Ubiquinol™ is the reduced form of coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, ubiquinone or simply Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is recognised as a powerful antioxidant and is used in the formulation of many anti-ageing creams. Extensively studied, it has also demonstrated protective benefits for certain of the body’s vital organs, and the prevention of some diseases. As a consequence, CoQ10 is also available to buy as a dietary supplement from the Supersmart catalogue. While coenzyme Q10 may be more widely known than Ubiquinol™, the latter also offers important benefits for protecting the body and thus delaying the ageing process. Scientific studies suggest too that Ubiquinol™ may be more absorbable, stable and resistant to oxidation than coenzyme Q10.
Like coenzyme Q10, Ubiquinol™ has been widely studied for its therapeutic potential. Research shows that Ubiquinol™ shares many of CoQ10’s properties and is thus often regarded as a key nutrient for health, helping to protect vital organs such as the heart and brain. It may also have a protective effect on red blood cells which are responsible for transporting oxygen around the body. While we do not yet fully understand how Ubiquinol™ works, it is thought to act via a number of mechanisms of action:
In a general sense, Ubiquinol™ appears to have a positive effect on how the body and its cells function. Given its protective effects, scientists have investigated Ubiquinol™’s therapeutic potential.
Further studies are underway to expand our understanding of Ubiquinol™’s therapeutic properties. Based on this scientific research, our product provides an optimal intake of Ubiquinol™, in the form of 100mg vegetarian capsules, with a suggested dose of one to two capsules a day.
To boost its protective effects, Ubiquinol™ can be combined with other powerful antioxidants available to buy at Supersmart such as butylhydroxytoluene (BHT). You can also capitalise on the benefits of glutathione, one of the body’s key antioxidants. There are enzymes too with antioxidant properties such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), available in a stable form in the patented supplement SOD-Gliadins Complex.
This product’s softgels are 100% vegan. Made solely from plant-based ingredients, they are notable for their purity, bioavailability and consistency with an animal-friendly and green lifestyle.
november 22 2023
ok ok ok ok
november 23 2021
Very good product, but quite expensive
may 31 2021
Very good product.
february 12 2025
Utilizzato per contrastate effetti collaterali delle statine . Efficacie sui crampi muscolari .
november 26 2024
Je prends une gélule par jour pour son effet sur le cœur et pour booster mon energie.
I take one capsule a day for its effect on the heart and to boost my energy.
see the translation
Translated by SuperSmart - see the original
De la même façon que la coenzyme Q10, l’ubiquinol a fait l’objet de nombreuses études scientifiques en raison de son intérêt thérapeutique. Les résultats révèlent que l’ubiquinol partagent de nombreux points communs avec la coenzyme Q10. Elle est souvent présentée comme un nutriment clé pour le cœur et le cerveau. Elle présente également un effet protecteur pour les hématies, plus connus sous le nom de globules rouges, responsables du transport de l’oxygène dans l’organisme. Ses mécanismes d’actions sont nombreux :
elle agit comme un neuroprotecteur pour protéger le cerveau du stress oxydatif ;
elle intervient comme support pour le métabolisme énergétique, c’est-à-dire en contribuant à un approvisionnement adéquat en énergie au niveau des muscles et des tissus ;
elle intervient au niveau des mitochondries, structures essentielles des cellules pour la production d’énergie ;
elle module favorablement les enzymes respiratoires ;
elle contribue à réduire la fatigue après une activité physique intense ;
elle contribue à préserver la santé cardio-vasculaire ;
elle préserve les hématies ;
elle renforce l’action de certains nutriments comme la vitamine C, les tocotriénols ou l’astaxanthine.
Avez vous fait des analyses permettant de vérifier les résultats de Ubiquinol sur votre organisme?
Mr Smart