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InflaRelief Formula

Natural supplement for immune imbalance

27 reviewsRead reviews

The best natural anti-inflammatory nutrients for restoring inner balance
  • Contains 12 completely natural substances.
  • Brings together the best ingredients for promoting inner balance and fighting chronic inflammation (curcumin, bromelain, gingerols, quercetin, rutin…)
  • High content of tulsi and turmeric, with antioxidant properties.
  • Rich in nettle and cat’s claw, which support the immune system.
  • Contains 3 high-quality, patented ingredients (Perluxan®, 5-Loxin® and Bioperine®).

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180 Veg. Caps

69.00 €


180 Veg. Caps

69.00 €

63.48 €

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InflaRelief Formula

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

InflaRelief Formula is an anti-inflammatory supplement with a broad spectrum of action. It combines the best natural substances for promoting inner balance (curcumin, bromelain, gingerols, quercetin, rutin…) as well as 3 excellent patented ingredients (Perluxan®, 5-Loxin® and Bioperine®).

What is in the supplement InflaRelief Formula?

InflaRelief Formula packs into a single capsule 12 natural nutrients chosen for their re-balancing effects on the body:

  1. Perluxan®, a hop cone extract standardised to 30% alpha and iso-alpha acids (1). Alpha-acids are, amongst others, responsible for the bitter taste of beer, as well as for helping to preserve it via a natural anti-bacterial action. Unlike the whole plant, this particular form of extract is free from any oestrogenic effect and does not affect sleep;
  2. nettle (Urtica dioica) in the form of a standardised extract. It supports good immune and osteoarticular system function as a result of the anti-inflammatory action of its caffeoylmalic acid (2) ;
  3. cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa), standardised in oxindole alkaloids. Also known as ‘vine of Peru’, it helps support the immune defences (3) ;
  4. turmeric (Curcuma longa) with 95% curcuminoids for enhanced efficacy. A root symbolic of Ayurvedic medicine, it has antioxidant properties and helps maintain good immunity (4) ;
  5. tulsi (Ocimum sanctum). An age-old adaptogen plant from Tibetan medicine, this helps maintain optimal physical and mental health and also supports normal immune function as well as having an antioxidant action (5) ;
  6. bromelain. This pineapple-derived proteolytic enzyme complex has a remarkable capacity for ‘digesting’ proteins. As it is not completely broken down during digestion, it reaches the bloodstream to exert a systemic action (6). Pineapple was traditionally used by the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean as a topical aid to wound-healing ;
  7. ginger (Zingiber officinale), in the form of an extract standardised in gingerols and shogaols. Used for thousands of years in south-east Asia, this spicy root has been widely-studied by the scientific community. One study specifically showed how 6-gingerol interacts with the osteoarticular system (7) ;
  8. quercetin, a flavonol found naturally in many plant- foods (such as apples and capers) forming part of their defence system (8) ;
  9. rutin, a bioflavonoid extracted from the aromatic shrub Ruta graveolens, or Common rue, with a similar action to that of quercetin (9) ;
  10. rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), standardised to 6% rosmarinic acid, a powerful phenolic acid. A key herb in Mediterranean cuisine, it was also an ingredient in the Queen of Hungary’s Water, which she used to relieve her painful rheumatism (10) ;
  11. 5-Loxin®, a specific extract of Boswellia serrata standardised to 30% acetyl-keto-beta-boswellic acids (AKBA). Studies have specifically investigated the effect of this active principle on inflammatory markers (IL β , IL-6, TNF- α and PGE2) (11) ;
  12. Bioperine®, extracted from black pepper and standardised in piperine. It increases the absorption and availability of the other compounds (12).

What is chronic inflammation ?

Inflammation is the body’s normal physiological response to a stressor: infection, trauma, exposure to an allergen… Initially beneficial, this adaptive mechanism is designed to accelerate elimination of the pathogen and promote healing.

There are usually four signs of inflammation: heat, redness, swelling and pain. These are the result of the mobilisation of immune cells to the site of injury or infection. First in line are the neutrophils and macrophages whose job it is to neutralise the causative agent by ‘digesting’ it (phagocytosis). If this first line of defence proves insufficient, specific immune cells called B and T lymphocytes come into play.

This inflammatory response is normally temporary and stops once the cause has been identified and dealt with. But in some cases, it gradually and insidiously takes root over time: this is referred to as chronic inflammation or low-grade inflammation. It can therefore remain in the background of most long-term disorders such as osteoarthritis, diabetes and even auto-immune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease…) (13).

A reliable marker of an inflammatory state is an individual’s level of CRP (C-Reactive Protein) which can be confirmed by a blood test. A value above 6mg/L indicates the presence of inflammation in the body.

What is in InflaRelief Formula

Hop cone extract
Nettle extract
Cat's claw extract
Curcumin C3 Complex
Curcuma longa extract

Any questions?

What everyday steps can you take to fight inflammation?

These simple measures can help reduce chronic inflammation:

  • take regular exercise. Physical activity stimulates the release of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-10 (IL-10), two cytokines which naturally lower inflammation levels (14). The effect is even more pronounced when the exercise is prolonged;
  • lose weight. Adipose cells affect fatty tissue macrophages by maintaining an inflammatory state (15). If you are overweight, try to lose a few kilos by making appropriate diet and lifestyle changes;
  • adopt an anti-inflammatory diet. Reduce your consumption of sugar and prioritise foods with a low glycaemic index (GI) (such as pulses and whole grains) (16). Eat plenty of highly-coloured fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants. At the same time, increase your omega-3 intake (with oily fish, rapeseed oil, walnuts, flax and chia seeds ...) to redress the balance with omega-6, an excess of which becomes pro-inflammatory (17);
  • avoid stress as much as possible. Increased psychosocial stress can raise CRP levels (18). To reduce inflammation, indulge in some relaxation exercises, yoga, meditation or any activity you find relaxing.
Which dietary supplements to combine with InflaRelief?

To help fight inflammation, the supplement InflaRelief can be combined with various other products, depending on your particular problem:

  • for joint discomfort, consider Joint Support Formula enriched with bamboo, a plant that contains silica which reduces joint and bone discomfort (19) ;
  • many people choose to combine InflaRelief with a supplement containing CBD, a molecule with relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties extracted from hemp, butwith no psychoactive effect (20).
What are the capsules in this product made of?

This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.


This product is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
There are 27 reviews






Excellent 27 Reviews
Véronique De Sainte Marie

september 20 2024

Difficile a evaluer car je prends d'autres plantes, a mon avis pas suffisant pour enlever des douleurs articulaires ougenre sciatiques. A prendre en complement a cause de la curmcumine

Difficult to evaluate because I take other plants, in my opinion not enough to remove joint pain or sciatica. To be taken as a supplement because of the curcumin.

SuperSmart's response september 24 2024

Bonjour Véronique,

Merci d'avoir pris le temps de laisser un avis sur notre InflaRelief Formula - 180 Gel Veg. Nous comprenons qu'il peut être difficile d'évaluer l'efficacité d'un produit lorsque vous prenez également d'autres plantes.

Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous n'avez pas trouvé le produit suffisant pour soulager vos douleurs articulaires ou sciatiques. La curcumine peut effectivement être un complément utile, mais les résultats peuvent varier selon les individus et les circonstances.

Si vous avez des questions ou souhaitez discuter de votre expérience, n'hésitez pas à contacter notre service client. Nous sommes là pour vous aider à trouver une solution qui vous convienne mieux.

Merci encore pour votre retour, et nous espérons pouvoir mieux vous servir à l'avenir.


Gaëlle - Supersmart

SuperSmart's response september 24 2024

Hello Véronique,

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review on our InflaRelief Formula - 180 Veg Capsules. We understand that it can be difficult to assess the effectiveness of a product when you are also taking other herbs.

We are sorry to hear that you did not find the product sufficient to relieve your joint or sciatic pain. Curcumin can indeed be a useful supplement, but results may vary depending on the individual and circumstances.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your experience, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service. We are here to help you find a solution that suits you better.

Thank you again for your feedback, and we hope to serve you better in the future.


Gaëlle - Supersmart

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Enrique Dura Castillo0

september 7 2024

Esta fórmula, que consta de varios principios activos contra la inflamación, me está resultando muy util. El traumatólogo me prescribió un medicamento " Celebrex " para una inflamación que tenía en el pie, que me funcionó muy bien, pero me advirtió que sólo podía tomármelo durante 10 días y al advertir que también tenía problemas de artrosis, me recetó otro compuesto de parafarmacia, basado en cúrcuma y Bótsmelia, que podría tomarlo a largo plazo. Tras comprobar la composición del indicado por el doctor y compararlo con este de SuperSmart me di cuenta de que además de tener los mismos componentes, también añadía otros. El precio más o menos me salía igual, por lo que decidí comprar este y me funciona muy bien, me ha reducido mucho los dolores, eso sí hay que esperar alrededor de 3 meses para que se note el efecto.

Hackmayer Frank

august 17 2024

Auch dieses Produkt gut durchdacht und lässt mich von der Qualität überzeugen. Habe erhebliche Beschwerden im Zusammenhang mit Plantafazitis an den Füßen zu tun . Positives ist zu bemerken nach längerer Einnahme.

This product is also well thought out and convinces me of its quality. I have significant issues related to plantar fasciitis in my feet. Positive effects are noticeable after prolonged use.

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Marcerou Veronique

june 2 2024

Je me sens mieux merci

I feel better thank you

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Marie Khiat

may 6 2024

Il est composé d'ingrédients naturels pour le soutien du système immunitaire. De plus c'est un antioxydant de grande qualité.

It is composed of natural ingredients for immune system support. Additionally, it is a high-quality antioxidant.

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