Produced by bees to protect the hive from the cold and diseases, propolis is a veritable treasure trove of beneficial compounds. Discover its secrets and how to get the most out of it.
With age, most men experience a decline in the health of their prostate (micturition difficulties, urinary incontinence, waking in the night ...). Which foods should you choose and which should you avoid to help maintain the health of your prostate?
We’ve all heard of ginseng, the no. 1 ingredient in the Asian pharmacopoeia. But how is the word pronounced, what are the many health benefits associated with this plant and what accounts for them?
Ginkgo dates back some 270 million years, predating even flowers and dinosaurs, and has been used for more than 4000 years in Chinese medicine. Discover all that this multi-beneficial tree has to offer ...
Glycation is a silent but powerful chemical reaction that plays a key role in the aging process. Find out exactly what’s involved in this ‘spontaneous caramelisation’ of the body, and how to curb it.
Do you know which three minerals best support normal immune system function, according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)? Discover how these minerals work and which foods contain them.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has compiled a list of vitamins that support normal immune system function. Discover these 6 unquestionably effective vitamins, and the foods that contain them.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), two billion people across the world suffer from anaemia, which means they’re deficient in iron. But when and why should you start taking iron supplements? Here we provide some possible answers.
Many people are attracted to the idea of food-combining. Based on avoiding certain food combinations, it may produce rapid and sustainable weight loss. Here we evaluate this diet and provide tips on how to follow it safely.
Many people complain of always feeling tired and lacking in energy. Here’s a list of anti-fatigue foods to help restore your vitality.
Derived from pineapple, bromelain is an invaluable enzyme complex. Discover how to gain maximum benefit from its properties.
In developed countries, the nutrients most often lacking in the diet are calcium, vitamin D, iron, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B12. Discover how such deficiencies can be easily addressed.
Psyllium seed is recognised as having a beneficial effect on the gut, easing both constipation and diarrhoea. Follow our advice to get the maximum benefit from the properties of blond or brown psyllium.
Have you heard of this African plant, commonly known as ‘devil’s claw’ ? Discover how Harpagophytum supports the health of your joints, amongst other benefits.
Metals rust, fruit and vegetables wilt, fats go rancid … the human body is by no means the only victim of oxidation, the process that leads to irreversible cell damage and which is associated with around 100 diseases - cancer and cardiovascular problems topping the list. In humans, it has a major but largely unknown origin: the vital conversion of oxygen into water.