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Colon Cleanse Formula is a natural formula in vegetarian capsules that provides a detoxification of the colon, supporting a healthy gastrointestinal system.
This may not be a traditional adage, but it is nevertheless good advice. Modern diets and processed foods block the digestive tract with waste material it was not designed to deal with. While Colon Cleanse Formula is not a complete colon cleanse, such as the colonic detoxes offered by trained therapists that eliminate mucus and polyp elements, it is formulated to achieve a gentle yet thorough sweep of the colon system, using simple but carefully-selected plant substances that eliminate residues, parasites and bacteria, and repopulate and reactivate healthy intestinal flora. Pre or pro-biotics can be added if required, to help maintain healthy intestinal mucosa.
Colon Cleanse Formula can be used continuously with some periods of non-use to avoid dependency - either selectively, to cleanse the body of residues blocking the cell wall after too many heavy meals perhaps, or simply to feel lighter and cleansed. It should be taken with plenty of liquid, preferably water, and in combination with pre and pro-biotics to maintain a healthy, infection-free, intestinal wall.
Buy Colon Cleanse Formula to support a healthy intestinal flora.
For optimal detoxification of the digestive tract, other dietary supplements of interest are available to buy at Supersmart. To support your detox treatment, you could, for example, take the supplement Rehab, a concentrate of nutrients for stimulating the body’s detox mechanisms. The product Lectin Flush can help eliminate lectins, proteins known to play a role in some cases of food sensitivity or hypersensitivity.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
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