Radix Panax Ginseng grows primarily in East Asia. Traditionally, the root is used for boosting energy and natural defences, for increasing physical and mental performance, as a general tonic for fatigue and as an aid to overcoming stress.
Ginseng has been used for centuries in traditional Eastern medicine to replenish and restore the body's natural reserves as well as to support sexual health. Its Latin name ‘Panax' actually means ‘panacea'. Korean ginseng , like schisandra, is known in the West as an “adaptogen” rather than a ”stimulant”: in a general, non-specific way, these herbs increase the body's resistance to various sources of stress (physical, chemical or biological) and to stressful situations.
Taking ginseng thus helps the body adapt to active, modern life, by generally boosting resistance and increasing physical, mental and cognitive ability. With a regulating effect on certain organs (in particular, the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and adrenal glands) and on multiple physiological functions - while not over-stimulating or restricting normal functions - ginseng acts as a general tonic without producing any ‘rebound' effect. It is particularly beneficial for the central nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems, for neuro-endocrinological function and for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
Radix Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer is the only ginseng registered in the pharmacopaeia. Its mechanisms of action are by no means fully understood but its therapeutic effects have been attributed to its active principles, ginsenosides. These act via different pathways and it is thought each may have its own tissue-specific effects. Ginseng's ginsenoside content varies according to the plant species, age, part of the plant used, time of harvest and method of preservation and extraction.
To date, around 40 known active ginsenosides have been identified. This new standardisation, highly concentrated in ginsenosides (30%), offers a more wide-ranging and comprehensive action:
With its high ginsenoside concentration, this Panax ginseng extract therefore acts on a number of parameters of overall health and well-being. Supplementation is recommended several times a year for periods of three weeks to a month, at a dose of two to four capsules a day.
Buy Ginseng 30% capsules to boost your natural defences.
Taking Panax ginseng can be alternated with other dietary supplements available to buy at Supersmart that support the body's general well-being. Extract of Cordyceps sinensis, for example, is a fungus renowned in Asia for its revitalising effects. You can also benefit from the positive effects of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) in the supplement Mitochondrial Formula.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
march 26 2021
Excellent à tous points de vue
february 16 2025
Regain de forme et de tonus
february 13 2025
Excellent produit bien connu qui agit sur plusieurs paramètres compte tenu de sa fonction d’adaptogene.
january 22 2025
Gélules efficaces.
Effective capsules.
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december 20 2024
Ce produit Super Ginseng est très efficace. Son action énergisante intervient dès les 1ères prises et on sent très rapidement un état bien plus tonique, une meilleure concentration et une stimulation cérébrale. Je l'utilise dans le cas d'un covid long. Pas de miracle mais cela apporte un mieux. Mais... qui s'arrête si on ne prend pas les gélules. Mon fils de 18 ans en prend pour passer ses partiels à la fac et il est très heureux de son efficacité.
This Super Ginseng product is very effective. Its energizing action kicks in from the first doses, and you quickly feel much more energetic, with better concentration and mental stimulation. I use it in the case of long COVID. No miracle, but it brings an improvement. However... it stops if you don't take the capsules. My 18-year-old son takes it to pass his exams at university, and he is very happy with its effectiveness.
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