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Which foods should you eat to prevent or relieve muscle cramps?

Though generally harmless, muscle cramps are nonetheless painful. Discover the best foods for preventing and relieving them (as well as the foods to avoid).

Leg cramp

Cramps: definition, causes and prevention

A muscle cramp is a brief, sudden and uncontrollable contraction of a muscle or muscle group. Mainly affecting the lower limbs (feet, toes, calves), a muscle cramp can occur during the day, during or after exercise, as well as at night when the body is at rest (night cramp) (1).

Though very painful, muscle cramps are fortunately harmless and usually go away on their own after a few seconds or minutes. Though anyone can be affected, those most at risk are athletes, pregnant women and the elderly (2-3).

Insufficient hydration, mineral deficiencies (magnesium, potassium, calcium), certain types of medication, chronic kidney disease, and less commonly, neurological disease are the most frequently-cited causes (4).

To prevent cramps, it’s particularly important:

  • to drink enough fluid (a minimum of 1.5 litres of water a day);
  • not to skip your pre-exercise warm-up in order to prepare your muscles (5);
  • to stretch properly after your workout to remove lactic acid from your muscles.

Night cramps: the best traditional remedies

To get rid of night cramps, there are several options worth trying:

  • stretch the affected muscle fibres to help them relax: for cramp in the calf, for example, try dorsiflexion in which you gently pull the tip of your foot towards the front of your leg (6);
  • apply some heat (such as a hot water bottle or a heat pad) to the affected area to relax it;
  • gently massage the painful area using a mixture of 2 drops of essential oil of lavender diluted in a tablespoon of arnica oil until fully absorbed (7).

Natural anti-cramp options: which foods should you prioritise?

Foods rich in magnesium

Cocoa, wholegrains, oilseeds… The common factor in all these foods is a high magnesium content. A lack of this mineral, which supports good nervous system and muscle function, can induce a state of muscular hyperexcitability conducive to cramp (supplementing with a product such as Magnesium Orotate, which contains 8 highly-bioavailable forms of magnesium, can boost dietary intake, often deemed inadequate) (8).

Bananas and cramp

Packed with B vitamins, potassium and magnesium, bananas are a good source of energy and nutrients, and popular with sportspeople for preventing post-exercise muscle cramps and soreness. However, no study has so far found a clear increase in plasma potassium concentration following ingestion (9). Even so, it’s still worth adding a banana to your breakfast or eating one as a snack with a square of dark chocolate high in cocoa solids (70%+), for a delicious way of boosting your magnesium intake.

Potassium and night cramps

Potassium supports normal muscle and nervous system function. It plays a key role in muscle contractions and catalyses the transmission of nerve impulses. Though very rare - and normally linked to kidney problems or malnutrition - a lack of potassium can actually result in significant muscle disfunction(10).

It’s therefore important to add potassium-rich foods to your menu: fresh fruits and vegetables (kiwi, avocados, spinach, Brussels sprouts …), dried fruits (apricots, grapes, figs …), pulses (chickpeas, lentils …), nuts (almonds, hazelnuts …) (11). In the case of proven deficiency, it may be wise to take a potassium supplement (with the Potassium Bicarbonate supplement, for example, which has a very advantageous dosage).

Dairy products

Calcium is not just good for bone health! It also supports normal neurotransmission and muscle function (12). Eating 1-2 dairy products a day, focusing on low fat options (yogurt, fromage blanc …), is a simple way to obtain it. If you are lactose-intolerant, try other natural calcium sources: highly-mineralised waters, un-deboned sardines, broccoli, almonds

Vinegar for easing cramps

With its high content of minerals, including potassium and magnesium, apple cider vinegar is considered a traditional anti-cramp remedy. As well as being a flavour-enhancer, it can be used externally in bathwater (adding 2 cups) or internally (diluting 1 teaspoon in a glass of water to be drunk 3 times a day for a month). A more unusual option, featured in a serious scientific publication, is gherkin vinegar juice (13)!

Salt for countering cramps

Though adding salt to your diet is generally discouraged, lightly salting your dishes on hot days may help prevent cramps, especially when you’re planning to exercise during the day (14). However, salt tablets should be reserved for sportspeople training in extreme temperatures.

Honey for cramp relief

Replacing table sugar (and its empty calories) with honey is certainly a good nutritional compromise, but also a welcome aid for fighting cramp. This is because of its unique complex of B vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements and mineral salts (potassium, calcium, magnesium…) (15), though you should avoid heating it in order not to lose any of its precious nutrients.

What’s the best type of water for preventing cramps?

If you’re prone to cramps, it’s advisable to drink water that’s naturally rich in minerals and/or bicarbonate to maintain good electrolyte and acid-base balance.

Which foods promote muscle cramps?

While some foods help fight cramps, others promote them, including acid-forming foods which in excess, upset the body’s pH balance and cause tissue disorders: red meat, cooked meats, cheese, eggs (16)…

It’s also wise to limit your intake of alcohol and high-caffeine drinks (tea, coffee…), which are stimulating, acidifying and diuretic (promoting mineral loss via urine) (17-18).

Herbal teas and supplements good for relaxing the muscles

These foods and drinks should be replaced by soothing herbal teas such as camomile for its spasm-relieving effects, and lemon balm which promotes relaxation.

Combos like this are also found in some synergistic supplements (such as Muscle Relaxing Formula, which blends the efficacy of camomile, lemon balm, verbena and passiflora, all certified organic, with the effects of calcium and magnesium for unrivalled benefits) (19-20).



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