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The ground-breaking synergy of H. Pylori Fight Advanced Formula reflects the latest scientific advances in the fight against the pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori (or H. pylori). This ‘premium natural treatment’ is part of our Digestion and Oro-gastrointestinal health.
The premium formulation H. Pylori Fight Advanced Formula combines the excellent postbiotic Pylopass™ with 3 carefully-selected probiotics, as well as inulin and mastic gum, for unprecedented efficacy.
An improved version of our famous H. Pylori Fight, the synergistic formulation H. Pylori Fight Advanced Formula combines all the most promising compounds for fightingHelicobacter pylori :
Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative, spiral-shaped bacterium which colonises the inner lining of the stomach (9). Equipped with formidable adaptive mechanisms, it is one of the few pathogens able to survive in such an acidic environment. In particular, it produces an enzyme called urease which converts urea into ammonia, thus reducing stomach acidity and helping it proliferate in mucus (10). Once established, it will not go away by itself, persisting throughout life if not properly eradicated.
H. pylori contamination is extremely common, affecting around 50% of the world’s population (11). It usually occurs in childhood, primarily through direct contact with gastric secretions (regurgitation, vomiting …), or more rarely through stools, especially in developing countries with poor hygiene conditions. It can remain symptomless for long periods, but as we’ll see below, it can sometimes lead to serious complications.
To help restore the gastric mucosa, we’d suggest also taking DGL 500, a deglycyrrhizinated liquorice root supplement which supports gastrointestinal health by promoting mucus secretion, as well as Zinc L-Carnosine, as zinc helps protect cells against oxidative stress (21-22).
To relieve the gastric inflammation caused by H. pylori, you could also take turmeric (such as the product Super Curcuma which offers unrivalled absorption). Turmeric root has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to support digestive processes (23).
H. pylori causes chronic inflammation of the stomach (gastritis) which usually goes unnoticed (12): the vast majority of people infected will remain asymptomatic throughout their lives. Certain individuals, however, will suffer recurring digestive discomfort (pain and/or acid reflux, belching, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite …) suggestive of H. pylori (13), though this not typical and is sometimes attributable to other causes.
Helicobacter pylori is all the more insidious because it develops quietly, often over several decades. Indeed, over the long term, it’s thought to cause lesions and peptic ulcers (affecting the stomach and/or duodenum, the first part of the small intestine) in 10% of those infected (14).
Very rarely (in around 1% of cases), carriers of the bacterium will go on to develop gastric cancer. Though this is extremely rare, H. pylori does appear to be responsible for almost 80% of stomach malignancies, hence the importance of establishing a treatment strategy as soon as possible after diagnosis to minimise this risk (15).
In the absence of any emergency criteria, H. pylori infection can be ruled out by a blood test which detects IgG antibodies against the bacteria: a negative result automatically excludes contamination (16). There are two other lab tests that can be performed to detect the bacteria: the stool antigen test and the urea breath test (usually used at a later stage to monitor elimination of the bacteria following treatment) (17).
In the case of a positive result, a family history of stomach cancer or a particular clinical context (chronic dyspepsia, scheduled bariatric surgery, unexplained deficiency in vitamin B12 ...), an upper endoscopy or fibroscopy is the gold-standard diagnostic procedure (18). Taking and culturing a sample of cells from the stomach wall (biopsy) will confirm the presence of H. pylori and test its susceptibility to available antibiotics by establishing an antibiogram. Another advantage of an endoscopy is that it can reveal potential ulcerative or pre-cancerous lesions caused by the bacteria.
H. pylori is susceptible to only a handful of anti-infectious molecules. If it has been possible to test the bacteria’s susceptibility, conventional treatment is based on triple therapy consisting of a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) and two antibiotics (amoxicillin + clarithromycin or levofloxacin). If a test has not been possible, ‘probabilistic’ quadruple therapy combining a PPI, antibacterials (metronidazole, tetracycline) and/or a bismuth salt, is usually prescribed (19).
However, antibiotic treatment is far from infallible: it fails in 10%-20% of cases. As well as poor adherence to treatment, this failure seems to be new evidence of antibiotic resistance (20). The scientific community is also worried about the high rate of primary resistance of H. pylori to clarithromycin and levofloxacin across the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has therefore classified this bacterium as a “priority pathogen for the research and development of new antibiotics”.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
december 27 2024
I recommend it
november 24 2024
Da due anni combatto contro l'Helicobacter Pylori, con rimedi naturali ma con scarso successo, sempre alti e bassi molto frequenti, ho iniziato questo prodotto un mese fa e posso dire che la situazione è nettamente migliorata già dopo pochi giorni... Sappiamo che ognuno di noi è diverso e risponde alle cure in modo diverso, ma trovo geniale il fatto di eradicare questo batterio con batteri che possono riequilibrare il corpo, anche l'intestino ha un grande beneficio, vorrei averlo scoperto prima! Continuerò a prenderlo fino alla scomparsa dei sintomi e lo consiglio
For two years I have been fighting against Helicobacter Pylori with natural remedies but with little success, always very frequent ups and downs. I started this product a month ago and I can say that the situation has significantly improved already after a few days... We know that each of us is different and responds to treatments differently, but I find it brilliant to eradicate this bacterium with bacteria that can rebalance the body, even the intestine has a great benefit, I wish I had discovered it earlier!
I will continue to take it until the symptoms disappear and I recommend it.
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october 11 2024
Super bien desde el primer día se paró el dolor y el ardor estoy con la segundo frasco y he pedido un mes más ( 3 en total)
Super good from the first day, the pain and burning stopped. I'm on the second bottle and have ordered one more month (3 in total).
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september 13 2024
Voy s seguir 2 mes más...
I will continue for 2 more months...
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july 14 2024
Ik heb dit product 2 dagen geslikt, 2 capsules per dag, zowel op dag 1 als dag 2 kreeg ik hevige pijn in mijn buik: eerst links, daarna rechts. Ik schrok van de heftigheid van de pijn en besloot te stoppen met het innemen van dit product. Als ik naar de ingrediënten kijk, dan vraag ik me af of de mastiek die gebruikt is in dit product wellicht de oorzaak is van de heftige buikpijn. Conclusie: ik durf dit product niet langer te gebruiken.
Bedankt voor je feedback en het delen van je expérience. Het spijt ons te horen dat je last hebt gehad van hevige buikpijn na het gebruik van ons product. We nemen je opmerkingen zeer serieus en begrijpen je bezorgdheid.
De mastiek in ons product is normaal gesproken goed verdragen, maar ieder persoon reageert anders op supplementen. Het kan inderdaad zijn dat de mastiek of een ander ingrediënt de oorzaak is van je klachten. We raden je aan om je symptomen met een zorgverlener te bespreken om te bepalen of het product geschikt voor je is of niet.
Als je verdere vragen hebt of aanvullende hulp nodig hebt, staan we graag voor je klaar.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Gaëlle - Supersmart-team