Pancreatin is a combination of enzymes in gastro-resistant capsules with benefits for digestion and to help fight digestive problems, now available to buy at SuperSmart.
Pancreatin consists primarily of proteases, amylases and lipases which respectively help to break down protein, starch and fats into smaller elements. These enzymes act synergistically to fully support digestion and improve the body's absorption of various nutrients from the alimentary bolus.
Our “10X” pancreatin is ten times more powerful than chemical pancreatin. Sourced from porcine pancreas, it is identical in every respect to human pancreatin. It corresponds more closely to human use, can be produced in abundance and the amount of active principles (proteases, lipases and amylases) can be clearly established since it is immediately harvested and frozen so as to preserve all its properties.
Modern lifestyles are at the root of a growing incidence of digestive problems, even when there is sometimes no actual underlying disease. If probiotics have emerged as a powerful and effective tool in this area, digestive enzyme supplements are, for their part, equally important.
The proteases (proteolytic enzymes) enable dietary proteins to be broken down into smaller, more easily absorbed particles. This effect is boosted by the presence of trypsin and chymotrypsin, two pancreatic endoproteases. Trypsin activates chymotrypsin and pancreatic lipases. When taken before or immediately after a main meal, Pancreatin acts at a digestive level. When ingested outside of mealtimes, it has a “systemic” action which works on the body as a whole.
The water-soluble pancreatic lipases, active on emulsified substrates, enable fatty acids to be released from the majority of long-chain triglycerides. Without pancreatic lipases, fats are only partially digested and sometimes not at all. The three pancreatic amylases (alpha, beta and gamma) play an essential role in hydrolysing the different forms of starch (amylose and amylopectin). The synergistic action of these porcine pancreatic enzymes thus covers all the digestive processes and constitutes a natural and completely safe remedy for certain pancreatic deficiencies.
Buy Pancreatin to support digestion.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
january 8 2025
november 4 2024
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september 17 2024
Identique au descriptif
Identical to the description
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june 10 2024
Mes problèmes de digestion du gras ont été résolu rapidement. Bon produit, je recommande !
My issues with fat digestion were resolved quickly. Good product, I recommend it!
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march 23 2024