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Pyridoxamine Vitamin B6 is one of three natural forms of vitamin B6, now in vegetarian capsules, available to buy in Supersmart's catalogue. Several studies have shown that it is effective at inhibiting the formation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) and that it helps delay or prevent the development of certain complications of diabetes.
In vitro and animal studies suggest that pyridoxamine:
Therefore, it appears that pyridoxamine can limit the damage to proteins created by glycoxidation and lipoxydation reactions and may be beneficial for diseases which involve hyperlipidaemia and/or oxidative stress. You can buy Pyridoxamine's capsules at Supersmarts and benefit from its many activities and properties. Its a promising option for treating the complications of diabetes and age-related degenerative diseases involving oxidative reactions and carbonyl compounds.
This product’s capsules are made of pullulan, a natural polysaccharide obtained by fermenting tapioca or corn. Pullulan contains no animal ingredients and provides an excellent barrier to oxygen, helping to preserve the integrity of the capsule’s ingredients. It is also an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic materials.
august 19 2024
Bon produit dont on a besoin de temps en temps pour compléter d’autres vitamines B.
Good product that is needed from time to time to complement other B vitamins.
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march 23 2024
Si vous ne vous souvenez pas de vos rêves, c'est souvent parce que vous manquez de B6. Les rêves sont revenus pour moi, presque tout de suite après la première prise. Ce qui prouve que le produit est vite assimilé par le corps. Voie parentérale.
If you don't remember your dreams, it's often because you're lacking B6. My dreams came back almost immediately after the first dose. This proves that the product is quickly absorbed by the body. Parenteral route.
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february 26 2024
Vitamine B6 que je trouve complémentaire à griffonia (5-HTP) pour optimalisation du système nerveux et de la fonction psychologique
Vitamin B6, which I find complementary to griffonia (5-HTP) for optimizing the nervous system and psychological function
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november 15 2023
Vitamine B6 très intéressante pour favoriser le sommeil
Vitamin B6 is very interesting for promoting sleep
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june 19 2023
Il faut être extrêmement patiente (3 ans), mais c'est la seule vitamine B6 qui aide petit à petit à faire disparaître les petites boules de graisse sur la peau
You have to be extremely patient (3 years), but this is the only vitamin B6 that gradually helps to make the small fat lumps on the skin disappear.
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