Chrysine is a chrysin supplement aimed at men over 50. Produced naturally from passiflora, it is absorbed best when combined with a piperine supplement.
Passiflora, or passion flower, is a climbing plant that grows to around 10 metres, of which the aerial parts (stems, leaves, flowers and fruit) contain potentially active chemical compounds. These include:
The scientific literature clearly shows there’s a progressive decline in blood testosterone levels as men get older. This decline is associated with decreases in bone density, muscle mass, strength, sexual function and several physiological parameters.
The main reason for this decline is the fall in testosterone production which occurs in Leydig cells in the testicles (1-2). One of the genes that helps produce it from cholesterol, the StAR gene, gradually stops being expressed (3).
The physiological and psychological symptoms that accompany this fall in testosterone in men as they grow older is known collectively as the andropause. It usually appears between the ages of 45 and 65. Around 30% of men are thought to develop noticeable symptoms.
Chrysin is a phytonutrient found in, amongst others, propolis, honey and passiflora. It is a powerful flavonoid which has been the subject of scientific study by human sexuality experts.
Though it has low bioavailability, this can be significantly improved by taking an extract of black pepper standardised in piperine at the same time.
Our chrysin supplement is for men only. We recommend taking 1 to 3 tablets a day, preferably with meals. We’d also recommend following the guidelines below throughout the supplementation period:
For even better results, you can combine it with the supplement Tribulus Terrestris 500 mg.
april 5 2023
anti aromatase naturel
january 28 2022
Hardly available on the market. Very useful.
december 26 2024
Semble répondre à la demande. A confirmer dans le temps.
Seems to meet the demand. To be confirmed over time.
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august 8 2023
sorry, zuviel verlangt
Sorry, too much to ask
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june 3 2023
La molécule semble efficace ; mais le prix reste très cher . Cordialement
The molecule seems effective; but the price remains very high. Best regards
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Translated by SuperSmart - see the original