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CBD Spray + Melatonin Spray

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CBD Spray + Melatonin Spray

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

What is in CBD Spray + Melatonin Spray

Cannabidiol (CBD)
Molecule / Molecular complex
Vitamin B6

Any questions?

How is this cannabidiol produced?

The CBD in this supplement is obtained via an alternative plant extraction method which uses supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2 SC). This process eliminates all solvent residues and preserves the hemp’s heat-sensitive molecules. CO2 SC is a healthy, odourless, colourless and 100% ecological compound.

What benefits are offered by the spray form?

The sublingual spray provides optimal efficacy, enabling the melatonin to be absorbed faster and better than with oral administration, as the active principles go straight into the bloodstream without being digested. It also allows a timed release effect , with its effects lasting several hours, particularly helpful for those who tend to wake in the night or early hours.

1) Review your lifestyle, taking care to avoid frequent changes to your sleep routine, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking, as well as the use of electronic devices in bed (mobile phones, laptops, tablets …) Establish a calming ritual before going to sleep such as listening to soft music (2), reading, or doing yoga or breathing exercises.

2) Restrict intense visual, physical, auditory or mental stimulation in the two hours before bed.

3) Eat dinner at least two hours before going to bed, prioritising foods rich in tryptophan, an amino acid involved in melatonin production which encourages drowsiness. The best sources are seeds, wholegrain rice, dairy products, eggs, pulses, chocolate and brewer’s yeast.

7 tips for relieving pain naturally

Arthritis, sciatica, backache, muscle pain, joint discomfort, toothache, migraine, wounds ... Whatever the cause, if you’re keen to eliminate your pain or restore your inner equilibrium, it’s well worth trying these excellent natural painkilling aids:

  1. in the event of a trauma or accident, apply an ice pack to the painful, warm and inflamed area for 15 minutes;
  2. If your pain is not due to a trauma or accident, apply heat instead. Place a hot water bottle wrapped in a cloth on the painful area for 15 minutes;
  3. for a migraine, lie down in a quiet room, cover your eyes and place a cold, damp flannel over your forehead;
  4. more generally, a soothing massage with essential oils will relax tissues and get rid of any tension, helping to reduce your pain;
  5. if you’re able to, take some moderate-intensity exercise to release endorphins, neurotransmitters known to be powerful natural painkillers. You could opt for power-walking, cycling, swimming, flexibility exercises … Try to complete two to three sessions a day of between 10 and 20 minutes for effective pain relief (17);
  6. relax by doing meditation or yoga, for example. Relaxation is an effective way to lower your stress levels, a factor which can trigger or exacerbate pain;
  7. modify your diet to eat more spinach, green beans, peppers, bilberries, nuts, oily fish, seeds, and spices … and less processed food, sugar, refined cereals, processed desserts, palm oil, overcooked food, charcuterie, and alcohol … as they can have pro-inflammatory effects (18-19).
Are there any side-effects associated with taking Melatonin Spray?

Toxicology researchers investigating a range of different doses (from 1mg to 300mg), have found no particular adverse effects associated with moderate treatment durations (3).

Note: melatonin is less effective at inducing sleep in those who are stressed, who brood over the day’s events, or who are suffering from pain of various kinds. Where this kind of common issue is responsible for sleep problems, it is better to turn to other supplements such as Natural Sleep Formula.

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