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Pueraria mirifica

Pueraria (phytoestrogens) supplement for the menopause

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Pueraria Mirifica is a natural extract of the plant Pueraria mirifica with an exceptionally high content of phytoestrogens.
  • Helps maintain and develop secondary sexual characteristics in women (increased breast size).
  • Contains numerous phytoestrogens able to compensate for the dramatic fall in oestrogen linked to the menopause.
  • Helps reduce the effects of the menopause (hot flushes, fatigue, sleep problems…).
  • Thai plant Pueraria mirifica listed in several traditional Asian pharmacopoeia.

31.00 €

60 Veg. Caps.

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60 Veg. Caps.


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Pueraria mirifica

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Pueraria Mirifica is a rejuvenating dietary supplement extracted from the plant of the same name. With its naturally high content of specific phytoestrogens (miroestrol et dioxymiroestrol), it is traditionally used for reducing the effects of the menopause and increasing breast size. However, the scientific literature shows it also offers many additional benefits for health.

What is Pueraria Mirifica?

Also known as ‘kwao krua’, pueraria mirifica is a plant indigenous to Thailand, the benefits of which are largely attributed to its exceptionally high content of phytoestrogens, natural molecules able to mimic the action of oestrogen sex hormones.

Pueraria mirifica contains 3 types of phytoestrogen (1-2): isoflavones (genistin, genistein, daidzein, daidzin, kwakhurin, tuberosin, puerarin, mirificin, and puemiricarpene), coumestans (coumestrol, mirificoumestan, mirificoumestan glycol) and chromenes (miroestrol, dioxymiroestrol, et isomiroestrol). These compounds are all structurally similar to the hormone oestradiol which is necessary for maintaining fertility and secondary sexual characteristics in women. Oestradiol is important for:

  • Developing and maintaining the breasts.
  • Maintaining bone strength and density.
  • Primary feedback in the brain concernig sex hormone production.

Miroestrol is the phytoestrogen with the most significant oestrogenic activity. It is chemically very similar to oestriol, the oestrogen considered to be the safest for men (3-5).

Attention: Pueraria mirifica should not be confused with Kudzu (Pueraria hirsuta) which has different properties and uses.

What benefits can you expect to see from taking Pueraria Mirifica?

In their comprehensive guide, ‘Pueraria mirifica: benefits of the wonder herb‘, Drs Richard Passwater and Margaret Ritchie describe in detail the scientifically-validated properties of this plant.

  • Alleviating menopause symptoms. After the menopause, oestradiol levels fall dramatically, and while there’s considerable variation between individuals, this can lead to some very unpleasant symptoms. Some women are fortunate enough to escape altogether, but for others, they’re a significant blight to daily life. While these symptoms tend to lessen over time, a quarter of all women will still be affected a decade on from their last period. Such symptoms include hot flushes, intense sweats, headaches, chronic fatigue, sleep problems, vaginal dryness, urinary problems (urgent need to pass water, cystitis …) and joint pain. Increasing numbers of women, keen to avoid the highly controversial route of hormone replacement therapy, are turning to phytoestrogen supplements to compensate for the sudden loss of oestrogen and to ease its accompanying symptoms. In this regard, supplements should only be taken while symptoms continue.
    Note: when the body produces too much oestrogen, phytoestrogens can block its adverse effects. However, when the body stops producing it, they partly compensate for the sudden shortfall and thus help reduce the associated symptoms.
  • Strengthening bones. Oestrogen also plays a role in bone remodelling and osteoporosis. In its absence, bone demineralisation accelerates, increasing the risk of fractures.
  • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems. Oestrogen has a clear, protective effect on the arteries, particularly during the 10 years following a woman’s last period. In particular, it influences HDL cholesterol levels, inflammation, insulin resistance and weight loss mechanisms.
  • Fighting oxidative stress. With its high flavone content, Pueraria mirifica offers significant antioxidant effects.
  • Increasing libido. Pueraria mirifica indirectly helps to restore sexual activity which tends to diminish after the menopause due to the acute decline in production of sex hormones.

Last but not least, the scientific literature has also identified very interesting anti-ageing properties for this plant (6).

What is in Pueraria mirifica

Pueraria mirifica root and stem extract

Any questions?

How should Pueraria Mirifica capsules be taken?

Some of the phytoestrogens in Pueraria mirifica, such as daidzein, may be converted into more active molecules when they come into contact with gut flora. However, this conversion depends on the composition of this microflora, and appears to be more effective in vegetarians (7).

Taken under the guidance of a skilled therapist, the supplement Pueraria mirifica may be considered as a safer and more effective alternative to hormone replacement therapy, the potency of which can lead to an increased risk of blood clots and even certain cancers. Pregnant women should not take phytoestrogen supplements.

To boost its effects against menopause symptoms, it can be combined with other supplements available to buy at Supersmart such as the natural liposomal progesterone cream (extracted from wild yam) while symptoms persist. It can also be combined with the bone-strengthening supplement Bone Health to reduce bone loss, or with the aphrodisiac Damiana extract to add extra spice to your sex life.

Buy Pueraria Mirifica capsules to alleviate menopause symptoms.

What are the capsules in this product made of?

This product’s capsules are made of pullulan, a natural polysaccharide obtained by fermenting tapioca or corn. Pullulan contains no animal ingredients and provides an excellent barrier to oxygen, helping to preserve the integrity of the capsule’s ingredients. It is also an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic materials.


This product is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
There are 27 reviews






Excellent 27 Reviews

january 8 2025

Hochwertiges Qualitätssupplement. Sehr gut wirksam. Beste Ergänzung für Frauen in dem Funktionsbereich Kann alleine oder mit medizinischen Östrogene ( chem. definierten Medikamenten ) eingenommen werden. Wirkstoff ist totaler USP für Supersmart. Einzigartig u. genial.

High-quality supplement. Very effective. Best addition for women in the functional area. Can be taken alone or with medical estrogens (chemically defined medications). Active ingredient is a total USP for Supersmart. Unique and brilliant.

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december 17 2024

Fort et efficace

Strong and effective

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Pierron Olivier

december 1 2024

Je ne suis pas sûr de l’efficacité du produit dans le temps à venir

I am not sure about the effectiveness of the product in the time to come.

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november 5 2024

Wirkt bei Frauen sehr gut als Östrogenersatz. Frei von Nebenwirkungen. Aber sonst wirkungsvoll.

Works very well for women as an estrogen replacement. Free from side effects. But otherwise effective.

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september 27 2024

Ce produit est vraiment utile pour les femmes.

This product is really useful for women.

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