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Native Whey Protein Isolate is a native whey isolate, the purest, highest-quality and most effective protein powder for building muscle.
Obtained from fresh milk, our whey is extremely rich in organic, high-quality protein, composed of proteinogenic amino acids (including 20% branched-chain amino acids, or BCAA). The microfiltration process means the proteins are not denatured and and contribute fully to building muscle mass. Native Whey Protein Isolate also contains health-beneficial minerals (calcium, magnesium...), a particularly low content of fat and lactose and no artificial flavouring.
Ideal for gaining muscle mass, this compound is part of our sport and exercise category.
As a reminder, whey is a group of proteins that occur naturally in milk. More precisely, whey is the liquid that remains after the milk has been curdled and strained.
Native whey isolate differs from ordinary whey in two key respects:
In terms of benefits, whey provides an easy and effective solution to meeting the high protein requirements of those looking to strengthen and develop their muscles, combined with regular weight-training. Protein helps to both maintain and build muscle mass, and maintain healthy bones. Sportspeople can also take protein powder to facilitate post-training recovery.
Our native whey isolate, the best form of protein powder available, stands out in 8 key aspects:
We recommend taking one scoop a day of Native Whey Protein Isolate, diluted in your drink of choice (preferably water).
The hour after your workout is probably the best time to take it as this is when amino acids are absorbed best by the body. It’s referred to as the ‘anabolic window’ (2). But native whey isolate can also be taken before your training session (increasing the body’s amino acid reserves) and during training (to enhance performance).
Make sure you also consume other sources of protein on a daily basis and maintain a varied, balanced diet in general. But if you are allergic to dairy products, are lactose-intolerant, have kidney or liver problems or are taking medication which might interact with your protein powder, avoid whey, or consult a health professional before taking it.
As part of your training programme, we’d recommend adopting these 4 measures to boost the efficacy of whey in building muscle mass:
In someone following a training programme, muscle mass develops from an alternating cycle of protein destruction and production.
During a weight training session, small tears occur in muscle which the body will repair during the post-exercise period: this is muscle anabolism. It requires all 20 proteinogenic amino acids, which enter cells via cell membrane transporters.
With Native Whey Protein Isolate, the assimilation of these amino acids is optimised, enabling them to reach the muscles easily and quickly activate muscle reconstruction (4-5).
The body’s protein levels undergo constant renewal: every day, around 300g of protein is broken down and needs to be replaced. The body produces around 220g of new protein from degraded protein and has to find the remaining 80g from the diet. However, these needs increase in the event of physical activity :
While 0.8g/kg/day of protein is recommended for sedentary individuals, regular exercisers and those who participate in endurance sports need 1.2-1.6 g/kg/day (20%-25% of total daily intake) and those engaged in sports involving strength or bodybuilding 1.8-2g/kg/day (6). When intake is inadequate, the body will use the amino acids of functional or structural proteins, resulting in atrophy of muscle mass.
If you’re a fan of bodybuilding and would like to use other products good for muscle development, here are 3 supplements which can maximise the effects of whey:
This powdered supplement is offered in the purest form possible, unflavoured and unsweetened. When you choose this product, you are paying for and consuming active ingredients only, with no unnecessary additives (no sweeteners, artificial flavourings or added sugars). You can therefore consume it in the most natural way possible by simply mixing it with water, or you are free to personalise it : adding the sweetener of your choice, replacing the water with another drink (such as fruit juice), etc.
february 12 2025
Très bien
january 27 2025
Excellent produit efficace
Excellent and effective product
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october 28 2024
Prodotto di eccellente qualità, privo di sucralosio (che è una rarità) e fatto con materia prima eccellente. Molto digeribile anche shakerato nel latte. Io aggiungo un cucchiaino di cacao amaro in polvere.
Excellent quality product, free of sucralose (which is a rarity) and made with excellent raw materials. Very digestible even when shaken in milk. I add a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa powder.
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september 21 2024
Ça a l'air bien mais je ne l'ai pas encore testé
It looks good but I haven't tried it yet.
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september 19 2024
Excellent produit qui a répondu à mes attentes. Très miscible, super apports, aucun problème de digestion. Contrairement à ce qu'un autre avis a écrit sur cette page, cette whey ne contient aucune sucralose. L'avis doit concerner une ancienne version du produit.
Nous vous remercions pour votre retour concernant notre produit Undenatured Whey Protein Isolate 1kg. Nous tenons à vous informer que notre formulation a été revue et ne contient plus de Sucralose. Nous avons pris cette décision afin de répondre aux préoccupations de nos clients et d'améliorer la qualité de nos produits.
Nous sommes désolés pour les troubles intestinaux que vous avez subis et nous vous assurons que votre santé et votre satisfaction sont nos priorités. Nous espérons que vous serez satisfait de la nouvelle formulation.
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît envisager de modifier votre avis, afin qu'il reflète les améliorations apportées à notre produit? Votre retour est très important pour nous et pour nos futurs clients.
Merci de votre compréhension et de votre soutien. Si vous avez d'autres questions ou des préoccupations, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
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