Justine Gayraud, a world fitness champion, explains why she chooses to take NMN, a powerful substance popular with sports enthusiasts as well as those simply looking to protect their health. Discover its benefits now.
Less well-known than Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Russian medicine is nonetheless just as popular with Russian citizens. Discover the well-kept secrets of its natural remedies.
Do you find it hard to fall - and stay - asleep? Discover these 5 essential supplements and reacquaint yourself with the joys of a good night’s sleep.
Do you have gluten intolerance or sensitivity? Discover the facts about both by reading our comprehensive summary.
Though they are both products of the beehive, honey and royal jelly are very different, both in how they are used and in their composition. How do bees produce them? What are their benefits for health?
Would you like to be able to show off an impressive, muscular physique in the space of a few weeks or months? Here are the top five supplements for helping you to gain muscle mass more effectively.
Though they’re normally nothing to worry about, urinary tract infections can still be painful. Here are 5 natural ways of preventing and relieving them.
‘Superfoods’ are natural, health-beneficial foods with a high nutritional value. Which are the 7 best superfoods offering benefits validated by the European Food Safety Authority?
Appearance and health both suffer when we accumulate excess fat. Discover the 4 best fat-burning supplements to help get rid of it.
What can you do to compensate for the never-ending succession of meals over the festive period? Discover our top 10 dietary and detox tips for staying in shape and maintaining your health.
Which are the top supplement choices of Benjamin Toniutti, Tokyo Olympic volleyball champion? This elite athlete reveals his 3 ‘must-have’ SuperSmart supplements.
Are you suffering with swollen ankles or feet? If so, you’ll be pleased to know there are natural ways of reducing and combatting water retention. Here are our five ‘must-try’ tips.
It’s true – when it comes to happiness, you are what you eat! Discover 7 foods to include in your daily diet if you want to keep on the sunny side of life.
“A glass of wine keeps the doctor away”. Do you agree with this old adage? Our true/false article tells you all you need to know about the health benefits or otherwise of alcohol.
Are you more vata (wind), pitta (fire) or kapha (earth and water)? Discover which type of physiology and personality is the closest match for you, and which foods and supplements suit you best.