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Foods rich in immune-boosting vitamins
The 6 best vitamins for the immune system

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has compiled a list of vitamins that support normal immune system function. Discover these 6 unquestionably effective vitamins, and the foods that contain them.

Doctor examining an anaemic woman lacking in iron
When should you take an iron supplement?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), two billion people across the world suffer from anaemia, which means they’re deficient in iron. But when and why should you start taking iron supplements? Here we provide some possible answers.

A meal, dumbbells and tape measure
Guides and tutorials
Food-combining diet: principles, benefits and practical advice

Many people are attracted to the idea of food-combining. Based on avoiding certain food combinations, it may produce rapid and sustainable weight loss. Here we evaluate this diet and provide tips on how to follow it safely.

Tired, blonde woman, eating
Guides and tutorials
Lack of energy: what should you eat if you’re always feeling tired?

Many people complain of always feeling tired and lacking in energy. Here’s a list of anti-fatigue foods to help restore your vitality.

Cut pineapple, rich in bromelain, on a blue background
Guides and tutorials
Gastrointestinal health
The benefits of bromelain, an excellent enzyme obtained from pineapples

Derived from pineapple, bromelain is an invaluable enzyme complex. Discover how to gain maximum benefit from its properties.

Anaemic woman in a shop checking a food product’s nutritional content
What are the most common nutritional deficiencies?

In developed countries, the nutrients most often lacking in the diet are calcium, vitamin D, iron, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B12. Discover how such deficiencies can be easily addressed.

Blond psyllium seeds with wooden spoon
Gastrointestinal health
Digestive health: the multiple benefits of psyllium

Psyllium seed is recognised as having a beneficial effect on the gut, easing both constipation and diarrhoea. Follow our advice to get the maximum benefit from the properties of blond or brown psyllium.

Selection of food highly concentrated in antioxidants
Guides and tutorials
An antioxidant for everyone. Which one is best for you?

Metals rust, fruit and vegetables wilt, fats go rancid … the human body is by no means the only victim of oxidation, the process that leads to irreversible cell damage and which is associated with around 100 diseases - cancer and cardiovascular problems topping the list. In humans, it has a major but largely unknown origin: the vital conversion of oxygen into water.

Flower of the Harpagophytum plant, good for the joints
3 benefits of Harpagophytum , the plant that supports joint health

Have you heard of this African plant, commonly known as ‘devil’s claw’ ? Discover how Harpagophytum supports the health of your joints, amongst other benefits.

intestines and probiotics
Gastrointestinal health
Is there a ticking time bomb in your gut?

A poorly-maintained digestive tract, populated with opportunistic pathogenic bacteria and fungi (particularly Candida albicans), and polluted with badly-digested food, is at risk of becoming blocked by disgusting and toxic faecal matter. This phenomenon is a factor in health imbalances and problems of varying degrees of seriousness.

Liver, beans and avocados are all good sources of folic acid
The many benefits of vitamin B9, or folic acid

Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid or folate, plays a key role in health, especially during pregnancy. Discover its benefits and in which foods it’s found.

Marc Simoncini talks about the benefits of vitamins against cancer
Leading entrepreneur reveals abuses of pharmaceutical industry

In a video that’s gone viral, entrepreneur Marc Simoncini recounts his chilling conversation with a laboratory chief. A clip which exposes the dark side of the pharmaceutical industry.

Medical representation of the lungs
Liver & Detox
5 plants that are good for lung health

Among the plants traditionally used to help cleanse and protect the lungs, the five described below offer particular efficacy.

Mediterranean diet with tomatoes and olives, with the Greek landscape in the background
Guides and tutorials
The Cretan or Mediterranean diet: principles and benefits

Research has shown the Mediterranean diet to be particularly good for our health. Discover the simple principles and multiple benefits of this traditional and healthy way of eating.

Offal, shrimps, eggs and nuts rich in selenium
Selenium: what are its benefits and in which foods is it found?

Selenium is both a trace element and a bio element that is absolutely essential for health. What exactly is it, what does it do and where is it found?

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