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Golden root of the anti-depressant Rhodiola rosea
Guides and tutorials
Rhodiola: benefits and dosage of the famous ‘golden root’

An adaptogen plant used for centuries by those living in cold climates, rhodiola offers many advantages for health. Discover now the benefits of this arctic root, a plant of significant scientific interest.

Turmeric roots and powder
Guides and tutorials
Inner balance
Turmeric: what exactly is it, what benefits does it offer, and what’s the recommended dosage?

A plant that’s been used for thousands of years, turmeric is popular both as a cooking ingredient and as a phytotherapeutic agent. Discover its health virtues and the right dose to take to gain maximum benefit.

A chef holding some artichokes
Guides and tutorials
Liver & Detox
Artichokes: their health benefits, how to cook them and how to get the most out of them

This vegetable from the thistle family appeals to both young and old alike with its delicate, sweet flavour … but how can you get the most out of its properties?

Depressed man with a cloud instead of his head
Stress & Mood
Depression: 5 plants to help beat the blues and low mood

Are you going through a difficult period? Suffering from low mood? There are natural substances that can help to banish the blues and get you back on track.

Shoal of krill rich in omega-3
Heart & Circulation
Krill oil: definition and benefits of this excellent source of omega-3

The oil obtained from this small shrimp-like crustacean has swept the globe since the development of a particular oil extraction technique in the 2000s. Let’s take a close look at krill and its benefits.

Seated woman suffering from acid reflux
Gastrointestinal health
5 helpful tips for combatting acid reflux naturally

GERD is a relatively common problem, made worse by eating certain foods or by gaining weight. Here are some tips on how to relieve it and even get rid of it.

Basket of foods rich in antioxidant polyphenols
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Indispensable: the 12 fruits and vegetables with the highest polyphenol content

The polyphenol content of fruits and vegetables is one of the main reasons these foods are so good for our health. But which contain the most? And can you guess which one takes the no. 1 spot?

Young woman drinking a detox juice
Liver & Detox
Detox: the 4 best substances for helping to detoxify the body

Perhaps you’ve eaten too much fat, sugar and salt, and drunk too much alcohol. Or maybe you just want to give your body a boost from time to time with some health-beneficial compounds. Here are 4 must-have substances to include in any detox programme.

Moringa capsules, powder and leaves
Moringa: the ‘miracle plant’ that helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels

‘Miracle tree’, ‘tree of life’, ‘richness of India’ ... A star plant of Ayurvedic medicine used for centuries in India and Africa, moringa continues to surprise us with its high nutritional value and unique properties

Sticks of green propolis packed with benefits
Guides and tutorials
Propolis: how to get the best out of this beehive treasure

Produced by bees to protect the hive from the cold and diseases, propolis is a veritable treasure trove of beneficial compounds. Discover its secrets and how to get the most out of it.

Older man eating prostate-healthy foods
Guides and tutorials
Prostate health: foods to avoid and those to prioritise

With age, most men experience a decline in the health of their prostate (micturition difficulties, urinary incontinence, waking in the night ...). Which foods should you choose and which should you avoid to help maintain the health of your prostate?

Ginseng root for boosting the immune system
Ginseng: the amazing root that helps to support immunity and cognition

We’ve all heard of ginseng, the no. 1 ingredient in the Asian pharmacopoeia. But how is the word pronounced, what are the many health benefits associated with this plant and what accounts for them?

Trunk and leaves of the sacred tree Ginkgo biloba
Brain nutrition
Ginkgo biloba: the benefits of the oldest tree in the world

Ginkgo dates back some 270 million years, predating even flowers and dinosaurs, and has been used for more than 4000 years in Chinese medicine. Discover all that this multi-beneficial tree has to offer ...

Woman face aged due to glycation
Guides and tutorials
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Glycation: the silent process that accelerates ageing

Glycation is a silent but powerful chemical reaction that plays a key role in the aging process. Find out exactly what’s involved in this ‘spontaneous caramelisation’ of the body, and how to curb it.

Active couple cycling in the forest in autumn
The 3 best minerals for the immune system

Do you know which three minerals best support normal immune system function, according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)? Discover how these minerals work and which foods contain them.

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