
What to eat in the evening

Is it best to eat a light meal in the evening in the interests of a good night’s sleep? Protein or carbs? Soup or grains? And how about after a workout? Discover our key pointers on what to eat in the evening, with sample menus and food lists.

Food to eat in the evening

What’s the best time to eat your evening meal ?

You shouldn’t eat it too early as the brain is a lot more active at night than you might think, and is very carb-hungry.

On the other hand, it’s not good to eat it too late as the digestive process triggers a rise in body temperature which is not conducive to falling asleep.

The best time to eat dinner is two to four hours before you go to bed, with perhaps a light snack at bedtime if you’ve eaten dinner quite early.

What are the best ‘evening’ foods to eat for problem-free digestion and a good night’s sleep?

Focus on tryptophan-rich foods

Tryptophan is one of nine amino acids which the body is unable to produce itself, and which occurs relatively rarely in the diet.

But it’s invaluable for sleep since it enables us to produce serotonin and thus melatonin, a hormone which promotes drowsiness and the linking together of sleep cycles.

It’s therefore a good idea to include tryptophan-rich foods in your evening menu:

  • seeds, especially pumpkin seeds;
  • nuts;
  • milk, and in particular, whey;
  • grains and starches such as oats, soy, rice, quinoa and rye;
  • eggs;
  • fish and lean meat;
  • bananas;
  • or indeed tryptophan supplements (such as L-Tryptophan) if you suffer from sleep problems regularly.

Generally speaking, fresh fruit and vegetables encourage melatonin production. Light and packed with vitamins, they’re a good option for dinner. And contrary to common belief, it’s perfectly okay to eat watermelon in the evening: although it has diuretic effects, it doesn’t increase the risk of nocturia (waking in the night to urinate).

Opt for low-GI carbs

Carbohydrates also support melatonin production and provide the energy needed for cerebral function, the brain being particularly active during REM sleep (almost as active as in the waking up phase).

It’s best to prioritise carbohydrates with a low or medium glycaemic index in order to provide the brain with glucose throughout the night: the brain cells responsible for making us fall asleep can regulate wake and sleep states depending on the energy supply available (1); in other words, they can ‘nudge’ us awake if we’re hungry!

Examples of low-GI carbohydrates:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • pulses (beans, lentils, chickpeas…);
  • wholegrain rice;
  • quinoa.

But don’t avoid high-GI carbs altogether as they help us fall asleep - just choose wisely. A little honey in a herbal tea, or vegetable or fruit juices for example, are much better than sweets or shop-bought biscuits.

Steer clear of high-fat or high-protein meals

A heavy meal, with too much fat and protein, impedes digestion and raises body temperature (thermogenesis), both of which disrupt sleep.

In addition, too much fat alters our sensitivity to orexin, a hormone with a key role in regulating sleep and appetite control. This can lead to ill-timed stimulation of an awake state and fragmented sleep.

In the evening, it’s therefore best to avoid or limit the following foods or types of meal:

  • fast food;
  • cheese-based meals;
  • red meat and charcuterie;
  • fried foods;
  • mass-produced pastries;
  • meals combining several protein sources (different meats, cheese and meat together…)

Be aware too that spices such as chili, pepper and ginger can also make it harder to fall asleep as they stimulate thermogenesis.

Avoid caffeine, and alcohol

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, and also blocks the action of adenosine, the accumulation of which encourages drowsiness and regulation of sleep cycles. It also inhibits melatonin production for up to 6 hours after consumption, leading to fragmented sleep and repeated wakefulness. Nicotine produces the same effects.

As for alcohol, it has a two-stage effect: it initially helps us fall asleep through a muscle-relaxant effect, but then provokes night-time waking and even insomnia at the end of the night.

Drinks to avoid after 4pm:

  • coffee;
  • tea;
  • energy drinks;
  • hot chocolate;
  • yerba mate;
  • alcohol.

An extra tip for a good night’s sleep: magnesium

Finally, it’s important to ensure a good intake of magnesium, a mineral that’s excellent for relaxing the muscles and regulating the nervous system.

It’s found in various foods including almonds and spinach, or for a more substantial intake, you could take a supplement (such as Magnesium Malate).

Can eating light in the evening help you lose weight?

For lasting weight loss, you need to take in less energy than you expend. Eating light in the evening can help with this, but it’s important to include important food groups such as sources of carbohydrates and protein, fruit, vegetables, and healthy fats.

A light but well-balanced and nutritious dinner is the best option for achieving lasting weight loss. For a successful diet, and for quality sleep and good health in general, it is really not advisable to ‘skip dinner’ or to only eat soup or an apple (2).

Here’s an example of a menu for an evening meal to support weight loss:

  • fresh fruit (apple pear, kiwi, grapes…) rich in fibre, to provide ‘ballast’ to the stomach, raise blood sugar and help capture part of the cholesterol to come. Vegetable soup will do the same. Wait a good five minutes before moving on to the next part;
  • 100-120g of quinoa (or wholegrain pasta or rice…) with vegetables (courgettes, peppers, leeks…). Starchy foods are important to prevent night-time cravings. The grains can be replaced by two slices of wholemeal bread if preferred;
  • 15g of cashew nuts (or other nuts);
  • a mushroom omelette;
  • a natural yogurt, with pieces of fresh fruit if preferred;
  • a herbal tea, with an added teaspoon of good quality honey for sweetness and to help you fall asleep;
  • and possibly a slimming supplement suited to your goals (such as Weight Loss Booster).

What to eat in the evening after a workout

If you exercise or take part in sport after work at the end of the day or even in the evening, then dinner is an important meal for your recovery: don’t neglect it! Here are some tips for eating well after a late training session (3):

  • think about protein, but don’t overload your meal unnecessarily: instead add some carbohydrates to restore any glycogen used up during physical exertion. Opt for low-GI carbs (wholegrain pasta, rice or bread, quinoa…);
  • also make sure you rehydrate your body and provide it with mineral salts to replace those lost in perspiration;
  • avoid eating too many foods that contain tyrosine, a stimulant amino acid which can make it harder to fall asleep: eggs, tofu, beef, turkey, veal, pork, fish, cheese, etc. Instead, choose vegetable protein;
  • if your workout was intense, include some fatty foods in the meal which take longer to digest, to avoid waking up in the night through hunger. But steer clear of fast food and ready-meals;
  • prepare your meal in advance so that you’re not tempted to ‘cut corners’ through tiredness and so that you don’t eat too late;
  • eat a piece of fruit or a fruit compote to replenish your vitamins;
  • and perhaps take a post-workout recovery supplement (such as SuperWater) to restore acid-base balance and combat exercise-induced acid waste products.

For personalised advice, consult your nutritionist or an expert health professional.

Sleep problems: add relaxing plants and melatonin to the menu

In general, if you suffer from sleep problems, also take a supplement during the evening that contains relaxing plant extracts, to restore restful sleep (such as Natural Sleep Formula).

You could also take advantage of synergistic supplements which combine these types of plant extracts with melatonin, to further help reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep (try Advanced Sleep Formula or chewable Sleep Gummies).



  1. Varin, C., Rancillac, A., Geoffroy, H., Arthaud, S., Fort, P., & Gallopin, T. (2015). Glucose Induces Slow-Wave Sleep by Exciting the Sleep-Promoting Neurons in the Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus: A New Link between Sleep and Metabolism. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 35(27), 9900–9911.
  2. Lee JS, Mishra G, Hayashi K, Watanabe E, Mori K, Kawakubo K. Combined eating behaviors and overweight: Eating quickly, late evening meals, and skipping breakfast. Eat Behav. 2016 Apr;21:84-8. doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2016.01.009. Epub 2016 Jan 21. PMID: 26824682.
  3. Maton F. Que manger après l’entraînement du soir ? Institut de recherche du bien-être de la médecine et du sport santé (IRBMS) [consulté le 14/07/2024]


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