

Dietary supplements for diabetics
Diabetes: which supplements are helpful?

Characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia, most cases of diabetes in the West are linked to lifestyle choices. The good news is that certain dietary supplements can help regulate blood glucose levels.

Holistic diet
Guides and tutorials
Holistic eating: definition, principles, benefits

What should you eat to meet the criteria of a holistic diet? Discover the key principles and benefits of this trend … one that’s made to last.

Benefits of B vitamins
Guides and tutorials
What are the benefits of the B vitamins?

Numbering eight in total, the B group vitamins play an essential role in maintaining our vital functions. Get up to speed with their benefits with this comprehensive guide.

Kitchen for cooking food
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
How should different foods be cooked to preserve their vitamins and nutrients?

While the concept of cooking food marked a turning point in the history of mankind by increasing the bioavailability of a lot more nutrients, it can also be responsible for destroying vitamins. Read our advice on the best cooking methods for preserving all your food’s vitamins and nutrients.

Probiotic against a swollen tummy
Gastrointestinal health
What’s the best probiotic to take for a bloated stomach?

Though usually harmless, a swollen stomach is still a source of major discomfort. Discover the best habits to adopt and probiotics to take to permanently restore a flat tummy.

Medicinal plant preparations
Guides and tutorials
What are the best ways to use medicinal plants?

Infusions, powders, capsules … If you’ve always wanted to master the subtle art of phytotherapy, then take our quick tour of the main ways of using medicinal plants to support your health naturally.

Menopausal woman having a hot flush
Guides and tutorials
What are the best supplements for the menopause?

Marking a natural and inevitable change in female hormone production, the menopause normally starts between the ages of 45 and 55 and is often accompanied by a number of troublesome symptoms. Discover which natural remedies are most effective at easing a woman’s path through the ‘change of life’.

Blood vessel rupturing in the brain
Heart & Circulation
Risk of stroke: 10 identified factors

Scientists have succeeded in quantifying the importance of potentially modifiable risk factors for stroke in various regions of the world. Stroke is a condition which rightly strikes fear into the hearts of most people. Following is a list of these factors, as well as some advice not included in the study.

Woman sleeping
Guides and tutorials
Fall asleep quickly without sleeping pills: the forgotten natural treatment

You’re probably one of the many people who have experienced the horrors of insomnia : the stifling duvet, the clammy skin, the tossing and turning and the unbearable feeling that there’s nothing you can do about it. That you’ll never get to sleep … Perhaps you’re even one of the 20%-40% of the population for whom sleep has become a living hell. Whichever it is, you’re obsessed with finding a way to get to sleep quickly. But what if we told you that there’s a natural and effective treatment that’s largely overlooked by insomniacs?

Fat cells (adipocytes) under the microscope
Guides and tutorials
That’s what happens to your fat cells when you put on weight

If you’re overweight or have developed a paunch, you’re probably suffering from chronic inflammation of your adipose tissue. This is a silent pathological process which sooner or later will become a ticking time bomb, so it makes sense to read up on the latest findings and take action fast.

Hyaluronic acid supplement
Hyaluronic acid supplements: why take them?

Known for its use in cosmetic surgery, hyaluronic acid is first and foremost a major component of the body. What exactly does it do when taken as a supplement?

Young mum after giving birth
Guides and tutorials
Which supplements should you take after having a baby?

The hormonal maelstrom, the broken sleep … Plunged into the choppy waters of new motherhood, the young mum needs to take particularly good care of herself. Discover the best dietary supplements for providing support during the post-childbirth period.

Excess prolactin
Guides and tutorials
What should you eat to reduce prolactin?

Prolactin is a hormone that plays multiple roles in health but which the body sometimes produces to excess. Hyperprolactinaemia, infertility, loss of libido, irregular periods, erectile problems: find out what to do to lower your levels of prolactin.

Foods rich in fructooligosaccharides
Guides and tutorials
Gastrointestinal health
Fructooligosaccharides: What are they? Why should you take them?

Perhaps you’ve heard of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) but don’t know much about them? Read on to discover the virtues of this little-known but highly beneficial source of fibre.

Shilajit from the Himalayas
Guides and tutorials
Shilajit: benefits and risks of taking ‘mountain tears’

A true concentrate from Nature, shilajit is an extraordinary substance, long-prized by practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine. What are the benefits (and contraindications) of the famous ‘mountain tears’?

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