Lugol 1% is an iodine solution with several therapeutic properties, including benefits for hormonal health, now available to buy at Supersmart.
Iodine is one of the most important of the many minerals and oligo-elements necessary for human health. The benefits of iodine supplementation have actually been recognised for over a century. Iodines main function lies in the production of T4 and T3 hormones by the thyroid gland. Dr David Bronstein, one of the world's foremost experts on thyroid and iodine, believes that 95% of the population is deficient in iodine.
Named after the French chemist Jean Lugol, this iodine-potassium iodide preparation has been used since the 19th century to treat thyroid dysfunction. Following the discovery of its numerous other properties, it has been the subject of significant renewed interest in recent years. Supplementing with Lugol solution thus offers an effective way of compensating for such deficiencies. In 2007, Dr Chris Robin published a book called “Iodine Remedies: Secrets from the Sea” in which he outlined the many other therapeutic properties of this iodine-potassium iodide combination, for both internal and topical use. These include beneficial effects against:
This is a pure solution that contains none of the commonly added agents such as disinfectants (like benzalkonium chloride). Inexpensive and effective with broad-spectrum activity, this solution should form an essential part of any family health kit.
Warning: Lugol should not be used as an adjuvant or support for slimming treatments since it increases thyroid metabolism; similarly, it should not be taken alongside high doses of caffeine because of the potential stimulant effect.
However, credit should also go to Dr Jonathan V. Wright for exploring new applications for this iodine-potassium iodide solution. In particular, he showed that the development of breast cysts (fibrocystic breast disease), which was affecting over 50% of all menopausal or peri-menopausal women, could be controlled by iodine intakes.
Other research has shown that Lugol solution may act in a preventive and therapeutic capacity against certain cancers, particularly breast cancer. This is due to iodines ability to interact with oestrogens. Iodine promotes the metabolism of two pro-carcinogenic oestrogens, oestrone and 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone, into oestriol, a neutral oestrogen.
Among other studies, research conducted by Professor Abraham and his colleagues has emphasised the existence of a direct relationship between lung cancer and inadequate iodine intake. Japanese women who have a good intake of iodine have the lowest rates of lung cancer, as well as of ovarian and uterine cancer.
Buy Lugol 1% to support hormonal health.
august 26 2024
Rendement optimal
may 23 2020
application facile
november 4 2024
Bonjour, en mars, le produit valait 14,60 € en octobre il valait 24 € d’où vient cette différence moins de six mois. Merci pour votre réponse.
Hello, in March, the product was worth €14.60, in October it was worth €24. Where does this difference come from in less than six months? Thank you for your response.
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october 10 2024
april 8 2024
Mais problème de compte goutte reçu défectueux....Le flacon aurait bien pu arriver vidé.... Heureusement, l'ancien était presque fini.
However, the dropper was received defective.... The bottle could have easily arrived empty.... Fortunately, the old one was almost finished.
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Translated by SuperSmart - see the original