Injuv® Hyaluronic Acid is a patented hyaluronic acid supplement designed to smooth out fine lines, mask irregularities in the skin and lubricate the joints. Extracted from entirely natural sources, it offers exceptional bioavailability due to its very low molecular weight, achieved using a proprietary enzymatic technique. And the icing on the cake is that it comes in the form of oil-based capsules (softgels) to maximise its absorption.
Normally, hyaluronic acid supplements are relatively ineffective because the high molecular weight of hyaluronic acid means it is poorly absorbed by the body. Due to its large size, it has difficulty penetrating the epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract.
Injuv® has been developed using an enzymatic technique which significantly reduces the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid without altering its chemical nature. This transformation makes it easily absorbed by the body for subsequent delivery to tissues.
The hyaluronic acid in Injuv® comes from rooster combs, a natural source that has been safely used for over 20 years.
Over time, the gradual decline in hyaluronic acid in the epidermis is a contributing factor in giving the skin a dull, aged appearance. To make matters worse, skin cells separate from each other, increasing water evaporation and making the skin even less radiant.
With its hydrophilic properties and gradual skin resorption, hyaluronic acid helps to smooth out fine lines and mask irregularities of the skin. It is used in many beauty supplements to provide an injection of radiance to the skin.
Injuv® Hyaluronic Acid offers three main advantages over standard supplements:
Hyaluronic acid has, in recent years, attracted huge media coverage in the medical press. It is a polysaccharide macromolecule from the family of glycosaminoglycans which is found abundantly in the skin and synovial fluid (the thick, viscous liquid located between the joints). Around 50% of the body's hyaluronic acid is in the skin.
Its hydrophilic physico-chemical characteristics make it the perfect choice of material as a 'wrinkle-filler' and for boosting the radiance of the skin.
Exposure to the sun or use of tanning booths, and facial expressions, are the two best-known accelerators of wrinkles. Others include smoking, oxidant-rich smoke producing a dull, grey complexion, sleep problems and regular alcohol consumption. It's therefore important to avoid these risk factors while supplementing with hyaluronic acid. .
Most dermatologists also advise against facial gymnastic exercises as they could, in the long term, accentuate wrinkles.
There are four nutritional supplements currently recognised for their beneficial effects on the skin:
This product’s softgels are of bovine origin. They are particularly suitable for supplements that require rapid solubility. Made from high-quality bovine gelatine, they are safe and effective.
november 7 2024
Je le prends depuis plusieurs années et le couple avec le collagène marin afin de composer un duo au top pour le traitement du vieillissement de ma peau !!
I have been taking it for several years and pairing it with marine collagen to create a top duo for treating the aging of my skin!!
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april 18 2024
J’utilise ce produit depuis plusieurs années, la qualité de ma peau et le meilleur résultat !!
I have been using this product for several years, the quality of my skin is the best result!!
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november 17 2023
Je pense que ce produit agit bien et je continuerai à le prendre
I think this product works well and I will continue to take it
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october 26 2023
Traitement d’entretien depuis plusieurs années et qui se révèle efficace au niveau de la texture et aspect de ma peau
Maintenance treatment for several years that has proven effective in terms of the texture and appearance of my skin
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june 28 2023