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Muscle Relaxing Formula

Natural muscle-relaxant supplement

18 reviewsRead reviews

Muscle Relaxing Formula is a natural universal remedy for effective relief of muscle pain
  • Helps reduce occasional or persistent muscle pain.
  • Four plant extracts in their best form (valerian, lemon balm, passionflower and camomile).
  • Standardised in natural active principles.
  • Contains magnesium and vitamin E.
  • Organic, natural products.

54.00 €

180 Veg. Caps

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180 Veg. Caps


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Muscle Relaxing Formula

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

Muscle Relaxing Formula is a combination of plant extracts and micronutrients designed to provide immediate and long-lasting relief from muscle pain and discomfort. It’s a 100% natural formulation delivered in vegetarian capsules,containing organically grown plant extracts recognised for their efficacy against pain, now available to buy at Supersmart.

Who is Muscle Relaxing Formula aimed at?

This innovative formulation is for anyone affected by any of the following:

  • Frequent muscle pain.
  • Muscle pain that comes on after intensive exercise.
  • Involuntary muscle contractions of varying pain intensity.
  • Cramps.
  • Age-related night-time muscle stiffness.
  • Muscle pain linked to nutrient deficiency (vitamin D, essential amino acids...).
  • Fibromyalgia pain.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Pain from trauma.
  • Neuropathic pain of unknown origin.
  • Other related problems: varicose veins, venous insufficiency, aches, elongation, tears, sprains…

Five good reasons to choose Muscle Relaxing Formula for fighting muscle pain:

  1. The six natural ingredients in Muscle Relaxing Formula have all been scientifically studied for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic or anti-nociceptive effects.
  2. Its plant extracts are all organically produced. This is important as pesticides can be neurotoxic, potentially causing neurological dysfunction, exacerbating pain and promoting inflammation.
  3. Pain-killing drugs are currently claiming record numbers of victims: in 2017, more than 50,000 people died in the United States following side-effects from pain-killing drugs prescribed by their doctors. Thus an urgent return to natural methods is called for.
  4. In Europe and the US, more than one in two people currently suffer from joint or muscle pain. Such pain has a significant impact on sleep, level of physical activity and mood.
  5. Muscle Relaxing Formula contains no chemical excipients.

What is in Muscle Relaxing Formula

Valerian root extract
Lemon balm leaf extract
Extract of aerial part of passionflower
Chamomile flower extract
Magnesium citrate
Calcium citrate

Any questions?

What is in Muscle Relaxing Formula?

Muscle Relaxing Formula combines the four plant extracts most widely-studied in relation to muscle pain – and in their best form.

Lemon balm leaf.

Lemon balm is a medicinal herb traditionally used for over 2000 years to calm the nerves and ease pain. Recent clinical trials have confirmed the anxiolytic effects of lemon balm extract (1-3) as well as its ability to reduce sensitivity to pain via modulation of certain receptors in the central nervous system (4-6). Studies have demonstrated its analgesic properties (7-8) and associated decrease in sensitivity to external stimuli (nociception).

These properties are linked to the presence of terpenes in its essential oil as well as to its high content of phenolic compounds (rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid), citral, flavonoids (luteolin) and tannins (9).

Attention: many unscrupulous manufacturers replace the costly lemon balm extract with related species that smell strongly of lemon such as citronella or lemongrass.

The aerial parts of passionflower.

Passionflower contains several substances that act as pain-relievers: indole alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes and glucosides (10), although more than 294 volatile compounds have been identified.

The majority of pharmacological studies conducted on passionflower have demonstrated its effects on the central nervous system, particularly anxiolytic and sedative properties (11). Commission E (a European scientific advisory board) and ESCOP (the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy) also officially recognise the use of passionflower to reduce nervousness, and relieve muscle spasms and nerve pain.

The flowers of German camomile

Known for its relaxing properties, camomile has a number of anti-inflammatory and analgesic ingredients such as chamazulene, apigenin, flavonoids and alpha bisabolol. It has produced good results when administered to people suffering from various types of pain (12).

Attention: German camomile (Matricaria recutita), the flowers of which are the most beneficial parts, should not be confused with feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), the leaves of which are used to reduce the intensity of headaches and migraines.

Valerian root.

Traditionally used by Native Americans for treating muscle injuries, valerian root is still in demand today. It contains more than 150 chemical compounds, including valerenic acid and valtrates which explain its effect on certain chemical messengers in the brain and its relaxing benefits (13).

The formulation also contains two micronutrients recognised for their physiological benefits for human health:

Vitamin E (natural form).

Well-known for its exceptional antioxidant benefits, vitamin E also has anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory properties

Attention: the most abundant form in the body is alpha-tocopherol. As the synthetic form of this molecule is much less well-absorbed, it’s important to choose supplements such as Muscle Relaxing Formula which contain the natural form (14).

Magnesium (in its most soluble and absorbable form).

Magnesium plays a role in nerve transmission and helps muscles relax after contracting. As well as this muscle-relaxant effect, it also participates in pain relief: by disrupting NMDA receptors, it impedes the entry of calcium ions into cells, producing an anti-nociceptive effect.

This effect is associated with decreased sensitivity to pain stimuli triggered by injuries or insult to tissues. Magnesium thus offers significant potential for reducing hypersensitivity to actual and phantom pain.(15-16).

Attention: The less absorbable a magnesium salt is, the less beneficial it will be for the body and the greater its laxative effect. It’s therefore essential to choose the best forms: magnesium citrate and magnesium chloride. It’s also important to control your magnesium intake from food if you are taking it in dietary supplement form.

Which additional measures to make Muscle Relaxing Formula even more effective?

To maximise this formulation’s efficacy, you can also follow these steps throughout the supplementation period:

  1. Make sure you stay well-hydrated by drinking at least two litres of water a day, a little at a time. Good hydration promotes healthy circulation in muscle fibres.
  2. Set aside time every day to relax (meditation, visualisation, listening to relaxing music, contemplation without stimuli, etc.) and ensure you get a good night’s sleep overwork and lack of sleep exacerbate pain.
  3. Avoid eating foods that promote systemic inflammation such as red meat, dairy products, cooked meats, processed foods and refined cereals.
  4. Prioritise anti-inflammatory foods, particularly those rich in omega-3 fatty acids (fats that are able to reduce pain) as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, all rich in antioxidants. You can combine Muscle Relaxing Formula with a daily dose of Super DHA, a natural formulation rich in omega-3 which provides a much higher intake than can be obtained from everyday diets.
What are the capsules in this product made of?

This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.


This product is rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
There are 18 reviews






Excellent 18 Reviews
Cecilie B., Denmark

november 18 2024

Muscle Relaxing formula is excellent. My own experience and what others tell me is, that we don´t use six capsules a day, more likely 4 or 5. My husband uses it especially to sleep better with less cramping of the legs. It goes well with paracetamol and ibumetin, when necessary, but I take less paracetamol, when taking Muscle Relax. You find your way, when you get to know it. Cecilie B., Denmark

Véronique De Sainte Marie

september 20 2024

pas efficasse

SuperSmart's response september 24 2024

Bonjour Véronique,

Merci d'avoir partagé votre avis sur notre Muscle Relaxing Formula - 180 Gel Veg.

Il est vrai que les résultats peuvent varier selon les individus, et nous comprenons que cela puisse être frustrant. Si vous souhaitez discuter de vos préoccupations ou explorer d'autres options qui pourraient mieux répondre à vos besoins, n'hésitez pas à contacter notre service client. Nous sommes là pour vous aider.

Merci encore pour votre retour, et nous espérons avoir l'occasion de mieux vous servir à l'avenir.


Gaëlle - Supersmart

Evelyn Sanchez Tello

may 23 2020

Very good!

Joel Smiechowski

august 7 2024

Bon produit et bonne base. Peut-être un peu fortement dosé en valériane ?

Good product and good base. Maybe a bit too strongly dosed in valerian?

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original

Rolland Christophe

june 14 2024

Une amélioration notable au bout de quelques jours.

A noticeable improvement after a few days.

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original

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