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Senna leaf supplement: laxative, anti-constipation

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  • Senna leaf extract in tablet form with digestive benefits, a powerful, fast-acting, natural laxative for combatting constipation.
  • Promotes intestinal transit by stimulating movement through the digestive tract and by preventing the absorption of water in digested food, thus keeping stools soft.
  • Exceptional senna extract standardised to 20% sennosides for optimal efficacy.
  • Guaranteed free from emodin and aloe-emodin.
  • Enriched with magnesium citrate which supports normal muscle function (including intestinal muscles) and draws water into the intestine through an osmotic effect.

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SennaLax is a senna leaf supplement standardised in sennosides, the plant’s active ingredients. This powerful, natural laxative helps combat constipation fast.

SennaLax is part of our gastrointestinal health category.

Laxative benefits of senna leaf

Definition and digestive benefits of senna

Senna (Cassia angustifolia) is a small shrub from the Fabaceae family with elongated, oval-shaped leaves and 3-6 leaflets. It is grown, in particular, in India.

The plant is traditionally best known, at least since ancient Egyptian times, for its powerful, fast-acting laxative effect (1-3). Indeed, senna leaves support normal intestinal tract function and thus help to prevent and reduce constipation.

The World Health Organization (WHO), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) all consider senna to be a “short-term treatment for occasional constipation” (4).

How does senna leaf reduce constipation?

Senna contains sennosides A and B, anthracene derivatives.

Once metabolised by bacteria in the gut flora, these sennosides release active anthraquinones which have a two-fold action:

  • they stimulate the muscles of the intestinal wall, which increases peristaltic contractions (the movements that propel the contents of the intestines towards the rectum);
  • and they inhibit the absorption of water in digested food, which helps to keep stools soft.

These two mechanisms speed up intestinal transit and promote fast, effective bowel movements.

Three strengths of the supplement SennaLax

Our senna leaf tablets are notable in 3 key aspects:

  1. the Sennagex® used in SennaLax is a recognised extract of senna leaf (Cassia angustifolia), standardised to 20% sennosides for maximum efficacy and safe use. It provides an excellent daily dose of 50mg, from 3 tablets a day;
  2. this senna extract is enhanced by the addition of magnesium citrate. Magnesium supports normal muscle function including muscles involved in intestinal motility (essential for effective defecation). Magnesium citrate is also a form of magnesium known to have good bioavailability and an exceptional ability to attract water into the intestines through an osmotic effect, thus making stools softer (5-6). This form of magnesium is used at a high dose prior to a colonoscopy, to empty the bowel;
  3. our SennaLax supplement contains neither emodin nor aloe-emodin in accordance with European regulations. These substances can have overly-powerful and potentially dangerous laxative effects, and their use in supplements has thus been banned by health authorities to protect consumers’ health.

What is in SennaLax

Sennagex® senna leaf extract
Magnesium citrate

Any questions?

Are there any side effects and contraindications associated with senna?

In terms of side effects, senna can irritate the gut when used repeatedly for prolonged periods.

It should therefore only be used occasionally and short-term, reserving it for actual bouts of constipation.

As for contraindications, senna should not be taken by people suffering from:

  • inflammation of the colon, chronic constipation, or abdominal pain of either undetermined origin or caused by obstruction of the digestive tract (intestinal narrowing and/or bowel obstruction);
  • consequent dehydration, especially if associated with electrolyte imbalances and loss of mineral salts;
  • heart problems (7).

Don’t hesitate to seek advice from a health professional.

Be aware too that taking senna may temporarily darken the colour of your urine.

Does senna make you lose weight?

Senna is a fast-acting, natural laxative which is used as an effective remedy for constipation.

Its purgative effect results in temporary weight loss only due to the loss of fluid and faecal matter, rather than fat, and frequent use is too problematic for it to be regarded as a slimming supplement or miracle cure.

For weight loss, it’s better to take a natural fat-burning supplement rich in Coleus forskohlii and Garcinia cambogia (such as Advanced Fat Burner) or a thermogenic supplement rich in red chili pepper (such as Metadrine™).

When should you take senna?

Senna is normally taken in the evening to help combat constipation.

It takes 6-12 hours to work, which means its laxative effect is felt in the morning after you’ve taken it.

Be sure to only use it occasionally as required, not for prolonged periods.

Which supplements can be taken in synergy with senna for constipation?

This senna supplement should be regarded as an occasional remedy only, to be taken during a bout of constipation.

To maintain comfortable and effective intestinal transit on an ongoing basis, it’s important to maintain or re-establish a healthy gut flora. It’s, therefore, a good idea to take a course of probiotics to help rebalance your gut microbiota (such as the synergistic probiotic formulation Colon Friendly).

If, after taking senna, you continue to have trouble passing stools, you can try psyllium seed. The fibre in psyllium attracts and retains water in the gut, helps to bulk out stools, and forms a viscous gel, which promotes intestinal transit and excretion (opt for a blond psyllium supplement such as Psyllium Seed Husk).


This product is rated 2 out of 5 stars
There are 1 reviews






Excellent 1 Reviews

december 16 2024

Pour moi ça n'a pas marché pour la constipation... J'ai commancé la diète cétogène et un des effets possible au début est la constipation... mais ce compléments n'a pas fonctionné. Ce qui marche le mieux pour le moment pour moi c'est de boire beaucoup plus que le normal (presque 2l) et de faire certaines tisanes pour le transit. Peut-être ce complément est-il efficace pour d'autres types de constipation, tout dépend de la cause.

For me, it didn't work for constipation... I started the ketogenic diet and one of the possible initial effects is constipation... but this supplement didn't work. What works best for me at the moment is to drink much more than usual (almost 2 liters) and to make certain herbal teas for transit. Maybe this supplement is effective for other types of constipation, it all depends on the cause.

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original

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