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Woman taking exercise to lose weight and slim down
What is lipolysis?

Lipolysis is the body’s mechanism for breaking down fats to make them absorbable and usable. There are two types: gastrointestinal lipolysis, which takes place during digestion, and adipocyte lipolysis, concerned with stored fat, which is often referred to as ‘fat-burning’. How can you use it to help achieve your slimming goals?

Woman taking her blood pressure
Heart & Circulation
8 tips for reducing your blood pressure naturally

Discover some simple measures for reducing your blood pressure (and therefore your risk of developing cardiovascular problems).

Senolytics stop the ageing process
Guides and tutorials
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Anti-ageing: senolytics, the best way to stay young

Do you want to delay the negative effects of ageing and stay fit and healthy for as long as possible, to get the most out of life and time spent with loved ones? Discover senolytics, the ultimate weapon for fighting the ageing process.

Woman suffering from gastroenteritis
Gastrointestinal health
What should you eat if you have gastroenteritis?

Usually triggered by a virus or bacteria, gastroenteritis is inflammation of the digestive mucosa which causes diarrhoea and vomiting. Discover what to eat to feel better when you’re suffering from this complaint.

Amino acid molecule
Guides and tutorials
Amino acids: in which foods and supplements are they found?

The basic building blocks of proteins, amino acids are found in foods as well as in dietary supplements. Find out how to ensure you’re getting enough.

Woman suffering from a UTI
Guides and tutorials
Which probiotic should you take for urinary tract infections?

With 50% of women suffering at least one UTI over the course of their lifetime, there’s increasing interest in the potential benefits of probiotics for this complaint. Are they effective? Read on to find out how best to care for this aspect of intimate health.

Yogurts rich in lactic acid bacteria
Guides and tutorials
Gastrointestinal health
Lactic acid bacteria: definition, benefits and risks

Used for thousands of years to preserve foods, lactic acid bacteria offer multiple health benefits. How can you make optimal use of them?

Drink green tea to lose weight
Green tea for weight loss: does it really work?

It’s been said that it cleanses and detoxifies the body, burns fat and suppresses the appetite … In short, it’s credited with many benefits, due in particular to its high content of powerful flavonoids called catechins. But can green tea really help you lose weight?

Anti-virus immune system
Guides and tutorials
How to strengthen your immune system

The immune system is the vital collection of defence mechanisms that ensure your survival. Discover how to boost and support it on a daily basis.

Woman suffering from insulin resistance
Insulin resistance: definition, symptoms and natural treatments

Insulin resistance is a silent condition that can cause serious complications. Discover how to identify it.

Micronutrients and dietary sources
Micronutrients: definition, role and dietary sources

While they represent only a tiny part our nutritional needs, micronutrients are central to vital functions. What do they do and where are they found?

Oxidative stress caused by free radicals
Guides and tutorials
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Oxidative stress: symptoms, causes and protection

Oxidative stress surreptitiously inflicts terrible damage on our cells. Discover the best ways of protecting yourself from the onslaught of free radicals responsible for ageing.

Hypotensive garlic
Guides and tutorials
Heart & Circulation
How can you use garlic to lower your blood pressure?

Garlic is an effective remedy for hypertension, a condition that can cause heart disease. This article describes how garlic can be used to lower blood pressure naturally.

Forest bathing
Sylvotherapy/forest bathing: benefits, exercises and potential risks

The Japanese art of shinrin-yoku – which translates as forest bathing or sylvotherapy – is becoming increasingly popular. In this article, we explore its benefits, exercises and potential risks.

Woman suffering from anaemia
Guides and tutorials
How to combat anaemia

Exhaustion, pale skin, shortness of breath … could it be anaemia? Read on for how to remedy this blood count abnormality which is much more common than you might think.

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