

Synthesis of vitamin D via glass
Guides and tutorials
Can the body make vitamin D from the sun through a window?

We’re often told to expose our skin to the sun for 20-30 minutes a day to ensure we get enough vitamin D, but can this be done from behind a window?

Remedies for erectile dysfunction
Erectile problems: 10 natural and effective remedies

Many men are affected by erectile dysfunction, particularly after the age of 40. What causes such problems and can they be overcome using natural remedies?

Food to eat in the evening
Guides and tutorials
What to eat in the evening

Is it best to eat a light meal in the evening in the interests of a good night’s sleep? Protein or carbs? Soup or grains? And how about after a workout? Discover our key pointers on what to eat in the evening, with sample menus and food lists.

Health professionals’ views of our dietary supplements
Why do these health experts recommend SuperSmart?

Want to know why pharmacists, naturopaths and nutritionists recommend SuperSmart? Discover, in their own words, what they think and which products are their favourites.

The best natural laxatives
Gastrointestinal health
Constipation: the 7 best natural laxatives

Suffer from constipation? Discover the 7 best natural laxatives for providing rapid relief and/or long-term prevention.

Drawing of the best adaptogenic plants
List of the 8 most effective adaptogenic plants (according to the EFSA)

Marvels of nature, adaptogenic plants help to strengthen the body by relieving stress. Discover the 8 best adaptogenic plants as listed by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA).

Losing belly fat
How to lose belly fat

Abdominal adiposity can not only make us feel self-conscious, but it can also damage our health. What natural options are there for helping to shed belly fat?

Chemistry of love
The chemical formula for love … revealed

Desire, sex and attachment depend on chemical processes that take place within us. SuperSmart reveals the chemistry of love, at each stage of a romantic relationship.

Senolytics stop the ageing process
Guides and tutorials
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Anti-ageing: senolytics, the best way to stay young

Do you want to delay the negative effects of ageing and stay fit and healthy for as long as possible, to get the most out of life and time spent with loved ones? Discover senolytics, the ultimate weapon for fighting the ageing process.

Foods rich in magnesium
Top 10 magnesium-rich foods

The majority of us are generally lacking in magnesium. So here’s our selection of the top 10 magnesium-rich foods to incorporate into your diet as soon as possible. Can you guess which one tops the list?

Digestive enzymes which break down food
Guides and tutorials
Gastrointestinal health
Digestive enzymes: what are they and why should you take them?

Digestive enzymes play a key role in ensuring our digestion operates smoothly. Discover all their biological functions and how important they are for nutrient absorption.

Slimming with the Natman diet
Guides and tutorials
4-day Natman Diet: review and menus

Have you heard about the Natman slimming diet which promises you’ll shed 4 kilos in 4 days? Find out how this super-fast diet works, our view on its efficacy and some typical recipes.

Fermented black garlic
Heart & Circulation
Virtues of black garlic: 4 benefits of the aged form of this classic culinary bulb

An amazing, recently-developed form of this classic ingredient, black garlic is packed with benefits for health. Discover the 4 main virtues of this nutraceutical born in Japan.

Dangers of taking melatonin every day
Guides and tutorials
Is it dangerous to take melatonin every day?

Melatonin is increasingly popular with those suffering from sleep problems. But does taking it every day cause any side-effects?

Neuroprotective supplements
Guides and tutorials
Brain nutrition
The brain: the 3 best neuroprotective supplements

Incredibly complex, the brain remotely controls all the body’s functions. Discover the 3 key substances that provide it with optimal protection.

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