When it comes to the trace-element magnesium and vitamin B6, there’s strength in unity. Discover why you should combine the two.
Scratchy, dry, burning: a raging sore throat feels relentlessly painful. Here are 10 tips and substances to help make it go away.
Very popular with sportspeople and bodybuilders in particular, creatine has managed to develop a bad reputation … even though it’s perfectly safe! Discover creatine’s effects and the best way of benefiting from it.
Is it safe to take melatonin after an evening drinking alcohol? Quick update on the interactions between melatonin and alcohol.
There are more processed foods in our cupboards and fridges than you might think. Learn how to recognise them and replace them with healthier options.
Used for thousands of years, activated charcoal is reputed to be the most effective natural remedy for reducing gas. Discover precisely how this substance works to combat bloating and flatulence.
Which is your morphotype and metabolism according to William Sheldon’s characterisation? Discover how to gain, stabilise or lose weight, depending on your particular classification.
It’s a question many of us ask but to which there’s no clear-cut answer, as supplements usually meet specific needs. Read on for our view on the subject.
Intake of calories, macronutrients, micronutrients and fibre: finally, a comprehensive article on adult nutritional requirements and recommended intakes.
Though you may not realise it, certain foods could be weakening your immune system. Here’s a list of these 6 offending foods – as well as a list of the ‘good guys’ that actually support your immune defences.
If you’re wondering what benefits organic silicon offers, and which form is the best, read on for our summary of this valuable trace-element.
Whole grains, refined or processed cereals, with sugar, without sugar: at last, an article that separates the wheat from the chaff!
Which foods have the highest collagen content? Which is the very best source of this key protein for our skin and joints? Answers in our top 10.
Coconut water, coconut milk, coconut oil: from fans of the keto diet to the biggest Hollywood stars, it seems everyone’s addicted to coconut! SuperSmart gives you the lowdown on whether these products are good for our health.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) supplements have enjoyed consistent success in recent times. What’s behind this continuing popularity? And what’s the relationship between NAC and glutathione?