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Natural Curcuma

Turmeric antioxidant supplement for immunity & the heart

18 reviewsRead reviews

A superior turmeric extract rich in curcuminoids
  • Standardised to 95% curcuminoids.
  • Combined with turmerone from turmeric oil.
  • Contributes to support the immune system.
  • Participates to maintain respiratory and cardiovascular health.
  • Has powerful antioxidant properties.

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75 Veg. Caps

46.00 €


75 Veg. Caps

46.00 €

42.32 €

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Natural Curcuma

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

Natural Curcuma is supplement made of an extract of curcumin. So many studies have shown benefits from curcumin supplementation that a number of pharmaceutical laboratories are trying to patent synthetic products which mimic its mechanisms of action.

What are the benefits associated with Natural Curcuma capsules?

Turmeric contributes to :

  • liver health ;
  • digestive health ;
  • respiratory health ;
  • cardiovascular health ;
  • support the nervous system ;
  • support the immune system ;
  • maintain a normal skin ;
  • stimulate appetite ;
  • and has powerful antioxidant properties.
  • Supplements to take in conjunction with Natural Curcuma

    The natural effects of shiitake root (Lentinus edodes) may also be of interest. Discover, too, our other ayurvedic nutritional supplements available to buy at Supersmart including Psyllium Seed Husk .

What is in Natural Curcuma

Curcuma longa extract


This product is rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
There are 18 reviews






Excellent 18 Reviews

june 18 2024

Je consomme ce complément alimentaire d'exception depuis des années, et je suis ravi par sa qualité ainsi que par son efficacité ! Je le recommande donc vivement !

I have been consuming this exceptional dietary supplement for years, and I am delighted with its quality and effectiveness! I highly recommend it!

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Vov Oo

june 12 2024

J'en utilisais 2 capsules pour jour et même si je n'en ai pas senti les effets, je sais que cela a fait du bien à mon corps.

I used 2 capsules per day and even though I didn't feel the effects, I know it did my body good.

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Felix Merino Escribano

may 28 2024

De momento me va bien, espero resultados de unos análisis.

So far it's going well for me, I'm waiting for the results of some tests.

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Marcel Desprets

may 16 2024

Comment choisir entre "Super Curcuma" et "Natural Curcuma", prix égaux à 1€ près. Les 2 sont les meilleurs??

How to choose between Super Curcuma and Natural Curcuma, prices are within 1€ of each other. Are both the best??

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may 2 2024

Je recommande vivement ce produit de grande qualité, vraiment très efficace, notamment contre mes douleurs articulaires!

I highly recommend this high-quality product, really very effective, especially against my joint pain!

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