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EDTA supplement, heavy metal chelator

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Ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) removes lead and heavy metals from the body by bonding to them through chelation.
  • Excellent chelator of calcium, which accumulates in vascular walls.
  • Prevents oxidative stress by chelating heavy metals and toxins in blood flow.
  • Reduces fatigue, increases energy and improves mental clarity by lessening the toxic load on the body.

35.00 €

180 Veg. Caps

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32.20 €

180 Veg. Caps


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  • Description
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  • Directions for use

Ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) removes lead and heavy metals from the body by bonding to them through chelation', and carrying them away naturally in waste. EDTA is also an excellent chelator of calcium which accumulates in vascular walls increasingly as we age, causing hardening of the arteries and atherosclerotic plaques which obstruct blood flow. EDTA's systemic action benefits not just the heart but all vessels and organs. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant, especially effective at reducing lipid peroxidation - a major cause of atherosclerosis.

What are the benefits of EDTA capsules?

  • It's a safe, effective, inexpensive and more practical method than intravenous chelation of obtaining all the benefits of a regular dose of EDTA.
  • Supports normal endothelial function in the miles upon miles of vessels and capillaries in the human body by stimulating nitric oxide production which is essential to cardiovascular health. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessel and capillary walls so that they expand to their optimum point.
  • Prevents oxidative stress by chelating heavy metals and toxins in blood flow even before they produce oxidative reactions.
  • Lowers serum cholesterol levels often by 20% or more in just a few weeks, and helps normalise blood pressure.
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack by preventing the formation of clots.
  • Prevents and relieves thoracic pain and cramps in lower limbs.
  • Reduces fatigue, increases energy and improves mental clarity by lessening the toxic load on the body and by generally improving circulation.

“I sincerely believe that a programme of oral chelation can do more for your longevity than even the most prudent lifestyle, because of the protection if brings against our stressful and polluted world. I recommend routine consumption of oral chelators every day for the rest of your life, from the day you're old enough to swallow a supplement”. Dr Garry Gordon (Dr Gordon treats many thousands of patients a year with EDTA; he has written several books and is an authority on chelation).

Buy EDTA capsules to help remove lead and heavy metals from the body.

Other supplements of interest from Supersmart

To obtain the benefits of oral chelation therapy, you may also be interested in other oral chelators available to buy at Supersmart, similar to EDTA. DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid), for example, is recognised as a powerful mercury chelator. Though less well-known than EDTA and DMSA, zeolite clinoptilolite is a natural and versatile chelator of many heavy metals including lead, cadmium, mercury and nickel. For an optimal detox, the supplement Humic & Fulvic Acids may also be of interest. Its composition is based on texts from Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine.

What is in EDTA

Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA calcium disodium)

Any questions?

What are the capsules in this product made of?

This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.


This product is rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
There are 25 reviews






Excellent 25 Reviews
Peter P.s. Van Dijk

february 6 2023

Perfect Chelator, to decalcify your arteries! EDTA should be mandated for everyone over 40: better feeding of organs (minerals, vitamins, oxygen) prevents many diseases to joints and even cancer!

Isabelle Gayral

january 27 2025

Attention ce chélateur est un médicament qui ne devrait être pris que sous suivi médical stricte, avec un médecin spécialisé dans les chélations pour intoxications aux métaux lourds. Il faut savoir que ce produit est considéré comme un complément alimentaire et est donc accessible sur simple commande, sans aucune prescription médicale. Un complément alimentaire comme son nom l'indique devrait complémenter une alimentation carencée en vitamines, oligo-éléments, minéraux etc. Or l'EDTA ne correspond à rien de physiologiquement assimilable ni alimentaire. De plus, il faut savoir que ce produit chimique ne doit en aucun cas être avalé par des personnes intoxiquées au mercure ! Donc notamment, mais pas que, les porteurs ou ex-porteurs d'amalgames dentaires, abstenez-vous, le risque est vital et à court terme. J'ai eu de la chance de m'arrêtrer à temps, j'ai cru mourir.

Be careful, this chelator is a medication that should only be taken under strict medical supervision, with a doctor specialized in chelation for heavy metal poisoning. It should be noted that this product is considered a dietary supplement and is therefore accessible by simple order, without any medical prescription. A dietary supplement, as its name suggests, should complement a diet lacking in vitamins, trace elements, minerals, etc. However, EDTA does not correspond to anything physiologically assimilable or dietary. Moreover, it should be known that this chemical product should not be ingested by people intoxicated with mercury! So notably, but not only, those with or formerly with dental amalgams, refrain, the risk is vital and short-term. I was lucky to stop in time, I thought I was going to die.

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december 9 2024

bon deal pour ce produit

good deal for this product

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december 6 2024

Bon produit.

Good product.

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Norringer Christina

december 3 2024

Très bon produit, je suis contente

Very good product, I am happy

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