Super EPA is a natural omega 3 supplement with EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Supplementation provides powerful, scientifically-proven cardiovascular protection as well as significant anti-inflammatory benefits, particularly for arthritis sufferers. In addition, supplementing with omega 3 significantly improves capacity for learning and memorising.
DHA is the main component of brain cell membranes, who's benefits together with omega 3 essential fatty acids, have been recognised for some time: (see Super Omega 3 and Super DHA, also available to buy at Supersmart). Supplementation has become essential since a growing reliance on farmed fish, as well as modern cooking methods, means you would have to eat 900g sole a day to obtain an adequate amount of omega 3. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) has long been used to treat hypertriglyceridaemia and hypercholesterolaemia, but new applications for EPA are now emerging.
In his book 'Guerir' ('The Instinct to Heal'), David Servan-Schreiber recommends specific EPA supplementation for people suffering from depression or emotional instability. His recommendations are based on several scientific studies:
Buy Super EPA to support cardiovascular health.
This product’s softgels are of marine origin. Made from fish gelatine, they ensure optimal uptake and are notable for their outstanding purity.
february 12 2025
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Produit utilisé depuis plusieurs années. Entièrement satisfaite.
Product used for several years. Completely satisfied.
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