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CDP Choline + Super DHA

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CDP Choline + Super DHA

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

What is in CDP Choline + Super DHA

Molecule / Molecular complex
Fish oil
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Fatty acid
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Fatty acid
D-Alpha Tocopherol

Any questions?

Can we obtain choline from the diet?

Dietary sources of choline include eggs (250mg per 100g), liver (around 300mg per 100g), meat and fish (70-120mg per 100g), pulses, and nuts such as peanuts (30-40mg per 100g).

Each capsule of CDP Choline contains 250mg, providing 1000mg per daily dose.

What are other supplements of interest from Supersmart?

As well as supplementing with Super DHA, you may find these other nutritional supplements of interest too.

Discover the properties of CoQ10 + Tocotrienols, a synergetic action that helps to improve cardiovascular health. See also Cardio Booster, which protects the heart both by encouraging the healthy function of the cardiac muscle, as well as by acting on various risk factors of cardiovascular disease.

What is phosphatidylcholine?

Phosphatidylcholine is a lipid from the class of phospholipids, major components of cell membranes.

Attached to a choline particle, this phospholipid helps to maintain cell membrane integrity by improving, in particular, its suppleness and flexibility. Abnormally rigid cell membranes slow down neurotransmission of information, and disrupt the development of neuron extensions, synapse formation, neuroplasticity, learning, neuron maturation and migration of neurons to target zones.

How to take CDP Choline?

For those over 40, the recommended dose is two to four capsules a day, for preventive purposes. Those whose state of health requires it, can take four to six capsules a day, under the supervision of their therapist.

Once ingested, the choline is absorbed in the small intestine, before being transported to the liver for distribution to all the body’s tissues, particularly those of the brain.

To maximise CDP Choline’s benefits, we suggest combining it with certain other supplements in our catalogue:

  • Super Omega-3, a natural, and very stable supplement of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which supports brain health (cognitive function) and heart health. The high EPA content of this supplement further boosts the suppleness of brain cell and other cell membranes.
  • Bacopa monnieri, a nootropic extract of Bacopa monnieri leaf which supports central nervous system function.
  • Ginkgo Biloba, a classic supplement for helping to maintain cognitive function.

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