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Book of spells and plants for boosting the immune system
Immunity : 5 excellent plants for the immune system

Can you name 5 plants that help support the body’s defences? If the answer is no, get up to speed now with our list of plants known to benefit the immune system.

Bodybuilder drinking a homemade pre-workout
Guides and tutorials
Natural, homemade pre-workouts: our best recipes

There’s nothing like a ‘pre-workout’ drink to set you up for exercise. Discover how to prepare a homemade pre-workout that will help you get the most out of your training session.

Man suffering from gastritis
Guides and tutorials
Gastrointestinal health
Gastritis: which foods should you avoid?

If you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, abdominal pain or flatulence, you may have gastritis. There are a number of options for relieving this condition ... as well as certain foods to avoid.

Woman touching her inflamed, painful shoulder
Inner balance
5 plants for fighting chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation is responsible for numerous diseases. But it’s not inevitable: read on for our tips on how to fight it naturally with the aid of plants!

Supplement for ocular health
Guides and tutorials
Vision & Hearing
What’s the best dietary supplement for your eyes?

Do you know which dietary supplement is most effective at supporting healthy vision? This article will give you a clearer view ...`

Seated man suffering from excessive flatulence
Guides and tutorials
Gastrointestinal health
How to eliminate intestinal gas naturally?

It’s normal to pass wind around 14 times a day. But the intestinal gas produced in the course of digestion can become a real problem when it’s excessive, foul-smelling or causes bloating. Here’s how to get rid of it.

Brain neuroprotection
Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
The brain: the 3 best neuroprotective supplements

Incredibly complex, the brain remotely controls all the body’s functions. Discover the 3 key substances that provide it with optimal protection.

Ketogenic diet with meat, fish, eggs, avocados and the word keto
Guides and tutorials
Why start a ketogenic, or keto, diet?

The keto diet, high in fat, produces rapid weight loss. Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know before launching into a diet of this kind.

Woman’s ageing skin with wrinkles and age spots
Guides and tutorials
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Anti-ageing: what can you do to slow down skin ageing?

Did you know it’s possible to significantly slow down ageing of the skin? Here are 6 practical (and natural) techniques for combatting skin ageing.

Man on bed experiencing erectile difficulties
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Erectile problems: 10 natural and effective remedies

Many men are affected by erectile dysfunction, particularly after the age of 40. What causes such problems and can they be overcome using natural remedies?

Smiling woman with antioxidant foods in her hair
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
The 7 most powerful antioxidants

Antioxidants have been very popular for several years because of their ability, real or perceived, to help fight against ageing. But which of them offers the greatest potency?

Bananas, spices and other potassium-rich foods
Guides and tutorials
A lack of potassium: how to recognise and prevent it

Potassium is an essential mineral, involved in nervous system and muscle function ... Suffice to say that a lack of potassium can quickly become a real risk to health. Here’s how to identify and correct such deficiency.

The alkaline diet for combatting acidosis
Guides and tutorials
Liver & Detox
The alkaline diet for reducing acidity in the body

Western diets with their reliance on processed foods have for some years been seriously disrupting our bodies’ acid-base balance. Find out how you can put this right.

Leaves, roots, powder and capsules of Ayurvedic ashwagandha
Stress & Mood
Ashwagandha: 3 benefits of the medicinal plant everyone’s talking about

Though historically little-known in the West, ashwagandha has now become very popular. This master plant from Ayurvedic medicine offers three exceptional benefits for physical and mental health. Discover them now!

Older person’s hands showing wrinkles and ageing spots
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
What are the various causes of ageing?

Ageing is the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors: DNA shortening, oxidative stress, glycation... Here we take a look at the ageing process, its causes, and the ways in which we can slow it down.

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