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Natural Testo Formula + Super Ashwagandha

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Natural Testo Formula + Super Ashwagandha

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

What is in Natural Testo Formula + Super Ashwagandha

Nettle root extract
Ashwagandha root extract
Saw palmetto extract
Fenugreek extract
Tribulus terrestris extract

Any questions?

What are the key "takeaways" about testosterone boosters?

Testosterone levels fall with age

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by the gonads (reproductive glands). It’s referred to as a male sex hormone because it is present in greater quantities in men (in whom it’s produced mainly in the testicles) than in women.

This hormone regulates sexual desire, muscle mass and strength(by stimulating protein synthesis), fat distribution, production of red blood cells and production of sperm in men (19).

In healthy adults, blood levels of testosterone are normally between 8.2 and 34.6 nmol/L for men and 0.3 and 3 nmol/L for women.

From the age of around 30, testosterone levels decrease by 1%-2% each year in men. This progressive decline can result in loss of muscle mass, depression, demotivation, lower sex drive

When should you take a testosterone-booster?

Many people find taking a testosterone-booster an effective and convenient way of compensating for this decrease in testosterone levels and stemming the loss of motivation, strength or libido.

These supplements are also very popular with sportspeople of all ages, including bodybuilders. Testosterone is actually an anabolic hormone involved in muscle mass gain(20).

What constitutes the best testosterone-booster?

The ideal testosterone-booster should contain substantial doses of the most effective and safe compounds. So look for a supplement that’s rich in medicinal plants and trace-elements with scientifically-supported effects. With a composition rich in fenugreek and rhodiola, and a powerful dose, Natural TestoFormula is the best possible natural testosterone-booster.

Testosterone boosters: what dangers?

The advantage of taking a natural testosterone-booster

Testosterone-boosters are commonly-usedsupplements. There is very little, if any, risk associated with taking a product based on natural ingredients. Just make sure you stick to the recommended dosage (21).

Is it a good idea to take testosterone itself?

Be aware, however, that there are a number of risks and potentially irreversible side-effects associated with testosterone injections or drugs. Taking testosterone directly can cause cardiovascular weakening, testicular shrinkage, impotence and infertility, hair loss... (22). Opt instead for a natural, high-quality testosterone-booster to avoid these adverse side-effects.

How to increase your testosterone levels fast?

What other natural and effective measures can you take to help increase your production of this male sex hormone? In addition to supplementing with Natural TestoFormula, you can support your efforts to maintain or restore good testosterone levels by:

  • getting enough sleep, testosterone being predominantly made during the hours of sleep;
  • maintaining a healthy weight, as excess fat causes testosterone to be converted into oestrogen;
  • exercising: engage in short bursts of intensive exercise (cardio, lifting heavy weights …) during your training sessions. The more demanding an exercise is on the muscles, the more it stimulates the release of testosterone;
  • reducing your stress levels, as stress releases cortisol which blocks the reproductive hormone (GnRH) and reduces testosterone production;
  • watching your alcohol consumption, as its inflammatory action damages hormone production;
  • optimising your diet, by including plenty of foods rich in macronutrients and micronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace-elements …): eggs, beef, fish, oysters, pomegranates, garlic, avocados, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, ginger ... (23-25)
How to boost your testosterone levels after the age of 50?

While testosterone levels decline even more from the age of 50 onwards,the rules remain the same, as do the above-mentioned recommendations: restful sleep, physical activity, healthy diet ...

We should, however, flag up a particular development that occurs with advancing age: the aromatisation of testosterone. The enzyme aromatase, found in adipose tissue, converts testosterone into oestrogen. All men need a small amount of oestrogen to maintain bone health. The problem is that most men ‘age badly’: in gaining too much fat as they get older, their aromatase activity becomes excessive, resulting in a pronounced drop in their testosterone levels and a host of associated adverse effects (loss of energy, muscle mass, sexual desire, potential gynecomastia (‘man-boobs’), etc.) (26)

Men in their fifties affected by this can follow up their course of Natural TestoFormula by taking supplements rich in chrysin, naringin and Agaricus bisporus (such as the formulation Natural Anti Aromatase Support).

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