Apple Polyphenols supports the proverb that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". It is a completely safe product, with no known side-effects, that provides several antioxidant benefits. It is also suitable for all health-conscious individuals concerned about their weight or metabolism. A complete supplement made with a natural apple extract, now available to buy at Supersmart.
Plant polyphenols are showing particular promise as anti-ageing nutrients. In three recent studies, polyphenols from apples extended lifespan in laboratory models by up to 12%. It seems the polyphenols activate genes which stimulate both endogenous antioxidant defences and inhibition of other genes involved in premature death. Epidemiological research confirms a positive correlation between consumption of flavonoids in general, and of apples in particular, and longevity.
Phloridzin is one such polyphenol which is concentrated in apple peel. It is one of the chalcone flavonoids, which reduces insulin resistance and is effective at countering glycation via a number of synergistic mechanisms. Apples are similarly rich in chlorogenic acid (a key active in our green coffee extract too), catechin, epicatechin and various tannins. Apple polyphenols are also potent antioxidants with an ORAC value three times that of green tea extract.
Many studies demonstrate the wide-ranging applications and polyvalence of apple polyphenols. They act as:
In research conducted on 45 overweight adults, daily supplementation with 600mg of apple polyphenols produced weight loss after 12 weeks, essentially in the form of reduced visceral fat, while in a different study, supplemented subjects lost 8.9% of their visceral fat in 16 weeks. A third study is underway to evaluate the effects of apple polyphenols on satiety and calorie absorption.
Buy Apple Polyphenols to boost your antioxidant defences.
april 22 2020
I use to buy two in winter and I do not get sick at all. After four years. You know “one apple a day keeps doctor away”.
march 8 2024
Bon produit avec une saveur agréable quand on l’avale, 1jour sur2 en complément des pommes que j’aime tant le soir et qui favorisent le sommeil.
Good product with a pleasant taste when swallowed, every other day as a complement to the apples I love so much in the evening, which promote sleep.
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february 1 2024
Bon produit, très bon goût, utile en tant qu'anti-oxydant.
Good product, very good taste, useful as an antioxidant.
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january 19 2024
Excellent goût de ce produit quand on l'avale. Il complète l'effet de la pomme bio avec sa peau que je mange en début de repas du soir.
Excellent taste of this product when swallowed. It complements the effect of the organic apple with its skin that I eat at the beginning of my evening meal.
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december 4 2023
Kedvelem, nagyon sok jó tulajdonsága van, például a phloridzin tartalma normalizálja a vércukrot, védi a veséket
I like it, it has many good properties, for example, its phloridzin content normalizes blood sugar and protects the kidneys
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