A poorly-maintained digestive tract, populated with opportunistic pathogenic bacteria and fungi (particularly Candida albicans), and polluted with badly-digested food, is at risk of becoming blocked by disgusting and toxic faecal matter. This phenomenon is a factor in health imbalances and problems of varying degrees of seriousness.
Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid or folate, plays a key role in health, especially during pregnancy. Discover its benefits and in which foods it’s found.
Among the plants traditionally used to help cleanse and protect the lungs, the five described below offer particular efficacy.
In a video that’s gone viral, entrepreneur Marc Simoncini recounts his chilling conversation with a laboratory chief. A clip which exposes the dark side of the pharmaceutical industry.
Research has shown the Mediterranean diet to be particularly good for our health. Discover the simple principles and multiple benefits of this traditional and healthy way of eating.
Selenium is both a trace element and a bio element that is absolutely essential for health. What exactly is it, what does it do and where is it found?
You’re probably aware of the culinary qualities offered by algae and seaweed, but do you know about their health benefits? Here’s a brief overview of the 6 best-known algae and their effects on human health.
Used for millennia, St. John’s Wort has enjoyed renewed popularity in recent years, primarily for its potential effects on emotional balance and mood. Discover everything you’ve ever wanted to know about St. John’s Wort.
While many people want to lose weight, others are keen to put it on, either for aesthetic reasons, or as a result of health problems. Discover the best supplements for promoting weight gain.
Chelation is the process of eliminating dangerous metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium from the body. Here we look at detoxification with DMSA, one of the best chelators available.
Hair loss is by no means inevitable. What natural measures can you take to control alopecia and boost hair regrowth?
A superfruit used for more than 2000 years in traditional Chinese medicine, the goji berry has become increasingly popular in the West because of its high content of vitamins and antioxidants. Discover its various benefits.
IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s disease … There are many people who suffer regularly from intestinal problems. What are the symptoms and causes of these chronic conditions of the digestive system? And what can you do about them?
It’s the king of the vitamins: vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. Here we explore 10 of the best vitamin C-rich foods and how to make the most of their benefits.
Vitamin A is key among those vitamins considered essential for health. Here are our recommendations for ensuring an adequate intake.