

woman looking happy and satisfied
Which supplements are effective at increasing libido in women?

There are several supplements designed to increase female libido. We present you some of the most important ones, according to their specifics.

red and white cells
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Chronic inflammation: a review in 10 key points

Inflammation is a mechanism used by the body to respond to harmful stimuli. But when that response is excessive, the body suffers. Here, in 10 points, are the essential facts.

Fresh nettle leaves
5 plants with recognised benefits for urinary health

Urinary health problems are common: in men, it’s often prostate issues, in women, cystitis … Here we focus on five plants recommended for alleviating urinary discomfort.

photo of herbal tea for aiding digestion
Gastrointestinal health
The 5 best plants for improving digestion

Phytotherapy can help optimise your digestion: here we look at five of the most effective plants – their benefits and how to use them.

photo of someone plagued by insomnia
3 scenarios where melatonin could help and how to take it in each case

Are you having trouble sleeping? Is it a recurring problem? Melatonin can probably help …

Woman enjoying the forest in winter
10 tips to help you avoid winter ailments

Colds, flu and gastroenteritis are not inevitable! You can minimise your risk by following this simple and effective advice.

Painkillers: 6 recent discoveries you should know about before taking analgesics

Perhaps you frequently suffer from aches and pains, and like everyone, reach for the analgesics every now and then … If that’s the case, you will definitely be interested in these six new discoveries, presented below as a series of statements. Can you guess whether they’re true or false?

Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Reversing ageing: major new breakthrough seen with NMN

A research team has just found a way of reversing this loss of ability using a compound that promotes the growth of new blood vessels : NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide).

Photo of bone x-ray
10 effective and enduring measures for strengthening the bones

What can you do to maintain bone mass? How can you minimise the effects of ageing on your bones? Here are our top tips for preserving a healthy skeleton throughout life.

Photo of an appointment with a cardiologist
Heart & Circulation
Blocked arteries: 8 proactive steps to take right now

It’s vital to take care of your arteries in order to reduce the risk of serious cardiovascular problems. Read on for our list of 8 recommendations to apply each day!

Photo of the best food sources of vitamin K1, or phylloquinone.
Heart & Circulation
What are the differences between vitamins K1 and K2?

Though most people are aware of vitamin K, it’s less well-known that there are actually two main forms of this vitamin: phylloquinone (K1) and menaquinone (K2). Do you know the differences between them?

Photo of milk thistle plants
Liver & Detox
4 plants with recognised benefits for liver health

The liver needs daily support to ensure it fulfils its essential functions in the body. The following plants are an invaluable aid.

photo of a man suffering from arthritis
10 tips for reducing joint pain

Painful joints are a common problem and can be very distressing: here are 10 tips for finding natural relief.

photo of a 40-year-old, smiling
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
10 steps to take each day to stem the ageing process

There are many things you can do each day to put the brakes on ageing. Here are our ten top tips to help slow down the ageing process.

Brain nutrition
Magnesium: the best forms for relieving pain, preventing hypertension and improving memory

There are so many different forms of magnesium … Which should you choose for optimal absorption?

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