Liver Support Formula vegetarian capsules contain natural ingredients that work synergistically to boost and protect liver function. By stimulating detoxification of the liver, production of glutathione - the most important liver antioxidant - and regeneration of liver tissue, Liver Support Formula represents a powerful aid to a healthy liver function, now available to buy at Supersmart.
Research has demonstrated that:
Buy Liver Support Formula capsules today and enjoy its benefits for liver health.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
march 22 2024
Conforme à la description de ce produit .
december 22 2023
Bon produit conforme à sa prescription
october 20 2024
Produit efficace dans cas de foie surchargé par métaux lourds, me permet d'aider mon foie a fonctionner au mieux, depuis sa prise avec Silyplus je n'ai quasiment plus de maux de tête, sensation d'écoeurement, ou de dérangement suite aux odeurs synthétiques et lumière trop fortes.
Effective product for cases of liver overloaded with heavy metals, it helps my liver function at its best. Since taking it with Silyplus, I have almost no more headaches, feelings of nausea, or discomfort from synthetic odors and too bright light.
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october 7 2024
Ce produit ne me convient pas car il me constipe !
This product does not suit me because it constipates me!
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october 2 2024
Je n'ai pas encore pu tester le produit et je ne veux écrire quelque chose si cela ne correspond pas à la réelle qualité du produit. Le packaging a été changé par contre et je le préfère comme cela. Bien plus professionnel que l'ancien. Pour la qualité des produits il est toujours possible de vérifier les éléments sur les certificats.
I have not yet been able to test the product and I don't want to write something if it doesn't match the actual quality of the product. However, the packaging has been changed and I prefer it this way. Much more professional than the old one. For the quality of the products, it is always possible to check the elements on the certificates.
see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original