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Triphala antioxidant supplement, good for the liver

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Legendary Ayurvedic detoxifier
  • Mixture of extracts of harada (Terminalia chebula), amla (Emblica officinalis) and behada (Terminalia belerica).
  • Helps normalise appetite and intestinal transit.
  • Contains harada which supports liver health and good respiratory function.
  • Cornerstone of Ayurvedic medicine, still used by 85% of Indians today.
  • Supported by multiple scientific studies and validated by popular use.

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120 tablets

28.00 €


120 tablets

28.00 €

25.76 €

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No controversial excipients
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Triphala internal cleanser is an Ayurvedic supplement containing triphala, a mixture of the fruits of three plants in specific proportions: Harada (Terminalia chebula), Amla (Emblica officinalis) and Behada (Terminalia belerica). Attracting unprecedented interest in both Asia and Europe, it helps to normalise the digestive and respiratory systems and supports healthy liver function.

What is in Triphala?

Triphala is considered a ‘wonder supplement’ in Ayurvedic medicine. It is still used by 85% of Indians today and has been attracting unprecedented interest in European countries for several years. It is composed of three sacred plant extracts.

Amla (Emblica officinalis)

Amla is the Indian gooseberry to which Ayurvedic medicine has long attributed benefits. Considered sacred in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, where it is sometimes referred to as the ‘fruit where the goddess of prosperity resides’, amla is thought to contain the highest level of em>vitamin C relative to its volume (480 mg/100 ml).

Acidic and highly tannic, it is extremely rich in flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol, and contains a a huge number of tannins (emblicanin A and B), alkaloids (phyllantine and phyllantidine) and phenolic compounds (gallic and ellagic acids).It helps to both normalise the digestive system and increase the body’s resistance.

According to Ayurvedic principles, it is considered a rasanaya: it helps balance the 3 doshas – vata, kapha and pitta – but is particularly good for pitta types.

Harada (Terminalia chebula) and Behada (Terminalia belerica).

Harada and behada both belong to the genus Terminalia, which is the subject of increasing scientific study across the world (1).

The fruits of harada contain a number of nutritionally important compounds: flavonoids, terflavin A, terchebulin, punicalagin, chebulagic acid, corilagin… They have been used for thousands of years and feature in several other Ayurvedic formulations such as Abhayarista, BrahmaRasayana and Pathyadi Lepa.

These two extracts offer powerful astringent, carminative, purgative and digestion-enhancing properties (2) as well as the ability to normalise liver function (3).

What benefits does Triphala offer?

Daily use of Triphala will first normalise appetite and digestion. Over time, it will help to create a favourable biochemical environment in the gut, and then in the body as a whole, by supporting the liver’s natural detoxification mechanisms.

This remarkable formulation does not produce any laxative-type dependency and helps support the whole digestive system, improving both uptake and elimination.

What is in Triphala

Amla extract
Terminalia chebula extract
Behada extract
Harada extract

Any questions?

How should Triphala be taken?

To support liver function (detoxification), we recommend a dose of between one and three tablets, three times a day.

To improve intestinal transit, we recommend taking between three and eight tablets in the evening.

In keeping with Ayurvedic principles, we’d also recommend adopting these steps while you supplement with Triphala:

  • reduce your intake of foods known to generate toxins in the body (ready meals, processed meats, meat in general…) ;
  • avoid or gradually reduce your consumption of alcohol and coffee, and don’t smoke;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • take sufficient exercise to ensure good circulation and energy flow;
  • make time for getting together with friends and family;
  • take a moment to relax before bedtime.
What are the other Ayurvedic remedies in the SuperSmart catalog?

Like Triphala, other recognised Ayurvedic remedies are available as dietary supplements from the SuperSmart catalogue:

  • The famous Ayurvedic plant em>Curcuma longa, offering the anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant properties of curcumin.
  • And em>shiitake root extract for boosting your body’s natural defences.
What are the capsules in this product made of?

This product’s capsules are made of pullulan, a natural polysaccharide obtained by fermenting tapioca or corn. Pullulan contains no animal ingredients and provides an excellent barrier to oxygen, helping to preserve the integrity of the capsule’s ingredients. It is also an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic materials.


This product is rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
There are 6 reviews






Excellent 6 Reviews
Latour Francoise

july 3 2024

Satisfaite de ce produit que je prends régulièrement, mais attention au dosage qu'il faut apprendre à maitriser !

Satisfied with this product that I take regularly, but be careful with the dosage that you need to learn to master!

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may 25 2023

bon produit

good product

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may 24 2023

Efficacité non encore ressentie. Produit très salé

Effectiveness not yet felt. Very salty product

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august 8 2019

Nettoyage intestinal en douceur. Effet positif sur la toux et problème respiratoire

Gentle intestinal cleansing. Positive effect on cough and respiratory issues

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Christine M.

july 21 2019

Sincèrement ce produit anti-oxydant doit être très bien d'après tout ce que j'ai lu dessus mais je ne l'utilise pas depuis assez de temps pour donner un avis.Je sais que ce produit est assez récent.

Honestly, this antioxidant product must be very good based on everything I've read about it, but I haven't been using it long enough to give an opinion. I know that this product is quite new.

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