Far from being a health disorder, cellulite is simply a variation in the distribution of fat on the surface of the skin of the thighs, buttocks, hips and sometimes arms, which affects the vast majority of women (1).
Though in the main harmless, cellulite is nonetheless distressing , as it’s generally considered to be unsightly (2).
The causes of cellulite are fairly well-understood. Small pockets of fat (adipocytes) are found just beneath the surface of the skin, compartmentalised into chamber-like structures contained by dividing walls called ‘septa’.
Under the effects of female hormones and factors such as water retention and poor circulation (3), these pockets gradually increase in volume, enlarging the fat cells (to up to 50 times their initial volume), while at the same time, the septa deteriorate.
This results in the surface of the skin taking on a lumpy and dimpled appearance often referred to as ‘orange peel’ skin.
There are 3 main types of cellulite:
Let’s start with some natural tips for fighting cellulite in general:
Let’s now take a look at the most effective supplements. As several factors contribute to cellulite (hormonal imbalance, circulation problems, lipolysis dysfunction, excess weight, water retention, etc), there is no single micronutrient capable of tackling it, still less eliminating it for good.
The right supplement for you therefore depends on your particular circumstances and the assumed causes of your cellulite: once you’ve your evaluated your situation, you’ll know which supplement to prioritise. A combination of several supplements may be needed to achieve the best results. If necessary, consult a skin specialist to help you choose.
For hormonal or dietary reasons, many women store more fat than they should.
This excess fat accumulates in adipocytes, some of which are in the hypodermis, the skin’s lowermost layer. These fat cells end up taking up so much space that they distort the surface of the skin. This process is exacerbated by inflammation caused by impeded elimination of multiple waste-products due to the disproportionate size of these adipocytes.
This type of cellulite (adipose cellulite) is typically found on the stomach, buttocks, thighs and hips, usually in people who are overweight.
To try and control it, scientists are studying substances that may promote lipolysis, a natural process in which the body ‘burns’ fats to mobilise energy.
There are a number of these substances, including extracts of guarana (mainly because of its high caffeine content), Coleus forskohlii and Garcinia cambogia. Their efficacy is largely based on a similar mechanism of action: supporting the production of a messenger called cAMP, which activates lipase, an enzyme able to trigger lipolysis (several of these compounds can be found in Advanced Fat Burner).
In some cases, cellulite is primarily the result of water retention, which is itself often linked to poor blood and lymphatic circulation.
The accumulation of water in tissues causes swelling and deformities of the skin, making the superficial fat pockets (or ‘dimpling’) stand out.
This type of aqueous cellulite tends to affect thin people, usually on their thighs and calves. It is especially noticeable when the skin in these areas is pinched.
To reduce it, you may want to consider taking ‘anti-cellulite’ infusions (artichoke, meadowsweet…) and ‘draining’ supplements (like the synergistic formulation Water Retention Formula with its barbary fig extract, excellent for combatting water retention).
When adipose cellulite has been present for a while, the collagen fibres that form the partitions between adipocytes can become disorganised and eventually rigid (a process called ‘fibrosis’).
The skin loses its suppleness and gradually becomes hard and painful, and the cellulite becomes even more pronounced. This is called fibrous cellulite, or embedded cellulite. (4).
Harder to dislodge, this type of cellulite usually requires a combination of different approaches: burning excess fat (Advanced Fat Burner), perhaps combatting water retention (Water Retention Formula), or sometimes following a specific medical treatment prescribed by a doctor, etc.
In addition, poor circulation in small blood vessels promotes the storing of superficial fats and the accumulation of waste products around them. That’s why women who suffer from venolymphatic insufficiency are at higher risk of cellulite.
One nutritional strategy, therefore, is to focus on venotonic nutrients to restore health to your venous system, and by extension, combat the cellulite caused by its dysfunction.
The most effective of these, and most notable for venotonic support, is horse chestnut. As a result of its aescin content, it helps to activate venous blood return from the legs, the area most affected by cellulite.
For maximum efficacy, it’s best to choose a venotonic supplement standardised in aescin (such as Horse Chestnut Extract).
Finally, it’s worth remembering that there are natural substances which are excellent for skin health in general.
Biotin (alias vitamin B8 or the ‘beauty vitamin’) helps to maintain healthy skin by supporting cellular metabolism, and the production of both keratin and fatty acids important for the skin barrier, etc.
This vitamin is available as a dietary supplement (for example, Biotin in capsules) and as part of synergistic formulations targeted at skin health (such as Natural Skin Formula, which provides all the elements necessary for beauty, suppleness and skin structure: biotin, collagen, elastin, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, etc.)
One last point : the various forms of cellulite mentioned in this article should not be confused with infectious cellulitis, an acute bacterial infection of the skin (recognisable by red, hot, swollen, painful skin) which in all cases requires medical intervention and follow-up.
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