Pumpkin Seed Oil is a natural supplement with varied health benefits and particularly beneficial for prostate health, now available to buy at Supersmart.
Modern science is gradually rediscovering the extraordinary therapeutic properties of plants, particularly those which at first appear quite unremarkable. Such is the case with the pumpkin and the oil extracted from its seeds.
This oil has been produced in Europe for over 300 years from the genus Cucurbita pepo, the botanical name for a wide range of cultivars including squash and pumpkin. Ranging in colour from dark green to red, the oil is obtained by pressing the pumpkin's seeds. It is not suitable for cooking as heating it produces a bitter taste and largely destroys its monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, the source of its therapeutic benefits.
The most widely researched property of this vegetable oil is undoubtedly its effects on the prostate. This is probably its main benefit and most distinguishing feature.
A supplement specially formulated to address prostate problems, ProstaNatural Formula, can also be taken alongside pumpkin seed oil.
Pumpkin seed oil is also used in men to stem hair loss, particularly androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) which causes varying degrees of hair loss on the crown of the scalp. Regular oral supplementation with 1 gram of pumpkin seed oil, together with topical application, produces good results in terms of hair regrowth.
These effects are thought to be linked to its hormonal activity. Pumpkin seed oil is not only good for the hair but for the skin too, as a result of the antioxidant properties of the oil's fatty acids. Topical application thus helps reduce skin inflammation and promotes new cell growth. It also contains beneficial levels of vitamin E, a nutrient widely-known for its anti-wrinkle action and recognised anti-ageing effects.
Pumpkin seed oil also has anti-coagulant properties and thus stimulates circulation in the limbs and reduces risk factors for blood clots. The naturally high phytoestrogen content of pumpkin seed oil is the reason it is recommended for menopausal women. It helps reduce hot flushes, headaches, joint pain, menstrual cramps and mood changes, and at the same time increases levels of ‘good' HDL-cholesterol.
Pumpkin seed oil is very high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, the health benefits of which are well-established. These PUFAs include oleic and linoleic acids which help to reduce hypertension and balance cholesterol levels, as well as addressing problems related to atherosclerosis, various heart conditions and even stroke. Consuming pumpkin seeds themselves boosts these beneficial effects because they contain magnesium which is essential for the formation of ATP, and the synthesis of DNA and RNA.
Buy Pumpkin Seed Oil to support prostate and cardiovascular health.
This product’s softgels are of bovine origin. They are particularly suitable for supplements that require rapid solubility. Made from high-quality bovine gelatine, they are safe and effective.
november 27 2024
july 26 2024
Efficace en ce qui me concerne
Effective as far as I'm concerned
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april 10 2024
Mi esposo ha notado los efectos a partir de las dos semanas. Esta muy contento, repetiremos. Muchas menos ganas de orinar de noche.
My husband noticed the effects after two weeks. He is very happy, we will buy again. Much less need to urinate at night.
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april 10 2024
february 11 2024
Élémentaire...78 ans...et 5*
Elementary... 78 years old... and 5*
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