Bioperine® is a black pepper extract (Piper nigrum) in vegetarian capsules, standardised to 95% piperine, to support digestive health.
We’re all familiar with the hotness of black pepper: it is due to the biological activity of several active compounds, in particular piperine. Piperine is an alkaloid used for more than 20 years to maximise the bioavailability of nutrients.
Black pepper is one of three essential natural ingredients used in the majority of Ayurvedic formulations. It can increase absorption of selenium and vitamin C by up to 42% and 50% respectively. Below are just some of the many micronutrients where absorption can be improved by piperine:
Bioperine® effects are due to three distinct mechanisms of action:
In addition to optimising bioavailability, piperine also offers digestive benefits: it stimulates appetite and facilitates digestion (by increasing the activity of salivary amylase and trypsin, an enzyme in pancreatic juice which helps ‘break’ proteins (7)).
Piperine also helps increase the bioavailability of certain drugs such as ibuprofen (8). It therefore should not be taken at the same time as medication.
Black pepper is a climbing vine that grows in forest habitats and equatorial climates: it can only be cultivated between the latitudes 15 degrees north and 15 degrees south.
Black pepper is picked when the berries (or drupes) start to turn red: it is at this stage that the amount of essential oil is at its peak. They are then deseeded, dried in the sun till the berries go black, then plunged into boiling water for several minutes. The heat ruptures the peppers’ cell walls and releases heat-resistant enzymes. The drupes are then dried in the open air before the outer coating is removed.
In the case of Bioperine®, the piperine content is then increased so that it makes up around 95% of the natural black pepper extract.
It’s worth noting that while piperine can be synthesised in the laboratory using an enzyme called piperotransferase, Bioperine® contains natural piperine extracts from black pepper drupes, unlike many piperine supplements on the market.
Buy Bioperine® capsules to aid digestion.
Piperine potentiates the bioavailability of many supplements, but it is curcumin supplements known for their powerful anti-inflammatory effects, that most benefit from being combined with Bioperine®. Supersmart has curcumin supplements available to buy such as Curcumin Solution, Natural Curcuma and Super Curcuma.
Curcumin's bioavailability is actually very low because it is quickly metabolised in the liver. Thus taking 2g of curcumin will only produce a very slight increase in plasma concentrations. However, taking piperine at the same time produces a clear increase in curcumin levels, in the region of 2000%, within around 30 minutes of ingestion (6).
The mechanism responsible is inhibition of glucurono-conjugation: this slows down the breakdown of curcumin by the liver, considerably expanding its window of absorption.
october 23 2020
january 17 2025
Produit indispensable pour renforcer les autres compléments alimentaires.
Essential product to enhance other dietary supplements.
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december 14 2024
Très bon produit qui renforce les autres compléments alimentaires. J’en prends à chaque repas.
Very good product that enhances other dietary supplements. I take it with every meal.
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november 7 2024
Bon produit pour renforcer l’effet des autres compléments. J’en prends à chaque repas.
Good product to enhance the effect of other supplements. I take it with every meal.
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october 10 2024
Bon produit que je prends à 2 repas pour renforcer l’effet des autres remèdes.
Good product that I take with 2 meals to enhance the effect of other remedies.
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