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Aminoguanidine can prevent the formation of advanced glycation end products and may even destroy certain cross-links.
Many age-related degenerative diseases, such as vascular, neurological and vision problems, originate from glycation and glycosylation, processes in which glucose molecules bind to proteins, "caramelising" them in such a way as to render them inoperative. Increasingly, scientists consider excess blood sugar to be the second most important 'metabolic catastrophe' after oxidation that the ageing body faces. It seems that rusting (oxidation) and caramelisation (glycation) combine to transform young, strong bodies into ageing, weakened ones.
Aminoguanidine is one of only three identified nutritional substances (the others being carnosine and benfotiamine, also available to buy at Supersmart) which can stop this damage. Each of these substances acts through specific mechanisms and their combined use makes for considerable synergy benefits. The aminoguanidine we offer is the hydrochloride form (HCL) used in clinical studies demonstrating its efficacy. As its half-life in the body is only four hours, it is best to spread the dose evenly over the day.
Buy Aminoguanidine HCL capsules to help with blood sugar control.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
july 16 2024
february 25 2024
Produit de référence anti-âge
Anti-aging reference product
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october 25 2023
Probiere ich auf Anweisung meines Arztes um die Glycklierunng in meiner Augenlinse zu verbessern. Nehme Aminoguanidin regelmäßig und mein „grauer Star „ hat sich nicht verschlechtert.
I am trying this on the advice of my doctor to improve glycation in my eye lens. I take aminoguanidine regularly and my "cataract" has not worsened.
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august 20 2023
Bon produit anti-âge****
Good anti-aging product****
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october 29 2021
Faites un bilan glucidique au bout d'un mois. Si votre taux de sucre a baissé c'est que le produit vous convient. Dans le cas contraire, il vous faut changer de stratégie.
Do a carbohydrate assessment after a month. If your sugar level has dropped, it means the product suits you. Otherwise, you need to change your strategy.
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Translated by SuperSmart - see the original