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The dietary supplement Borage & Evening Primrose combines borage and evening primrose oils, two of the best sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is a polyunsaturated fatty acid known for helping to nourish, protect and regenerate the skin.
The supplement Borage & Evening Primrose will thus help keep your skin looking fresh, supple, moisturised and radiant. And for women who have yet to go through the menopause, it also helps prevent discomfort before and during periods.
Borage & Evening Primrose contains:
The skin benefits provided by our supplement come largely from the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) in the borage and evening primrose oils.
GLA is an extensively-studied and invaluable omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid, of which there are very few dietary sources (borage oil, evening primrose oil, blackcurrant seeds, spirulina, breast milk …). The body also produces small amounts of GLA from linoleic acid (LA), which is found more widely in the diet: from vegetable oils, seeds, oilseeds, etc.
In reality, many people struggle to convert LA into GLA efficiently for a variety of reasons: alcohol consumption, smoking, nutritional deficiencies, ageing...
GLA is converted in the body into DGLA (dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid), an important component of the phospholipids that form cell membranes. DGLA affects skin health in a number of ways (7-8) :
Borage & Evening Primrose stands out for:
We recommend taking 4 capsules a day, with meals.
To benefit from an external as well as an internal action, you can also buy these same capsules in a form suitable for topical use (for application, and potentially massage, into the skin), combining them with other plant oils such as hazelnut or sesame. Take care though – these topical products become rancid quickly: they should be kept refrigerated and not heated to maintain their properties.
If you suffer from problems related to menstruation, then as well as taking Borage & Evening Primrose, weâd recommend adopting these 3 measures to prevent menstrual discomfort :
Alongside this supplement, you could also start taking collagen, the most abundant protein in the skin and the one which gives it its firmness and elasticity. Ideally, choose marine collagen, which is known to have high bioavailability (try, for example, the product Marine Collagen).
Sea buckthorn oil helps to keep skin healthy and hydrated. It is rich in vitamin C which supports collagen production, in antioxidant vitamin E, as well as in exceptional fatty acids: omega-3, omega-9 and omega-7 (try, for example, the supplement Sea Buckthorn).
To boost the menstruation-related effects of Borage & Evening Primrose, you could also take a supplement that combines the best compounds known for relieving pre-menstrual syndrome (such as PreMenstrual Comfort).
This product’s softgels are of bovine origin. They are particularly suitable for supplements that require rapid solubility. Made from high-quality bovine gelatine, they are safe and effective.
december 8 2024
Je découvre et pour le moment, je commence à en ressentir les effets
I am discovering it and for the moment, I am starting to feel the effects.
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november 27 2024
october 30 2024
c'est la première fois que je commande ce produit, et je ne l'ai pas encore utilisé
This is the first time I am ordering this product, and I haven't used it yet.
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september 14 2024
Producto de muy buena calidad
Very high-quality product
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august 5 2024
Oui fantastique! Resultats rapides !
Yes, fantastic! Quick results!
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Translated by SuperSmart - see the original