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Woman who has taken a natural appetite-suppressant
What is the most effective natural appetite-suppressant?

Prone to cravings? Unable to control your sweet tooth? Discover the best natural appetite-suppressants for effortlessly curbing your hunger pangs.

Coming out of depression
Guides and tutorials
Stress & Mood
How can you beat depression?

Dark thoughts, constant sadness, exhaustion… Depression is the kind of unhappiness that needs to be taken seriously. Here’s our advice on how to keep seeing the light at the end of the tunnel day after day.

Lack of dopamine in the brain
Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
Lack of dopamine: which supplement should you take?

Dopamine is a hormone that affects motor control, pleasure, motivation, the desire to move forward … In what circumstances might you be lacking in it, and what can you do to boost your levels?

Woman taking anti-stress supplements
Stress & Mood
The 5 best supplements for beating stress

Knot in the stomach, racing heart, frayed nerves: stress certainly knows how to sow discord in our bodies. Discover the 5 most effective supplements for maintaining a calm outlook on life.

Dangers of sleeping with earphones in
Vision & Hearing
Is it dangerous to sleep with earphones in?

Many of us like to drop off listening to a podcast or some music. But is falling into a deep sleep wearing earbuds really a good idea?

Land of Tao and traditional Chinese medicine
Tao and traditional Chinese medicine: principles and treatments

Based largely on Taoism, traditional Chinese medicine dates back more than 2500 years. Let’s take a look at its key principles and characteristic remedies.

How to cleanse the kidneys
The 4 best natural remedies for cleansing the kidneys

The body’s mini-water treatment plants, the kidneys are frequently placed under severe strain by modern lifestyles. Here are 4 natural remedies for cleansing them.

Hair loss
Hair loss: 7 effective supplements

Hair loss is thought to affect 85% of men and 35% of women over a lifetime. Discover the best supplements for fighting hair loss.

ATP production
Guides and tutorials
What role does ATP play in the body and how can you boost it?

ATP is present in the cells of all living things. What exactly does it do and how can you increase production?

Mother and daughter cuddling
Stress & Mood
Can we survive without hugs?

What role does hugging play in our health? Are these exchanges of affection essential to our survival? Discover how many hugs a day science recommends.

Benefits of iodine supplements according to medicine
Guides and tutorials
Iodine supplements: why take them?

Even though we only need a tiny amount, iodine is essential for health. Discover in which instances it can help to take a supplement.

Woman with fibromyalgia
Guides and tutorials
Fibromyalgia: which supplements can help?

“My whole body hurts, all the time”. That’s what fibromyalgia sufferers have to contend with on a daily basis. Which supplements can help in managing this still poorly-understood condition?

Older person with dementia
Brain nutrition
Does vitamin D help prevent dementia?

A 35-year study, published in December 2022, analysed the relationship between vitamin D levels and cognitive decline in older adults. We take a closer look at a discovery that pushes the boundaries in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

Molecule of tryptophan
Guides and tutorials
Stress & Mood
When should you take tryptophan and where is it found in the diet?

There are many reasons why consumers choose to take tryptophan. Discover the benefits and dietary sources of this essential amino acid.

Addiction to CBD
Inner balance
Cannabidiol and addiction: does CBD cause dependence or addiction?

Cannabidiol (or CBD) has been enjoying a surge in popularity over the last few years. But could this ‘legal cannabis’ prove addictive?

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