

Woman with brown hair breastfeeding her baby
Guides and tutorials
4 dietary supplements to take when breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be a magical experience for many young mums. Appropriate supplementation can provide valuable support.

Tanned women’s legs with flower at the beach
8 tips for a fast, natural suntan

Summer’s here and we’re all (casually) hoping to rock that sun-kissed look … Here are some sure-fire tips on how to tan quickly, naturally and safely.

Fish, shrimps, meat and milk rich in iodine on a table
Guides and tutorials
What if you were simply deficient in iodine?

Though it’s rarely discussed, iodine deficiency is a relatively common problem. Here’s a brief overview of its symptoms and ways of addressing it.

Woman suffering, then pain-free and happy
5 natural treatments for endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic disease which affects a large number of women. Here are our suggestions for natural solutions to help alleviate the symptoms.

Muscular bull in profile walking outdoors
Guides and tutorials
Does taurine stop you sleeping?

Taurine gets something of a bad rap. But did you know that it’s naturally produced by the body? Discover the (unexpected) effects of this substance – particularly on sleep

Artichokes piled up
The 5 best anti-cholesterol supplements

Elevated cholesterol can put you at risk. Choose natural, safe solutions to reduce the impact of cholesterol on your body and maintain your health.

Vegetarian barbecue with grilled vegetables on a wooden table
Guides and tutorials
Vegetarians: how to prevent deficiencies

Have you given up eating meat or are you planning to do so? Discover how to prevent deficiencies while following a vegetarian diet.

Man in shirt experiencing a sharp pain in his chest
Heart & Circulation
The 7 best plant extracts for combatting hypertension

Hypertension: an often-silent disease with serious consequences. Here’s our guide to the best plants for controlling it!

Healthy food with spoon and fork resting on plate symbolizing intermittent fasting
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
What exactly is calorie restriction?

Calorie restriction consists of reducing your food intake, compensating for any potential deficiencies by taking supplements. Aside from its slimming effects, calorie restriction is now being studied primarily for its ability to prolong life expectancy.

Elderly, senescent cell no longer able to divide
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
What is a senescent cell?

A senescent cell is one whose life cycle has come to a permanent end. In the normal scheme of things, such cells are eliminated from the body by the immune system. But in some cases, this fails to happen and they accumulate in tissues, with potentially serious consequences for health.

whey protein powder and weights
Does whey protein really help increase muscle mass?

Whey is a powdered protein complex popular in the world of sports nutrition. Here we take a look at the efficacy of these proteins and how they can help maximise your body’s performance and athleticism.

middle-aged couple on a bed, with man kissing woman’s cheek
Guides and tutorials
5 natural products for stimulating an erection

Are you looking to strengthen your erections (or those of your partner)? Discover five natural and effective solutions for remedying sexual dysfunction and improving the quality of erections.

Vitamin D softgels
What’s the difference between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3?

Are you wondering what the difference is between vitamins D2 and D3? And which of them is better? Supersmart has the answers.

Red and white blood cells circulating in a vein
Heart & Circulation
The 5 best natural venotonics

Heavy legs, varicose or dilated veins... phytotherapy and good plant combinations are an effective solution to the problem of venous insufficiency.

A couple exercising on blue mats
Does exercise really strengthen the immune system?

“Walking is man’s best medicine.” So said Hippocrates in 400BC. Was he right? Let’s explore whether exercise really does improve the body’s defences.

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