Lymphatonic capsules contain Lymphaselect™, a patented extract of Melilotus officinalis standardised to provide 18% coumarin. The medicinal properties of Melilotus officinalis were recognisedlong ago by our ancestors. Melilot-based preparations were used to treat inflammation, ulcers and swelling, now available to buy in supplement form at Supersmart.
The standardised extract of Melilotus officinalis contains a series of benefits, due to its contents in coumarins, flavonoids and terpenoids. It has veinotonic and capillary-protective properties, largely due to the presence of flavonoids. Its main constituent, coumarin, belongs to the family of benzopyrones known for their ability to reduce protein-rich oedemas.
Scientific research has shown that standardised extract of Melilotus officinalis:
Clinical studies have shown that this standardized extract effectively eases symptoms associated with lymphoedema or chronic venous insufficiency including varicosities, haemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis or post-operative oedemas. Studies on baboons as well as on humans have shown no hepatoxicity. In particular, they have found that administering the extract:
Buy Lymphatonic capsules to benefit from its veinotonic properties.
This product’s capsules are made of pullulan, a natural polysaccharide obtained by fermenting tapioca or corn. Pullulan contains no animal ingredients and provides an excellent barrier to oxygen, helping to preserve the integrity of the capsule’s ingredients. It is also an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic materials.
september 20 2024
Des années que je souffrais d un gonflement des jambes... Dès la première semaine, le produit agit et j ai pu constater des effets significatifs durables
For years I suffered from leg swelling... From the first week, the product worked and I noticed significant lasting effects
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july 31 2024
bon produit ;efficace
Good product; effective
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april 17 2024
april 5 2024
Bon produit pour la circulation générale surtout à la saison printemps-été.
Good product for general circulation, especially during the spring-summer season.
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march 8 2024
Bien pour la circulation surtout à partir du printemps en complément d’autres produits pour éviter les œdèmes.
Good for circulation, especially starting in the spring, in combination with other products to prevent edema.
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Buenos dias Señora Arranz Diez Lluisa
Lymphatonic es un producto que alivia los síntomas asociados con las venas varicosas.y la insuficiencia venosa en general.
La dosis diaria y 1 a 2 cápsulas. Los primeros efectos se sienten después de unas semanas de tratamiento.
Laurence Supersmart SA