 mg de Lactobacillus gasseri (6 billion micro-organisms).
This product’s capsules are made of pullulan, a natural polysaccharide obtained by fermenting tapioca or corn. Pullulan contains no animal ingredients and provides an excellent barrier to oxygen, helping to preserve the integrity of the capsule’s ingredients. It is also an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic materials.
This product is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
There are 321 reviews
december 27 2024
I recommend it
january 3 2024
november 22 2023
ok ok ok ok
november 6 2023
june 25 2022
Parfait Excellent
july 8 2021
Very good
september 11 2020
Good product
may 29 2020
Super produit efficace
april 19 2020
Impeccable !
september 29 2018
Excellents probiotiques, qualité et service rapide.
february 14 2025
Buono,per chi ha problemi digestive
february 2 2025
Estoy en la tercera semana consecutiva y puedo decir que no hay ningún cambio perceptible. No sé si es necesario más tiempo para que mi cuerpo reaccione. Pero de momento no puedo recomendarlo. Terminaré el tratamiento y os contaré nuevamente.
january 27 2025
january 16 2025
Je prends des gélules de Lactobacillus Gasseri depuis des années et je ressens un confort intestinal important : jamais de problèmes intestinaux, mon ventre est plat et souple, contrairement à avant. Je ne pourrais plus m'en passer.
I have been taking Lactobacillus Gasseri capsules for years and I feel significant intestinal comfort: never any intestinal problems, my stomach is flat and supple, unlike before. I couldn't do without it anymore.
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december 28 2024
Gut verträglich, Langzeitwirkung kann noch nicht bewertet werden
Well tolerated, long-term effects cannot be assessed yet.
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december 25 2024
Mes ballonnements n'ont pas diminué.
My bloating has not decreased.
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december 22 2024
Très bien Bien dosé efficace Je le prends depuis des années et je renouvelle chez super smart
Very good Well dosed effective I have been taking it for years and I renew with super smart
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december 22 2024
tractus intestinal (un peu) plus régulier. Je vais à la selle au moins une fois par jour. Je suis satisfait de cette amélioration
intestinal tract (a little) more regular. I have a bowel movement at least once a day. I am satisfied with this improvement.
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december 18 2024
Tolles Produkt werde es definitiv nachbestellen
Great product, I will definitely reorder it.
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december 15 2024
Très efficace, et très satisfait !
Very effective, and very satisfied!
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december 11 2024
Très bon produit pour le microbiote. Très efficace
Very good product for the microbiome. Very effective.
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december 5 2024
Je l’utilise régulièrement, rapport qualité prix Parfait
I use it regularly, perfect value for money.
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november 22 2024
Très bon produit. Tiens ses promesses
Very good product. Keeps its promises.
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november 6 2024
Excellent probiotique , je l’utilise régulièrement
Excellent probiotic, I use it regularly.
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november 4 2024
Excellent produit très efficace
Excellent product, very effective
see the translation
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october 29 2024
Pour la qualité par rapport à d’autres compléments J’ai abandonné un tas de suppléments d’autres sociétés à cause de Haute qualité je commanderai à nouveau je recommande de l’acheter
For the quality compared to other supplements
I have given up a bunch of supplements from other companies because of
High quality I will order again I recommend buying it
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october 28 2024
Pour chouchouter sa flore et soutenir l’amincissement, c’est efficace
To pamper your flora and support slimming, it's effective
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october 22 2024
Vraiment satisfaite de l’efficacité : je l’ai racheté …
Really satisfied with the effectiveness: I bought it again ...
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october 19 2024
Es muy eficaz. Lo tomo desde hace tiempo.
It is very effective. I have been taking it for a long time.
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october 17 2024
Je trouve que ce produit est efficace, je pense même en recommander plusieurs boites pour augmenter son efficacité
I find this product effective, I even think of ordering several more boxes to increase its effectiveness.
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october 16 2024
october 9 2024
Deuxieme cure je suis tres contente et les effets sont supers
Second course, I am very happy and the effects are great.
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october 8 2024
Aucun changement observé ni amélioration de la flore intestinale bien au contraire j'ai constaté l effet inverse
No change observed nor improvement in the intestinal flora, quite the contrary, I noticed the opposite effect.
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october 6 2024
tres bien, efficace
very good, effective
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september 29 2024
september 24 2024
Correspondant à mes attentes pour l'instant, perte de mon gras au niveau du ventre. A voir d'ici quelques mois.
Meeting my expectations for now, loss of my belly fat. We'll see in a few months.
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september 23 2024
Excellent produit. Commande exécutée rapidement.
Excellent product. Order executed quickly.
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september 12 2024
Ne me convient pas,probleme de constipation grave apres quelques prises
Does not suit me, severe constipation problem after a few doses
Hello Lise,
Thank you for sharing your experience with our Lactobacillus gasseri - 60 Delay Release Capsules. We are sorry to hear that you experienced constipation after taking the product.
It is important to note that probiotics can affect each person differently, and some may experience side effects at the beginning of use. We recommend consulting a healthcare professional to discuss your symptoms and consider suitable alternatives for your situation.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service. We are here to help you.
Thank you again for your feedback, and we hope to better serve you in the future.
Best regards,
Gaëlle - Supersmart
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september 8 2024
Le produit a fait son travail, j’ai perdu au niveau du ventre et je digere mieux et mon transit c’est ameliore.
The product did its job, I lost weight around my belly, I digest better, and my transit has improved.
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august 29 2024
efficace bon rapport qualité/prix
effective good value for money
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august 25 2024
Buen producto, parece, actúa desde dentro…
Good product, it seems, works from within...
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august 21 2024
Comme dit plus haut je ne suis pas entièrement satisfaite de votre produit ni sur le plan intestinal ni sur le plan pondéral. J'ai recommandé pour 3 mois mais si je ne suis toujours pas satisfaite je cesserai toutes relations avec vos services.
As mentioned above, I am not entirely satisfied with your product, neither in terms of intestinal health nor weight management. I ordered for 3 months, but if I am still not satisfied, I will cease all relations with your services.
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august 19 2024
LE MUST ! Après avoir essayé de nombreuses marques de probiotiques, le Lactobacillus Gasseri de Supersmart est le meilleur produit haut la main. Son efficacité est plus qu’avérée, vous serez soutenu non seulement dans votre confort intestinal, digestif mais le plus remarquable est son efficacité dans la perte de poids !! LE MUST DES PROBIOTICS !!
august 19 2024
august 7 2024
Très bon produit efficace
Very good effective product
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august 5 2024
august 3 2024
Pas d'effet minceur noté au bout de deux semaines d' utilisation. A voir éventuellement sur un plus long terme si c'est vraiment un produit "miracle" ...
No slimming effect noted after two weeks of use. We'll see in the longer term if it's really a "miracle" product...
Bonjour Virginie,
Merci d'avoir partagé votre avis sur nos Lactobacillus gasseri - 60 Delay Release Capsules. Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous n'avez pas constaté d'effets minceur après deux semaines d'utilisation.
Il est vrai que les résultats peuvent varier d'une personne à l'autre et également en fonction de divers facteurs tels que l'alimentation, l'activité physique et le métabolisme individuel.
Si vous avez des questions ou souhaitez discuter de vos préoccupations, n'hésitez pas à contacter notre service client. Nous serons ravis de vous aider à trouver une solution qui vous convienne mieux.
Gaëlle - Supersmart
Hello Virginie,
Thank you for sharing your opinion on our Lactobacillus gasseri - 60 Delay Release Capsules. We are sorry to hear that you did not notice any slimming effects after two weeks of use.
It is true that results can vary from person to person and also depend on various factors such as diet, physical activity, and individual metabolism.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service. We will be happy to help you find a solution that suits you better.
Best regards,
Gaëlle - Supersmart
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august 2 2024
Soucieux de votre bien-être général ? Les capsules de Lactobacillus gasseri à libération prolongée de Supersmart peuvent vous aider. En renforçant votre système immunitaire et en améliorant votre digestion, ces probiotiques contribuent à un meilleur équilibre de votre organisme ! Je les recommande fortement !
august 2 2024
july 28 2024
J'en prends 2 depuis 3 semaines et j'en suis tres satisfaite. Me intestins lui disent merci !! Je vais bientôt en recommander.
I've been taking 2 for 3 weeks and I'm very satisfied. My intestines thank it!! I will be ordering more soon.
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july 25 2024
Bon pour mon microbiote, je fais des cures régulièrement
Good for my microbiome, I do regular courses.
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july 24 2024
Nous prenons les probiotiques Lactobacillus Gasseri depuis des années et nos intestins sont en pleine forme ! Confort intestinal garanti !
We have been taking Lactobacillus Gasseri probiotics for years and our intestines are in great shape! Intestinal comfort guaranteed!
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july 20 2024
Da quando lo prendo il mio giro vita è diminuito, è super!
Since I started taking it, my waistline has decreased, it's super!
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july 18 2024
Améliore mon transit.
Improves my digestion.
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july 15 2024
Très satisfaite de Lactobacillus Gasseri C'est mon préféré en qualité
Very satisfied with Lactobacillus Gasseri. It's my favorite in terms of quality.
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july 5 2024
Mon ventre est beaucoup plus plat, mon transit s’est grandement amélioré
My stomach is much flatter, my digestion has greatly improved.
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june 24 2024
Rééquilibre parfaitement le microbiote. À conseiller.
Perfectly rebalances the microbiota. Highly recommended.
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june 24 2024
Une impression d’un petit mieux au bout de 2 semaines de prise… à suivre
A slight improvement after 2 weeks of use... to be continued
Nous sommes heureux d'apprendre que vous avez constaté une légère amélioration après deux semaines d'utilisation.
Nous vous encourageons à continuer votre suivi et à observer comment vous vous sentez au fil du temps. Si vous avez des questions ou des retours supplémentaires, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Votre expérience est précieuse pour nous.
Merci encore pour votre commentaire, et nous espérons que vous continuerez à apprécier nos produits !
Gaëlle - Supersmart
We are happy to hear that you have noticed a slight improvement after two weeks of use.
We encourage you to continue your follow-up and observe how you feel over time. If you have any questions or additional feedback, do not hesitate to contact us. Your experience is valuable to us.
Thank you again for your comment, and we hope you will continue to enjoy our products!
Best regards,
Gaëlle - Supersmart
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june 18 2024
Je consomme ce complément alimentaire d'exception depuis des années, et je suis ravi par sa qualité ainsi que par son efficacité ! Je le recommande donc vivement !
I have been consuming this exceptional dietary supplement for years, and I am delighted with its quality and effectiveness! I highly recommend it!
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june 16 2024
J en ai essayé plusieurs mais celui-ci me convient vraiment. Il est top !
I have tried several, but this one really suits me. It's great!
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june 14 2024
Très efficace en accompagnement d'une alimentation limitée en sucre et graisse.
Very effective when combined with a diet limited in sugar and fat.
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june 14 2024
Assez bon marché et efficace.
Fairly inexpensive and effective.
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june 11 2024
Excellent produit. Livraison rapide.
Excellent product. Fast delivery.
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may 31 2024
may 29 2024
Difficile d'évaluer un produit encaissé et toujours ni confié à colissimo ni livré. Par contre évaluation du service après vente en pièce jointe. Bravo pour le choix de vos collaborateurs
Hard to evaluate a product that has been charged but neither handed over to Colissimo nor delivered. However, evaluation of the after-sales service is attached. Well done on your choice of staff.
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may 28 2024
Bonjour, J'arrive à la fin du premier mois d'utilisation du produit. Pour le moment je ne peux rien en déduire. Je n'ai pas constaté l'efficacité annoncée, malgré le respect rigoureux de la prescription. Il faudra attendre la fin du troisième mois pour en tirer des conclusions !
Hello, I am nearing the end of the first month of using the product. For now, I can't draw any conclusions. I haven't noticed the advertised effectiveness, despite strictly following the prescription. I'll have to wait until the end of the third month to make any conclusions!
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may 26 2024
conforme à mes attentes
meets my expectations
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may 21 2024
tres déçue!je n ai rien perdue en kg;ça ne marche pas pour moi!je n en reprendreis pas,même si il existe la même game plus forte!!
Very disappointed! I haven't lost any weight; it doesn't work for me! I won't be buying it again, even if there's a stronger version available!!
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may 17 2024
may 9 2024
Excellent et prix modique Parfait
Excellent and modest price Perfect
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may 7 2024
Jederzeit wieder. Sehr wirksam und sehr gut verträglich. Probleme sind verschwunden. Sehr empfehlenswert.
Anytime again. Very effective and very well tolerated. Problems have disappeared. Highly recommended.
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may 2 2024
Super pro biotiques , un plaisir pour le ventre
Super probiotics, a delight for the stomach
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april 30 2024
Gasseri ici le meilleur dosage et produit de ce genre Mon préféré Très efficace au niveau du ventre !
Gasseri here is the best dosage and product of its kind. My favorite. Very effective for the stomach!
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april 30 2024
Resultat très satisfaisant.
Very satisfactory result.
see the translation
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april 30 2024
Je n’ai pas reçu les produits à je n’ai pas été remboursée à date depuis le 19 avril
I have not received the products and I have not been refunded to date since April 19
Nous sommes navrés de cet incident.
Afin que votre demande soit traitée rapidement, je vous invite à contacter notre service clientèle directement par téléphone ou par email.
Nos collaboratrices se feront un plaisir de vous aider à résoudre ce problème/
Merci de votre compréhension,
Gaëlle - Supersmart
We are sorry about this incident.
To ensure your request is processed quickly, I invite you to contact our customer service directly by phone or email.
Our team will be happy to help you resolve this issue.
Thank you for your understanding,
Gaëlle - Supersmart
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april 26 2024
Produit très efficace
Very effective product
see the translation
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april 19 2024
Satisfaite de ce produit ! Efficace pour garder un ventre plus plat. Aide à maintenir mon poids de base. Je reste fidèle à ces probiotiques.
Satisfied with this product! Effective for keeping a flatter stomach. Helps maintain my baseline weight. I remain loyal to these probiotics.
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april 18 2024
J'ai besoin du Lactobacillus Gasseri BNR17, et je ne sais pas si ce produit que je ai acheté contient les memes proprietès.
I need Lactobacillus Gasseri BNR17, and I don't know if this product I bought has the same properties.
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april 17 2024
april 14 2024
april 14 2024
Excellent produit que je prends régulièrement, sans aucun inconvénient Je recommande
Excellent product that I take regularly, without any drawbacks. I recommend it.
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april 9 2024
Un produit de qualité, que j'utilise quotidiennement depuis des années, et qui me ravit à 100% ! Je le recommande sans réserve !
A quality product that I have been using daily for years, and it delights me 100%! I recommend it without reservation!
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april 7 2024
produit pas à la hauteur de mes attentes
product not up to my expectations
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april 5 2024
Une belle découverte ! Super !
A great discovery! Awesome!
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march 30 2024
Aide aussi bien sur le plan digestif que sur la perte de poids ( à voir dans la continuité)
Helps both with digestion and weight loss (to be seen over time)
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march 29 2024
Bon produit conforme.
Good product as described.
see the translation
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march 27 2024
Pas fini le flacon
Not finished the bottle
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march 26 2024
J'ai l'impression que ce produit m'aider contre ma constipation
I feel like this product helps me with my constipation
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march 25 2024
Aucun effet positif
No positive effect
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march 21 2024
Bon produit mais pour moi aucune perte de poids ni centimètres
Good product but for me no weight loss or centimeters
see the translation
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march 20 2024
march 17 2024
J’utilise ce produit depuis de nombreuses années
I have been using this product for many years
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march 16 2024
Très efficace dès les premières utilisations
Very effective from the first uses
see the translation
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march 13 2024
Bonjour, Je demande le remboursement Ça ne marche pas du tout. C'était dit satisfait ou remboursé Merci
Hello, I am requesting a refund. It doesn't work at all. It was said satisfied or refunded. Thank you.
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march 9 2024
C'est un bon aide de camp pour maigrir, j'apprécie son efficacité !!!
It's a good aide-de-camp for losing weight, I appreciate its effectiveness!!!
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march 8 2024
Bonjour là j attend la deuxième livraison J en est encore de la première, don sa fait un peu juste de voire, je pense qu il faut faire une cure
Hello, I'm waiting for the second delivery. I still have some from the first one, so it's a bit tight to see, I think a treatment is needed.
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march 4 2024
pour l instant après quelques semaines d utilisation pas de résultats visibles sur la graisse du ventre
For now, after a few weeks of use, no visible results on belly fat.
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february 29 2024
february 27 2024
Un complément qui semble être très efficace.
A supplement that seems to be very effective.
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february 24 2024
Résultat visible en 3 mois ventre plat ❤️
Visible results in 3 months, flat stomach ❤️
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february 20 2024
february 20 2024
Produit très efficace
Very effective product
see the translation
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february 13 2024
Depuis que je le prénds moins de problèmes de ventre mais pas de perte de poids
Since I started taking it, I have fewer stomach problems but no weight loss.
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february 12 2024
Très efficace me convient très bien
Very effective, suits me very well
see the translation
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february 5 2024
De momento llevo pocos dias no tengo una opinion si funciona
So far, I've only been using it for a few days, so I don't have an opinion on whether it works.
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february 4 2024
Je pense que c'est efficace pour mes intestins
I think it is effective for my intestines
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february 2 2024
Je ne sais pas trop ?? L impression d avoir perdu de la ceinture abdominale mais c est tout ???
I'm not really sure ?? I feel like I've lost some belly fat but that's about it ???
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january 29 2024
see the translation
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january 24 2024
Je l’utilise très souvent
I use it very often
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january 19 2024
Je n'ai vu aucune amélioration
I didn't see any improvement
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january 17 2024
Reduce el hambre y hace orinar mucho mas. No pensaba que fuese a ir bien para la reducción del apetito; pero si que es bueno
It reduces hunger and makes you urinate much more. I didn't think it would work well for appetite reduction, but it is good.
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january 14 2024
Apporte un bon confort intestinal. Trop peu utilisé pour parler de l’effet perte de poids
Provides good intestinal comfort. Used too little to discuss the weight loss effect.
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january 13 2024
Bon produit à un prix abordable.
Good product at an affordable price.
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january 3 2024
Pour l'instant aucune amélioration sur le poids et la graisse abdominale
For now, no improvement in weight and abdominal fat.
see the translation
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january 3 2024
Rien à dire de plus !!
Nothing more to say!!
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december 31 2023
december 24 2023
december 22 2023
Très efficace surtout pur réguler le transit et réduire les gaz intestinaux. Le produit est bien dosé. 1 gélule suffit, sauf en cas de crise.
Very effective, especially for regulating transit and reducing intestinal gas. The product is well-dosed. One capsule is enough, except in case of a crisis.
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december 7 2023
Je le sens plus légère, je sens que la graisse autour du ventre a réduit en 2 semaines de prise. Je l'associe avec le D.I.M et j'ai réduit la consommation de produits transformés
I feel lighter, I can tell that the fat around my belly has reduced after 2 weeks of taking it. I combine it with D.I.M and have reduced my consumption of processed foods.
see the translation
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december 6 2023
december 3 2023
Selon avis médical à utiliser pendant 3 semaines et stopper 15 jours en cure. N’a pas été utilisé assez longtemps pour avoir un avis fiable
According to medical advice, use for 3 weeks and stop for 15 days as a treatment. It has not been used long enough to have a reliable opinion.
see the translation
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november 30 2023
Parfait, je l’utilisé régulièrement
Perfect, I use it regularly
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 30 2023
Efficace dès les premiers jours . Améliore le transit.
Effective from the first days. Improves digestion.
see the translation
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november 21 2023
J’ai fait une cure Et aucuns effets sur les promesses décrites pour lesquelles ce produit est vendu ! Pourtant j’ai bien respecté les préconisations du fabricant pour la prise ! Aucuns intérêt de le prendre
I did a treatment and saw no effects on the promises described for which this product is sold! Yet I followed the manufacturer's recommendations for taking it! No point in taking it.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 17 2023
Excellent produit, efficace
Excellent product, effective
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 17 2023
Ce produit a peu d'effets
This product has little effect
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 15 2023
Ce produit correspond pleinement à mes attentes
This product fully meets my expectations
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 14 2023
Au début de la prise ,j'avais mal au ventre ,maintenant tout va bien
At the beginning of taking it, I had a stomach ache, now everything is fine.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 6 2023
produit acheter très bien
product bought very good
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 5 2023
Très bon produit, je le prends régulièrement et j’en ressens les bienfaits.
Very good product, I take it regularly and I feel the benefits.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 3 2023
Cela m'a bien convenu et je recomanderai dans quelques temps. Je n'ai pas terminé ma deuxième boite.
This suited me well and I will reorder in a while. I haven't finished my second box.
see the translation
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november 2 2023
october 29 2023
M'aide à maintenir mon poids et j'ai aussi moins de ballonements
Helps me maintain my weight and I also have less bloating
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
october 27 2023
Je pense qu'il a un effet bénéfique sur mon bien être
I think it has a beneficial effect on my well-being
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
october 20 2023
october 18 2023
october 3 2023
Très bon produit que je recommande vivement
Very good product that I highly recommend
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
september 21 2023
september 12 2023
très bon produits
very good products
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
september 8 2023
Bon produit et efficace. Merci.
Good product and effective. Thank you.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
september 5 2023
Pas encore commencé, car je prenais des pro-biotiques multiples que je stoppe maintenant et vais prendre celui-ci…
Not started yet, as I was taking multiple probiotics which I am now stopping and will take this one...
see the translation
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september 2 2023
Bonjour ! Je suis une adepte du Lactobacillus gasseri depuis de nombreuses années. Je ne le prends pas pour maigrir mais pour entretenir le confort de mes intestins. Je recommande ce produit à toutes celles qui ne connaissent pas encore le Lactobacillus gasseri.
Hello! I have been a fan of Lactobacillus gasseri for many years. I don't take it to lose weight but to maintain the comfort of my intestines. I recommend this product to all those who are not yet familiar with Lactobacillus gasseri.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 28 2023
Bon produit ...efficace conseille
Good product... effective... I recommend it
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 28 2023
Bon rapport qualité prix
Good value for money
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 26 2023
Apparement très bien.
Apparently very good.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 23 2023
Ne m'a pas convenu il m'a plutôt bloqué mes intestins et constipé :-(
Did not suit me, it rather blocked my intestines and constipated me :-(
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 20 2023
august 16 2023
Produits a utiliser en toute sécurité
Products to use safely
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 13 2023
Producto que ajusta la evacuación de los intestinos de forma radical. En mi caso ha sido un cambio destacado y apreciado.
Product that radically regulates bowel movements. In my case, it has been a significant and appreciated change.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 13 2023
régule la digestion, parfait ! je recommande
regulates digestion, perfect! I recommend it
see the translation
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july 31 2023
Atteint son but comme decrit
Achieves its goal as described
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
july 27 2023
Le produit m'a aidé à soulager mes problèmes
The product helped me relieve my problems
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
july 26 2023
J'utilise tout les jours avec des bons résultats
I use it every day with good results
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
july 9 2023
Bon produit satisfaisant !
Good, satisfying product!
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
july 7 2023
Je suis très satisfaite de mon achat qui m'a permis d'accompagner mon régime alimentaire tout en favorisant ma digestion.
I am very satisfied with my purchase, which has helped support my diet while promoting my digestion.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
june 29 2023
june 16 2023
Bons produits a consommer en toute sécurité
Good products to consume safely
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
june 4 2023
sehr sehr gutes Produkt wenn jemand 'verdauungsprobleme hat.
very very good product if someone has digestive problems.
see the translation
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may 17 2023
Déçue du produit mais peut-être qu'il faut attendre plus longtemps pour avoir des résultats. Je prends ce produit depuis 15 jours. Pour le moment, je ne ressens aucun mieux être.
Disappointed with the product, but maybe it takes longer to see results. I have been taking this product for 15 days. So far, I don't feel any better.
Etudié depuis les années 80, la souche de probiotiques Lactobacillus gasseri présente de nombreux atouts pour le maintien et l’équilibre de la flore intestinale. Celle-ci doit d’ailleurs faire face à de plus en plus d’agressions extérieures, notamment à cause de l’évolution de l’alimentation moderne. Des perturbations trop importantes ou trop fréquentes de la flore intestinale peuvent être à l’origine de troubles digestifs. Au cœur de nombreuses études scientifiques, la souche bactérienne Lactobacillus gasseri a été associée à différents effets bénéfiques :
-pour soulager le syndrome du côlon irritable ;
-pour diminuer la survenue de différentes formes de diarrhées ;
-pour s’opposer à la colonisation de la muqueuse gastrique par des agents pathogènes comme Helicobacter pylori ;
-pour optimiser les fonctions immunitaires naturelles de l’organisme;
-pour une modification des populations microbiennes;
-une diminution des taux de leptine;
-et une augmentation de l'activité du gène GLUT4, l’un des principaux transporteurs du glucose dans les muscles squelettiques et le tissu adipeux.
Notre complément alimentaire est proposé avec une posologie de deux gélules par jour, ce qui équivaut à un apport quotidien de 12 milliards de micro-organismes. Cet apport peut également être renforcé par la prise de prébiotiques, tels que les fructo-oligosaccharides. Une fois ingérés, ces éléments favorisent la croissance des probiotiques au sein de la flore intestinale.
Mr Smart
Studied since the 1980s, the probiotic strain Lactobacillus gasseri offers numerous benefits for maintaining and balancing the intestinal flora. This flora is increasingly facing external aggressions, particularly due to the evolution of modern diet. Significant or frequent disturbances of the intestinal flora can lead to digestive disorders. At the heart of many scientific studies, the bacterial strain Lactobacillus gasseri has been associated with various beneficial effects:
- to relieve irritable bowel syndrome;
- to reduce the occurrence of different forms of diarrhea;
- to prevent the colonization of the gastric mucosa by pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori;
- to optimize the body's natural immune functions;
- to modify microbial populations;
- to decrease leptin levels;
- and to increase the activity of the GLUT4 gene, one of the main glucose transporters in skeletal muscles and adipose tissue.
Our dietary supplement is offered with a dosage of two capsules per day, which equates to a daily intake of 12 billion microorganisms. This intake can also be enhanced by taking prebiotics, such as fructo-oligosaccharides. Once ingested, these elements promote the growth of probiotics within the intestinal flora.
Mr. Smart
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
may 17 2023
may 13 2023
Je consomme ce produit régulièrement et j'en suis particulièrement satisfait !
I consume this product regularly and I am particularly satisfied with it!
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
may 8 2023
Je prends ce produit depuis de nombreuses années, pour un équilibre intestinal.
I have been taking this product for many years for intestinal balance.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
may 7 2023
Excellent results
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
april 27 2023
Je l’utilise tous les jours pour un bon confort
I use it every day for good comfort
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
april 13 2023
Hilft gut beim Abnehmen!
Helps well with weight loss!
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 30 2023
Un produit de grande qualité, pris régulièrement en association avec d'autres de la même famille. Je n'ai que des éloges à formuler à leur égard !
A high-quality product, taken regularly in combination with others from the same family. I have nothing but praise for them!
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 28 2023
Bon produit même si tous mes problèmes intestinaux ne sont pas réglés
Good product even though all my intestinal problems are not resolved.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 26 2023
Me funciona muy bien.
It works very well for me.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 26 2023
Excellent probiotique.
Excellent probiotic.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 20 2023
Maintiens une flore intestinale en bonne santé, il aide à digérer les graisses (je le rajoute dans un yaourt végétal nature).
Maintains a healthy gut flora, it helps to digest fats (I add it to a plain plant-based yogurt).
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 8 2023
Parfait, je ne m’en passe plus
Perfect, I can't do without it anymore
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
december 6 2022
Je prends ce produit régulièrement, depuis des années et j'ai constaté une efficacité certaine.
I have been taking this product regularly for years and have noticed a definite effectiveness.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
june 20 2022
J utilise ce produit depuis plusieurs années et j en suis satisfaite
I have been using this product for several years and I am satisfied with it.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
january 23 2022
bon début pour ce produit
good start for this product
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
january 7 2022
Produit d'excellente qualité ,conforme à ce qui est annoncé dans les articles publicitaires
Product of excellent quality, consistent with what is advertised in the promotional materials
see the translation
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january 4 2022
december 2 2021
Je n'ai pas pu en prendre suffisamment longtemps pour en apprécier totalement la valeur
I wasn't able to take it long enough to fully appreciate its value
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 26 2021
El producto bueno está muy bien la relación calidad-precio
The product is good, the quality-price ratio is very good.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 13 2021
Ich kann es eigentlich nicht bewerten, ich habe es nicht vertragen.
I can't really rate it, I didn't tolerate it.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
september 1 2021
Je suis très satistait du produit et du servicié.
I am very satisfied with the product and the service.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 23 2021
Benütze das Prosdukt seit Jahren und bin sehr zufrieden. Habe schon den Eindruck dass es die Darmflora erheblich verbessert und auch das Gewicht reguliert.
I have been using the product for years and am very satisfied. I do have the impression that it significantly improves gut flora and also regulates weight.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
july 14 2021
Vraiment efficace!
Really effective!
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
june 21 2021
Correspond bien à mon attente. à faire en cure.
Meets my expectations. To be taken as a course of treatment.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
june 16 2021
Este producto es bastante bueno, también llevo tiempo consumiendolo
This product is quite good, I've also been using it for a while
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
june 10 2021
june 3 2021
fonctionne vraiment bien
works really well
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
may 17 2021
april 12 2021
Très bon produits
Very good products
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
april 5 2021
En cure ponctuelle, produit très efficace
For occasional use, very effective product
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
april 4 2021
Je me sens vraiment mieux depuis que je prends ce produit, hé conseille vivement
I feel really better since I started taking this product, I highly recommend it.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 24 2021
Creo que me tenían que mandar la app en castellano
I think they should have sent me the app in Spanish
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 11 2021
Excellent produit auquel je suis fidèle.Délais de livraison respectés.
Excellent product to which I am loyal. Delivery times respected.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 7 2021
Ce sont vraiment les meilleures probiotiques pour moi.
These are really the best probiotics for me.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
march 7 2021
Très bon rapport qualité prix
Very good value for money
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
february 26 2021
february 22 2021
Ich und meine Tochter sind sehr zufrieden, wir nehmen die Kapseln jetzt schon einige Monate und bestellen immer wieder aufs Neue. Man merkt, wie die Taille schmaler wird und die Kilos purzeln, vorausgesetzt natürlich, dass man nicht mehr isst, als sonst. Werde diese Kapseln wieder bestellen. Am besten immer abends vor dem Schlafen einnehmen, damit Magen/Darm nicht mit der Verdauung von Nahrung beschäftigt ist.
My daughter and I are very satisfied, we have been taking the capsules for several months now and keep ordering them again and again. You can notice how the waist gets slimmer and the pounds drop, provided, of course, that you don't eat more than usual. I will order these capsules again. It's best to take them in the evening before going to bed, so that the stomach/intestines are not busy with digesting food.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
february 4 2021
Un complément alimentaire de qualité que je recommande vivement. Je le prends régulièrement depuis des années en association avec les autres de la gamme, et depuis je ne suis plus victime des désagréments relatifs à la baisse d'immunité en mauvaise saison. Je les prends personnellement durant toute l'année et avec des résultats vraiment spectaculaires !
A high-quality dietary supplement that I highly recommend. I have been taking it regularly for years in combination with others from the range, and since then I have not been a victim of the discomforts related to decreased immunity during the bad season. I personally take them throughout the year and with truly spectacular results!
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
december 13 2020
E' la prima volta che provo questo prodotto fra qualche mese valuterò nuovamente i risultati
This is the first time I am trying this product; in a few months, I will evaluate the results again.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 23 2020
Molto valido e efficace.
Very good and effective.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 23 2020
november 8 2020
Tomo probioticos hace tiempo y me va de maravilla con mi flora intestinal, lo recomiendo sibre todo el Gasseri
I've been taking probiotics for a while and they work wonders for my gut flora. I especially recommend the Gasseri.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 6 2020
Je prends ce produit depuis plusieurs années mais aucun résultat niveau perte de la taille , mais je le poursuis plutôt pour le confort intestinal.
I have been taking this product for several years but no results in terms of waist loss, but I continue it rather for intestinal comfort.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
october 27 2020
Je ne m’en passe plus
I can't do without it anymore
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
october 21 2020
october 20 2020
Due to my profession in nutrition, this product is regularly recommended and used by myself.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
september 13 2020
Produit respectant les attendus
Product meets expectations
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 18 2020
pas d'effets notables
no noticeable effects
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 18 2020
Très satisfaite de ce produit que je prends depuis de nombreuses années.
Very satisfied with this product that I have been taking for many years.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 15 2020
Muy buen producto, pero considero que su precio es muy alto
Very good product, but I consider its price to be very high
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 10 2020
ytoçp tot pour faire une évaluation
too early to make an assessment
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
august 8 2020
august 7 2020
Muy contenta con este producto, resultados esperados
Very happy with this product, expected results
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
july 11 2020
no es tan bueno como como probio forte
it is not as good as probio forte
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
july 5 2020
Bonjour ! Je prends ce produit depuis très longtemps et régulièrement chaque matin à jeun. Je regrette l'ancien emballage qui était plus commode à mettre dans le frigo, la boite en carton n'est pas idéale ...!!!
Hello! I have been taking this product for a very long time and regularly every morning on an empty stomach. I miss the old packaging which was more convenient to put in the fridge; the cardboard box is not ideal...!!!
see the translation
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july 2 2020
Je ne peux pas me prononcer sur le long terme, n'ayant pas assez de recul
I cannot comment on the long term, as I do not have enough perspective.
see the translation
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june 26 2020
Jamais déçue. Produit vraiment efficace que l'on peut prendre au quotidien. Sans danger. Rapport qualité prix quasi imbattable.
Never disappointed. A truly effective product that can be taken daily. Safe to use. Almost unbeatable value for money.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
june 1 2020
Probiotique qui régénère bien la flore intestinale. Très bon produit
Probiotic that effectively regenerates the intestinal flora. Very good product
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
may 18 2020
Llevo mucho tiempo tomándolo y realmente me encuentro bien, por lo tanto, seguiré así. Un saludo,
I have been taking it for a long time and I really feel good, so I will continue like this. Best regards,
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
may 14 2020
A mí me va muy bien con mis problemas intestinales.
I am doing very well with my intestinal problems.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
may 9 2020
Son probioticos que ayudan a la flora intestinal y a tener un tránsito correcto
They are probiotics that help the intestinal flora and ensure proper transit
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
april 15 2020
april 6 2020
Très efficace surtout pour les intestins fragiles. Je constate un bien être du bas ventre. Satisfaite.
Very effective, especially for sensitive intestines. I notice a sense of well-being in the lower abdomen. Satisfied.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
february 27 2020
La calidad del producto es lo que ofrecen, estoy satisfecha de estos profesionales.
The quality of the product is what they offer, I am satisfied with these professionals.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
february 19 2020
Ce produit est trop cher par rapport aux bienfaits qu'il devrait apporter
This product is too expensive compared to the benefits it should provide
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
february 17 2020
Bon rapport qualité/prix, livraison rapide et vraiment efficace
Good value for money, fast delivery, and really effective
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
february 4 2020
Dommage que ce soit si cher et que je n'ai jamais de remise en tant que fidèle cliente,de nos jours beaucoup de marques privilégient la fidèlité.
It's a shame that it's so expensive and that I never get a discount as a loyal customer. Nowadays, many brands prioritize loyalty.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
february 2 2020
Super produit je recommande vivement.
Excellent product, I highly recommend it.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
january 30 2020
january 29 2020
january 27 2020
Très bon rapport qualité prix pour un probiotic reconnu. Je l'ai adopté depuis plusieurs années.
Very good value for money for a recognized probiotic. I have been using it for several years.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
january 22 2020
Bon produit mais j'ai l'habitude d'autres probiotiques un peu plus efficaces...
Good product but I'm used to other probiotics that are a bit more effective...
see the translation
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january 18 2020
Pas de perte de poids constaté préfère reprendre probio forte plus approprié pour recensemencer le microbiote, reduire l'inflammation et les pb d'allergies et de digestion, ainsi que d'autres marques pour avoir des souches différentes...
No weight loss observed... I prefer to go back to Probio Forte, which is more suitable for resetting the microbiome, reducing inflammation and issues with allergies and digestion, as well as using other brands to have different strains...
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
january 17 2020
Très bien mais j'ai une préférence finalement pour Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG qui est encore plus efficace pour moi.
Very good, but I ultimately prefer Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG, which is even more effective for me.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
january 16 2020
Je persiste à prendre chaque jour Lactobacillus depuis 1 an et demi , mais aucune perte de poids et le transit n est pas amélioré ... Je termine les 2 boites qu il me reste et j abandonne ce produit. Ce n est que mon avis , bien sur , le corps ne répond peut-être pas de la même façon chez tout le monde ...
I have been persistently taking Lactobacillus every day for a year and a half, but there has been no weight loss and no improvement in my digestion... I will finish the two boxes I have left and then give up on this product. This is just my opinion, of course, as the body may not respond the same way for everyone...
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
january 6 2020
Seguramente está ayudándome en el control del peso
It is surely helping me with weight control
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
january 5 2020
Bon produit utilisé depuis plus d’un an
Good product used for over a year
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
december 31 2019
Grande efficacité pour les problèmes d’intestins sensibles ! Diminue les ballonnements et permet de manger sans problème certains aliments comme le chou par ex ou des crudités ! le ventre est bcp moins gonflé, même si je ne perds pas de poids ! Donc un mieux être et qui perdure dans le temps ! Je fais en cure d’une semaine par mois toute l’année ! et j’ai même donné 2 boîtes à mon fils qui a le même souci ! Il en est très content ! je vais continuer à le commander !
Highly effective for sensitive intestine issues! Reduces bloating and allows you to eat certain foods like cabbage or raw vegetables without any problems! The stomach is much less swollen, even if I don't lose weight! So, an improved well-being that lasts over time! I do a one-week course every month throughout the year! I even gave 2 boxes to my son who has the same issue! He is very happy with it! I will continue to order it!
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
december 28 2019
Samen met Pro-bio Forte, werkt uitstekend voor een betere stoelgang
Together with Pro-bio Forte, it works excellently for better bowel movements
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
december 27 2019
parfait, tient ses promesses, je ne m'en passe plus.
Perfect, keeps its promises, I can't do without it anymore.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
december 26 2019
Desde que lo tomo mis intestinos funcionan muy bien y me encuentro excelente
Since I started taking it, my intestines function very well and I feel excellent
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
december 13 2019
Procure un réel confort intestinal, réduit le tour de taille.
Provides real intestinal comfort, reduces waist size.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
december 7 2019
Producto muy util en sus funciones
Very useful product in its functions
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 15 2019
efficace rapidement
quickly effective
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
november 10 2019
Tres satisfait,un bon produit qui m'evite beaucoup de problemes intestinaux.Surtout vu mes soucis du aux medicaments pour le diabete
Very satisfied, a good product that prevents me from having many intestinal problems. Especially considering my issues due to diabetes medication.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
october 28 2019
Cela fait plus de 2 ans que je prends ce produit et je fais la différence !
I have been taking this product for over 2 years and I can feel the difference!
see the translation
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october 23 2019
october 20 2019
no ha surtido ningún efecto, al contrario, es como si me hubiera ayudado a engordar, no vuelo a comprarlo más
It has had no effect, on the contrary, it's as if it helped me gain weight. I won't buy it again.
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october 13 2019
september 19 2019
Une prise régulière depuis 2 ans m'a régulé les selles, je n'ai plus de diarrhée, très bon produit
I have been taking it regularly for 2 years, it has regulated my bowel movements, I no longer have diarrhea, very good product
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september 17 2019
Très bon produit pour les problèmes d'intestins mais n'aide aucunement à l'amaigrissement
Very good product for intestinal problems but does not help at all with weight loss
see the translation
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september 12 2019
september 11 2019
september 4 2019
see the translation
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august 28 2019
august 26 2019
august 26 2019
Perfecto para seguir un tratamiento de mejora del sistema digestivo, cumple su cometido.
Perfect for following a treatment to improve the digestive system, it fulfills its purpose.
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august 19 2019
A 70 ans, j'étais une constipée de toujours. Grâce à Lactobacillus Gasseri depuis un an que je prends mes 2 gélules par jour j'ai -ENFIN !- un fonctionnement normal. Merci SMART !
At 70 years old, I had always been constipated. Thanks to Lactobacillus Gasseri, which I have been taking for a year now at 2 capsules per day, I -FINALLY!- have normal functioning. Thank you SMART!
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august 19 2019
Pas de commentaire spécial
No special comment
see the translation
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august 14 2019
Pas vraiment d’amélioration Mais le produit n’y est peut-être pour rien....
Not really any improvement, but the product might not be to blame...
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august 10 2019
J’ai perdu du ventre et plus de douleur
I lost belly fat and no longer have pain
see the translation
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august 5 2019
Excellent produit conforme à ce qu'il en est dit sur le site Supersmart
Excellent product, consistent with what is described on the Supersmart website
see the translation
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august 3 2019
july 29 2019
satisfaite du résultat
satisfied with the result
see the translation
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june 17 2019
Le produit m'a aidé à résoudre quelques problèmes. Un médecin aurait préférer me mettre en observation pour quelques jours en clinique (mafia médicale!)
The product helped me resolve a few issues. A doctor would have preferred to put me under observation for a few days in a clinic (medical mafia!)
see the translation
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june 5 2019
Super produit et qui m'a fait maigrir..
Great product that helped me lose weight.
see the translation
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may 8 2019
c'est un non produit pour les intestins et je pense même pou le cholestérol parce que depuis que j'en prends mon cholestérol descend un petit peu
This is a great product for the intestines and I even think for cholesterol because since I've been taking it, my cholesterol has gone down a little bit.
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april 28 2019
Cela ne m'a pas fait de mal, mais je me demande quel bien cela peut me faire ? Merci de votre réponse.
It didn't harm me, but I wonder what good it can do for me? Thank you for your response.
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april 25 2019
Ce produit me convient parfaitement net améliore considérablement mon confort intestinal donc mon quotidien.
This product suits me perfectly and significantly improves my intestinal comfort, thus my daily life.
see the translation
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april 20 2019
à voir sur le long terme
to see in the long term
see the translation
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april 7 2019
Produit que j'utilise de longue date.
Product I've been using for a long time.
see the translation
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april 5 2019
Ne tient pas ses promesses d'aider à la perte de poids
Does not fulfill its promises to aid in weight loss
see the translation
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march 30 2019
Les probiotiques gasseri m’apportent un confort intestinal et apaisent mes intestins irritables, tout en me permettant de manger du pain et des légumes secs sans souffrir !
The gasseri probiotics provide me with intestinal comfort and soothe my irritable bowels, while allowing me to eat bread and legumes without suffering!
see the translation
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march 18 2019
Transit impeccable. Gestion du poids pas évidente
Impeccable transit. Weight management not easy
see the translation
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march 2 2019
Mes intestins sont plus calmes
My intestines are calmer
see the translation
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march 1 2019
march 1 2019
Très efficace pour les problème d'intestins très irritables.
Very effective for highly irritable bowel issues.
see the translation
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february 14 2019
february 4 2019
Todo lo que hemos probado en supersmart no hemos dejado de tomarlo debido a la mejora en la salud que hemos notado desde que tomamos daily3 y los probioticos. Estamos encantados, toda la familia toma daily3
Everything we have tried from Supersmart, we have continued taking due to the health improvements we have noticed since we started taking Daily3 and the probiotics. We are delighted; the whole family takes Daily3.
see the translation
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february 4 2019
Produit de très bonne qualité
Very high-quality product
see the translation
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january 24 2019
très étonnée de voir lactobacillus gasseri dans un magasin bio comme j'en consomme deux fois par an bon complément alimentaire
Very surprised to see Lactobacillus gasseri in an organic store as I consume it twice a year. Good dietary supplement.
see the translation
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january 22 2019
Excellent pour l'intestin
Excellent for the intestine
see the translation
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january 18 2019
Efficacité totale, très bon produit à recommander
Total effectiveness, very good product to recommend
see the translation
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january 15 2019
Très satisfaite de mon achat, très efficace.
Very satisfied with my purchase, very effective.
see the translation
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january 3 2019
Ce produit a permis en 3 mois de perdre des centimètres au ventre et à la taille permettant ainsi de remettre des vêtements qui étaient devenus trop petits. La perte de poids en elle-même est insignifiante. On va continuer à tester le produit !
This product helped me lose centimeters around my waist and belly in 3 months, allowing me to fit into clothes that had become too small. The weight loss itself is insignificant. We will continue to test the product!
see the translation
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december 23 2018
Très bon produit je le recommande
Very good product, I recommend it.
see the translation
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december 11 2018
Produit répondant à mon attente. Rapidement, très nette amélioration de mon état intestinal. Il faut absoluement conserver ces produits au frigo.
The product meets my expectations. Quickly, a very clear improvement in my intestinal condition. These products absolutely need to be stored in the fridge.
see the translation
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november 27 2018
Tres bon produit. Bcp d'effet
Very good product. Lots of effects
see the translation
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november 26 2018
Si. Funciona muy bien, al menos para mi.
Yes. It works very well, at least for me.
see the translation
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november 20 2018
Le lactobacillus gasseri correspond très bien à mes attentes . Triathlete couvrant de très longues distances j’ai besoin d’avoir un organisme au top afin d’eviter Les bobos tendineux ainsi que les microbes de cette période automnale . Ce produit m’est d’une grande utilité et me permet d’avoir un bon équilibre organique .
The Lactobacillus gasseri meets my expectations very well. As a triathlete covering very long distances, I need to have my body in top shape to avoid tendon injuries and the microbes common during this autumn period. This product is very useful to me and helps me maintain a good organic balance.
see the translation
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october 29 2018
Très bon produit, très efficace, je le recommande !
Very good product, very effective, I recommend it!
see the translation
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october 18 2018
Au bout de 2 mois, constaté peu d'effets
After 2 months, noticed few effects
see the translation
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october 16 2018
J'attends d'avoir un recul de quelques mois pour donner un avis basé sur la réalité des résultats.
I am waiting to have a few months' perspective to give a review based on the actual results.
see the translation
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october 15 2018
très bénéfique pour ma santé
very beneficial for my health
see the translation
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october 11 2018
Ottimo prodotto che consiglio vivamente
Excellent product that I highly recommend
see the translation
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october 8 2018
Bon produit. Pas assez de recul pour avoir un effet sur la perte de poids abdominal
Good product. Not enough time to see an effect on abdominal weight loss.
see the translation
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october 8 2018
Bon résultat par rapport à mes attentes
Good results compared to my expectations
see the translation
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september 17 2018
ce produit est adapte en partie a mes problemes intestinaux
this product is partially suitable for my intestinal problems
see the translation
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september 17 2018
Confort intestinal amélioré
Improved intestinal comfort
see the translation
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september 15 2018
Très bon produit : on sent vraiment la différence quand on l'utilise (gargouillis intestinaux notamment)
Very good product: you can really feel the difference when you use it (especially intestinal gurgling)
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september 12 2018
Produit utilisé avec L-Proline, l’action est immédiate et mes intestins ne m’en posent plus aucun souci
Product used with L-Proline, the effect is immediate and my intestines no longer give me any trouble.
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august 10 2018
Produit conforme à la commande. Petit bémol. Il est conseillé de le conserver au réfrigérateur alors que le produit arrive normalement. Quel effet sur la bactérie contenue ?
Product matches the order. Small downside. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator, although the product arrives at room temperature. What effect does this have on the bacteria contained?
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august 9 2018
Je le consomme pendant un mois tous les 3 mois afin de regénérer ma flore intestinale.
I consume it for one month every three months to regenerate my intestinal flora.
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august 3 2018
Es la segunda vez que lo compro para 3 meses ( 3 para mi y 3 para mi mujer ) y me funciona muy bien, mantiene el sistema digestivo en buenas condiciones y se nota en todos los sentidos: mejora la regularidad de evacuación intestinal y ayuda a eliminar ingredientes tóxicos, además ayuda a adelgazar.
This is the second time I have bought it for 3 months (3 for me and 3 for my wife) and it works very well for me. It keeps the digestive system in good condition and you can notice it in every way: it improves the regularity of bowel movements and helps eliminate toxic ingredients, plus it helps with weight loss.
see the translation
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july 27 2018
bon produit , donne de bonne reponse del'organisme , utilisation simple et sur le long terme sans soucis .
Good product, provides a good response from the body, simple to use and no issues over the long term.
Merci d'avoir pris le temps d'écrire et de partager votre expérience.
Bonne journée,
Valérie - Supersmart
Thank you for taking the time to write and share your experience.
Have a nice day,
Valérie - Supersmart
see the translation
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july 25 2018
Ce produit me convient très bien , je le prends depuis plusieurs mois et j’en suis fort satisfaite
This product suits me very well, I have been taking it for several months and I am very satisfied with it.
see the translation
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july 25 2018
Según he podido ver, parece que consigue un buen resultado en el control del peso.
As far as I can see, it seems to achieve good results in weight control.
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july 21 2018
produit très efficace je me sens beaucoup mieux
very effective product I feel much better
Bonjour Mme PAPAUX,
Nous sommes heureux de vous compter parmi nos fidèles clients, un grand merci pour ce partage d'expérience.
Bonne journée,
Valérie – Supersmart
Hello Mrs. PAPAUX,
We are happy to count you among our loyal customers, thank you very much for sharing your experience.
Have a nice day,
Valérie – Supersmart
see the translation
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july 21 2018
Cure régulière par intermittence entre probio forte et lacto reuteri. Avec une excellente santé intestinale.
Regular intermittent treatment with Probio Forte and Lacto Reuteri. With excellent intestinal health.
Nous sommes heureux de vous compter parmi nos fidèles clients, un grand merci pour ce partage d'expérience.
Bonne journée,
Valérie – Supersmart
We are happy to count you among our loyal customers, thank you very much for sharing your experience.
Have a nice day,
Valérie – Supersmart
see the translation
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july 20 2018
Me va muy bien este producto, me siento menos hinchada.
This product works very well for me, I feel less bloated.
see the translation
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july 17 2018
Je le commande régulièrement et en prends tous les jours. Excellent produit pour la flore intestinale.
I order it regularly and take it every day. Excellent product for gut flora.
see the translation
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july 14 2018
Seul labo " accessible " à proposer ce probiotique très intéressant
The only "accessible" lab to offer this very interesting probiotic
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july 11 2018
Produit efficace .Tout à fait en rapport avec les qualités énumérées dans les pubs.
Effective product. Completely in line with the qualities listed in the ads.
see the translation
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july 9 2018
un des meilleurs sur le marché au niveau de la qualité
one of the best on the market in terms of quality
see the translation
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july 6 2018
Un produit d'une efficacité remarquable que je recommande vivement!
A remarkably effective product that I highly recommend!
see the translation
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july 6 2018
Je commande ce produit depuis 1 an
I have been ordering this product for 1 year
see the translation
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july 4 2018
Je ne sens pas d'amélioration
I don't feel any improvement
see the translation
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july 1 2018
Je fais régulièrement des cures de probiotiques. Je vois la différence au niveau de la digestion.
I regularly take probiotic supplements. I notice a difference in my digestion.
see the translation
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june 29 2018
bon produit pour la flore instestinale
Good product for intestinal flora
see the translation
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june 28 2018
Depuis le temps que j'en prends .... Peu perdu de poids ...Mais perdre du poids est tout un ensemble d'actions. Si les autres actions ne suivent pas ... Peut-être pas que la faute à ces probiotiques !!
I've been taking them for a while now... Lost little weight... But losing weight involves a whole set of actions. If the other actions don't follow... Maybe it's not just the fault of these probiotics!!
see the translation
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june 23 2018
Ancora presto per dare un giudizio.
It's still too early to give a judgment.
see the translation
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june 22 2018
Plus de colite.Génial la "bête"
No more colitis. Awesome "beast"
see the translation
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Bonjour Lise,
Merci d'avoir partagé votre expérience avec nos Lactobacillus gasseri - 60 Delay Release Capsules. Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous avez rencontré des problèmes de constipation après avoir pris le produit.
Il est important de noter que les probiotiques peuvent affecter chaque personne différemment, et certaines peuvent ressentir des effets indésirables au début de la prise. Nous vous recommandons de consulter un professionnel de santé pour discuter de vos symptômes et envisager des alternatives adaptées à votre situation.
Si vous avez d'autres questions ou préoccupations, n'hésitez pas à contacter notre service client. Nous sommes là pour vous aider.
Merci encore pour votre retour, et nous espérons pouvoir mieux vous servir à l'avenir.
Gaëlle - Supersmart