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Mastic Gum Elma

Sugar-free mastic chewing gum for oral hygiene

12 reviewsRead reviews

100% natural chewing gum for oral hygiene

  • Free from sugar, aspartame, artificial flavourings and antioxidants.
  • Helps reduce dental plaque and tartar.
  • Freshens breath with its essential oil of Mastic.
  • Naturally contains Chios Mastic from the sap of Pistacia lentiscus.
  • Natural resin traditionally used as a chewing-gum.
  • 50 chewing gums (5 boxes of 10).

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5x10 units

16.00 €


5x10 units

16.00 €

14.72 €

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Mastic Gum Elma

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

Mastic Gum Elma is a natural chewing gum produced from mastic from the Greek island of Chios. Flavoured with essential oil of pistacia lentiscus, it supports dental hygiene by, in particular, stimulating saliva production.

The French Association for Dental Health encourages the use of chewing gum, free from sugar and harmful sweeteners, for preventing tooth decay.

What is in the natural chewing gum Mastic Gum Elma ?

Mastic Gum Elma contains natural ingredients only:

  1. resin from pistacia lentiscus (mastic tree);
  2. no sugar or aspartame, but 100% natural, well-regarded sweeteners: sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol (extracted from birch bark) ;
  3. antibacterial essential oils of mastic and menthol.

Why chew gum every day?

Bacterial plaque is the main cause of dental caries. This biofilm, which accumulates on the teeth and in the mouth’s stagnation areas – those the tongue and saliva cannot get to easily – is the perfect breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

We’re advised to brush our teeth in order to prevent the constant formation of this destructive plaque. But cleaning our teeth more than twice a day is not a good idea because excessive brushing can, over time, cause damage to the tooth’s surface, which itself encourages dental caries.

Chewing gum is therefore perfect for effectively preventing dental plaque. Alongside tooth-brushing, it helps to stimulate production of saliva, a powerful, natural weapon against dental caries:

  • it reduces the time sugars are in contact with the tooth’s surface;
  • it contains lactoperoxidase, an enzyme which induces synthesis of substances toxic to pathogenic bacteria;
  • it contains lactoferrin which inhibits metabolism of the iron needed for their development;
  • it reduces mouth acidity which pathogenic bacteria prefer.

When’s the best time to chew gum?

To obtain significant oral hygiene benefits, we recommend chewing 2g-3g of gum (ie, one piece of chewing gum) for 20 minutes three times a day after meals.

This should in no way replace tooth-brushing or the use of dental floss.

How can you maximise the effects of Mastic Gum Elma ?

Saliva, the production of which is stimulated by chewing gum, is an important weapon, though this depends on its composition. Deficiencies in several micronutrients reduce the quality of saliva, which increases the risk of decay and impairs the tooth-remineralisation process (1).

For optimal saliva composition, it’s important to ensure a good intake of both vitamin D (which helps to maintain an effective immune system) and calcium, a key mineral for remineralising tooth enamel. If you think you may be lacking in these, don’t hesitate to supplement with vitamin D and calcium too, alongside use of our chewing gum. A number of studies have also demonstrated the significant role played by several micronutrients - vitamins B12 (2), B6 (3), K2 (4), and C, as well as omega-3s – in ensuring the quality of saliva and the immune system in general.

If you decide to chew our natural gum to support your dental health, we’d also recommend following these steps at the same time:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day, morning and night, avoiding electric toothbrushes if possible, as they’re more abrasive and may damage tooth enamel over time (5).
  • Eat fresh foods and fruit, and definitely avoid fizzy drinks, processed ready-meals and high-sugar foods.
  • Consider taking strong>oral probiotics if you think you may be producing insufficient saliva, in order to restore optimal bacterial balance in your mouth and fight pathogenic bacteria.
  • Take a daily multivitamin such as Daily 3 to prevent any risk of micronutrient deficiencies.

What is in Mastic Gum Elma


This product is rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
There are 12 reviews






Excellent 12 Reviews

november 27 2020

good gum nice taste


april 30 2024

sans sucre et sans additifs .

sugar-free and additive-free.

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february 17 2024

Consistance très dure à mâcher et goût pas terrible. Ne rafraîchit pas vraiment l’haleine. Je ne recommande pas car cher pour un résultat assez décevant.

The consistency is very hard to chew and the taste is not great. It doesn't really freshen the breath. I do not recommend it because it's expensive for a rather disappointing result.

SuperSmart's response february 19 2024

Chère Sylvie,

Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de partager votre expérience avec le Mastic Gum Elma. Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous n'avez pas été entièrement satisfait de notre produit.

Concernant la consistance et le goût du Mastic Gum Elma, nous tenons à vous présenter nos excuses pour toute déception que cela a pu causer. Nous comprenons que les préférences personnelles en matière de goût et de texture peuvent varier d'une personne à l'autre. Cependant, nous apprécions votre feedback et nous allons prendre en compte vos commentaires.

Quant à l'efficacité du produit pour rafraîchir l'haleine, nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous n'avez pas obtenu les résultats escomptés. Nous tenons à souligner que l'efficacité peut varier d'une personne à l'autre en fonction de divers facteurs, tels que le type de problème d'haleine ou les habitudes de vie individuelles.

Si vous avez d'autres préoccupations ou si vous souhaitez discuter davantage de votre expérience, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter directement. Nous sommes là pour vous aider et pour nous assurer que vous êtes entièrement satisfait de votre expérience avec Supersmart.


L'équipe de support client de Supersmart

SuperSmart's response february 19 2024

Dear Sylvie,

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with Mastic Gum Elma. We are sorry to hear that you were not entirely satisfied with our product.

Regarding the consistency and taste of Mastic Gum Elma, we apologize for any disappointment this may have caused. We understand that personal preferences in taste and texture can vary from person to person. However, we appreciate your feedback and will take your comments into consideration.

As for the product's effectiveness in refreshing breath, we are sorry to learn that you did not achieve the expected results. We would like to emphasize that effectiveness can vary from person to person depending on various factors, such as the type of breath issue or individual lifestyle habits.

If you have any other concerns or if you would like to discuss your experience further, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We are here to help and to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your experience with Supersmart.


The Supersmart Customer Support Team

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original

Lydie Macrez

january 8 2024

Bon produit

Good product

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original

Vinat Claudine

september 5 2023

Petites tablettes sans trop de goût, mais efficace pour un nettoyage ponctuel et favorise bien la salivation…

Small tablets without much taste, but effective for occasional cleaning and greatly promote salivation...

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original

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