Lectin Flush is a first-line defence for anyone suffering from uncontrolled food intolerances and unexplained weight gain which, in many cases, it can help resolve.
Eating can, and should be, a pleasure. But many people have at some point suffered from food allergies, whether to gluten, certain cereals, vegetables or dairy products. Many too have experienced fatigue after a meal, or indigestion, gas, and bloating, or have gained weight without obviously overeating. All these problems have a common cause: lectins - proteins that specifically attach themselves to carbohydrates and are at the root of most food allergies.
Consumption of lectin-rich food can cause diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting. Lectins often mimic insulin, sending adipocytes a signal to store excess carbohydrate as fat. They may also induce resistance to leptin, a hormone that regulates fat reserves.
Some common lectins, such as gliadin, present in wheat gluten (and also in other cereals), act to trigger the inflammatory cascade. Other lectins upset the balance of intestinal flora while those in potatoes and tomatoes may lead to arthritic pain. The majority of lectins stimulate harmful production of polyamines in the intestine and reduce the beneficial activity of natural killer cells. Lectins are found in almost all types of food and it is therefore impossible to avoid them completely. They are not easily destroyed or eliminated at high temperatures, and neither are they digestible.
Only our genotype and blood group can determine to what extent we are likely to to be troubled by lectins. Fortunately you can buy Lectin Flush, whose benefits include eliminating lectins from the digestive tract. The substances on this advanced formula are able to bind to lectins before they have a chance to attack their targets.
Buy Lectin Flush capsules to fight uncontrolled food intolerances.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
july 9 2019
Plus de maux de ventre, digestion au top !
november 4 2024
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october 3 2024
Un excellent produit pour celles et ceux qui souffrent d'intolérances diverse, je souffrais chaque fois que je mangeais un plat à base d'oignons, mais les poivrons et tomates fraiches finissaient par provoquer une inflammation du colon. je prends 2 gelules avant le repas et je peux manger ce que je veux
An excellent product for those who suffer from various intolerances, I used to suffer every time I ate a dish with onions, but fresh peppers and tomatoes would eventually cause colon inflammation. I take 2 capsules before the meal and I can eat whatever I want.
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may 18 2024
Muito bom e rápido em resultados.
Very good and quick results.
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september 4 2023
Un producto muy bueno.
A very good product.
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